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The Effect of Using an Accounting Information System Based on Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Earnings Management to Enhance the Sustainability of Economic Units
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This research aims to clarify the importance of an accounting information system that uses artificial intelligence to detect earnings manipulation. The research problem stems from the widespread manipulation of earning in economic entities, especially at the local level, exacerbated by the high financial and administrative corruption rates in Iraq due to fraudulent accounting practices. Since earning manipulation involves intentional fraudulent acts, it is necessary to implement preventive measures to detect and deter such practices. The main hypothesis of the research assumes that an accounting information system based on artificial intelligence cannot effectively detect the manipulation of profits in Iraqi economic entities. The researchers have reached several conclusions, the most prominent of which is that applying accounting information systems based on artificial intelligence in the accounting world is an inevitable trend that will bring about significant changes and developments in detecting and preventing the manipulation of earning. Using the Beneish model and one of the Data Mining techniques, namely the logistical regression technique, can effectively identify earnings management situations and enhance the functionality of accounting information systems. This includes improving system speed and efficiency, ensuring accurate output, and enhancing system security. Researchers strongly call for using and developing artificial intelligence within accounting information systems, especially the Beneish model. This will make it easier to detect earning manipulation and enhance cybersecurity measures, ultimately protecting the integrity and reliability of the computer system. The authors use the Benish model on a sample of economic units including (5) units and logistic regression on a sample including (5) Iraqi private banks. The result of applying these two methods was that using the Benish model led to one company that practices earnings management. However, when applying the logistic regression technique, there are two ratios, namely cash/total deposits and the creditors/total debts ratio, in which there is earnings management in private Iraqi banks. Accountants should continuously increase their knowledge and experience through training and continuing education to prepare themselves for greater responsibility in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study the Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles Combination with Antibiotics and Plant extracts Against Some Gram Negative Bacteria
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Titanium dioxide TiO2 has been widely utilized in cleaning and sterilizing material for many clinical tools sanitary ware, food tableware and cooking and items for use in hospitals. Titanium dioxide TiO2 non toxicity and long term physical and chemical stability. It has been widely used decomposition of organic compounds and microbial organisms such as cancer cell, viruses and bacteria as well as its potential application in sterilization of medical devices. The aim of the study the effect of titanium dioxide TiO2 on some Gram negative bacteria and study their effects on some virulence factors and chromosomal DNA.In this study, we obtained (E. coli ? Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris ? Pseudomonas aeruginosa ? Klebsiella pneumonia and Ac

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
Analytical Study Of Some Biomechanical Variables For Progress Phase Their Relationship To The Level Of High Player Weight Position When Performing Background Acrobatic Movements In Artistic Gymnastics Researchers
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison Between Two Approaches (MLE &DLS) to Estimate Frechet Poisson Lindley Distribution Compound by Using Simulation
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  In this paper simulation technique plays a vital role to compare between two approaches Maximum Likelihood method and Developed Least Square method to estimate the parameters of Frechet Poisson Lindley Distribution Compound. by coding using Matlab software program. Also, under different sample sizes via mean square error. As the results which obtain that Maximum Likelihood Estimation method is better than Developed Least Square method to estimate these parameters to the proposed distribution.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Potential Positive Effects using Coenzyme Q10 Supplement as Adjuvant Therapy to Gabapentin for Managing Diabetic Neuropathy
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The most prevalent chronic complication of diabetes mellitus is diabetic neuropathy. The pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy is exacerbated by hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress, which causes nerves to deteriorate in a programmed manner. Many clinical trials depend on supplement in an attempt to improve neuropathy symptoms such as (pain & tingling) and patient quality of life, one of them is Coenzyme Q10 which is reported to have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and was totally nontoxic and non-reported side effects. This study aimed to evaluate using a Coenzyme Q10 supplement as an adjuvant therapy to gabapentin to improve the clinical symptoms of diabetic neuropathy in relation to its anti-inflammatory and antioxid

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Approximation Non-Bayesian Computation with Fuzzy Data to Estimation Inverse Weibull Parameters and Reliability Function
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        In real situations all observations and measurements are not exact numbers but more or less non-exact, also called fuzzy. So, in this paper, we use approximate non-Bayesian computational methods to estimate inverse Weibull parameters and reliability function with fuzzy data. The maximum likelihood and moment estimations are obtained as non-Bayesian estimation. The maximum likelihood estimators have been derived numerically based on two iterative techniques namely “Newton-Raphson” and the “Expectation-Maximization” techniques. In addition, we provide compared numerically through Monte-Carlo simulation study to obtained estimates of the parameters and reliability function i

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Enhanced Support Vector Machine Methods Using Stochastic Gradient Descent and Its Application to Heart Disease Dataset
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Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are supervised learning models used to examine data sets in order to classify or predict dependent variables. SVM is typically used for classification by determining the best hyperplane between two classes. However, working with huge datasets can lead to a number of problems, including time-consuming and inefficient solutions. This research updates the SVM by employing a stochastic gradient descent method. The new approach, the extended stochastic gradient descent SVM (ESGD-SVM), was tested on two simulation datasets. The proposed method was compared with other classification approaches such as logistic regression, naive model, K Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest. The results show that the ESGD-SVM has a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Department and its impact on polygamy
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The research talks about the interest and its impact on polygamy as a legitimate social psychological issue, where she talked about the concept of polygamy, and evidence of the legitimacy of polygamy, and clarify the conditions, and then touched on the great interests for which the law allowed polygamy, and mentioned some practical models in polygamy, including What is in the interest of men in pluralism, including in the interest of women in pluralism, including in the interests of both sexes in pluralism


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the indicators of the educational process and scientific levelUsing the analysis of variance of ordered data in repeated measurements
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In this research want to make analysis for some indicators and it's classifications that related with the teaching process and the            scientific level for graduate studies in the university by using analysis of variance for ranked data for repeated measurements instead of the ordinary analysis of variance . We reach many conclusions  for the                         

important classifications for each indicator that has affected on   the teaching process.         &nb

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Sust Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science (jecs)
Virtual failure influence of Roseires dam on Khartoum city using HEC-RAS Hydraulic simulation modeling
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Dam break is series phenomenon that can result in fatal consequences and loss of properties. Unfortunately, the observed consequences can only be available after the dam breaks. Therefore, it is important to anticipate what will happen prior to dam break to issue suitable warning and locate the possible risk areas. This study attempts to simulate the case of dam break in Blue Nile at Roseires dam and see its consequences downstream. Roseires dam lies at a distance of 630 km south of Khartoum, Sennar dam lies at about 260 km downstream of Roseires dam. In this study hydraulic model is developed based of Hydraulic Engineering Centre (HEC), River Analysis System (RAS), and HEC- RAS. The HEC-RAS based model is calibrated and validated usi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Rapid Detection of Aspergillus flavus isolates producing aflatoxin using UV light on different culture media
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This study included the isolation and identification of Aspergillus flavus isolates associated with imported American rice grains and local corn grains which collected from local markets, using UV light with 365 nm wave length and different media (PDA, YEA, COA, and CDA ). One hundred and seven fungal isolates were identified in rice and 147 isolates in corn.4 genera and 7 species were associated with grains, the genera were Aspergillus ,Fusarium ,Neurospora ,Penicillium . Aspergillus was dominant with occurrence of 0.47% and frequency of 11.75% in rice grains whereas in corn grains the genus Neurospora was dominant with occurrence of 1.09% and frequency 27.25% ,results revealed that 20 isolates out of 50 A. flavus isolates were able

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