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High performance liquid chromatographic determination of aflatoxins in chilli, peanut and rice using silica based monolithic column
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A simple and rapid high performance liquid chromatographic with fluorescence detection method for the determination of the aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 in peanuts, rice and chilli was developed. The sample was extracted using acetonitrile:water (90:10, v/v%) and then purified by using ISOLUTE multimode solid phase extraction. After the pre-column derivatisation, the analytes were separated within 3.7 min using Chromolith performance RP-18e (100–4.6 mm) monolithic column. To assess the possible effects of endogenous components in the food items, matrix-matched calibration was used for the quantification and validation. The recoveries of aflatoxins that were spiked into food samples were 86.38–104.5% and RSDs were <4.4%. The method was applied to the determination of aflatoxins in peanut (9), rice (5) and chilli (10) samples. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry analysis using triple quadruple analyser and operated in the multiple reaction monitoring modes on the contaminated samples was performed for confirmation

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
Sarah Orne Jewett As a Precursor of Ecoconscious Children Fiction: “A White heron” As an Example
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Nearly a century and a half has passed since Sarah Orne Jewett published her much anthologized short story “A White Heron” (1886), but commentators on the tale missed one of the most important points in the text. It is the story’s similarity to the traditional Euro-centric fairy tale of “Little Red Riding Hood”. As an author, writing at the end of the ninetieth century, a time that witnessed the demise of the Romantic movement in America and the beginning of the age of Realism, Jewett did not romanticize her characters, despite the idyllic landscape in which “A White Heron” is set. Her story can be analyzed as a text that aims at disseminating ecological awareness among her young readers. This study focuses on Jewett

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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Pseudomonas aerogenosa lipopolysaccharidewas extracted by hot phenol method and purified by gel filtration method using the Sephadex G-200 gel and detected by the limulus amebocyt lysate (EU/ml 0.03)(Wako Chemicals USA, Inc.). The inhibitory effect of partially purified LPS on Candida glabrata yeast was studied in a microdilution method. This study found that LPS has an inhibitory effect on Candida glabrata with the lower concentrations. The inhibitory effect of LPS which treated with heating was studied under boiling and wet heat effect. The toxicity of LPS on Candida glabrata was not affected when treated with heating LPS and the results were similar to those found in untreated LPS

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application of “LIML_LVR” method practically according to the general formula K-CLASS on suggestion simultaneous equation
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في هذا البحث نحاول تسليط الضوء على إحدى طرائق تقدير المعلمات الهيكلية لنماذج المعادلات الآنية الخطية والتي تزودنا بتقديرات متسقة تختلف أحيانا عن تلك التي نحصل عليها من أساليب الطرائق التقليدية الأخرى وفق الصيغة العامة لمقدرات K-CLASS. وهذه الطريقة تعرف بطريقة الإمكان الأعظم محدودة المعلومات "LIML" أو طريقة نسبة التباين الصغرى"LVR

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
8th Conference On Power Electronics, Machines And Drives (pemd), Glasgow, Uk
Design of tubular moving magnet linear alternator for use with an external combustion - free piston engine
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with NSM-CFRP Strips Subjected to Fire Exposure: A Numerical Study
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The use of Near-Surface Mounted (NSM) Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips is an efficient technology for increasing flexural and shear strength or for repairing damaged Reinforced Concrete (RC) members. This strengthening method is a promising technology. However, the thin layer of concrete covering the NSM-CFRP strips is not adequate to resist heat effect when directly exposed to a fire or at a high temperature. There is clear evidence that the strength and stiffness of CFRPs severely deteriorate at high temperatures. Therefore, in terms of fire resistance, the NSM technique has a significant defect. Thus, it is very important to develop a set of efficient fire protection systems to overcome these disadvantages. This pape

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Antifungal Activity of Propolis Ethanol Extract Against Botrytis cinerea, Altrnaria sp Which Caused Many Plant Diseases
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  This study was conducted to determine the effect of different concentrations of   ethanol  extract of propolis against two  fungi Botrytis cinerea, Altrnaria sp.      The most important chemical constituents of propolis diagnosed by the Infra Red Spectroscopy, were the  Flavonoids  specificaly.       Results showed a high antifungal activity of ethanol  extract of propolis, evidently with a high concentration  of extract (5) mg\ml, which completely inhibited the radial growth on both  solid and liquid media (PDA &PD Broth ) of both fungi .         We observed that , ethanol  extract p

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The problems of Google Translate: Los servicios de la traducción automática de Google y sus problemas
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There are numbers of automatic translation services that internet users can choose to automatically translate a certain text, and Google translate is one of these automatic services that proposes over 51 Languages. The present paper sheds light on the nature of the translation process offered by Google, and analyze the most prominent problems faced when Google translate is used. Direct translation is common with Google Translate and often results in nonsensical literal translations, particularly with long compound sentences. This is due to the fact that Google translation system uses a method based on language pair frequency that does not take into account grammatical rules which, in turn, affects the quality of the translation. The

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Space-Charge Effect on Theoretical Design of the Electron Gun Operated under Finite Magnification Condition
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A computer theoretical s1udy has been carried out in field of opto - clcctroniccs, to design  an electron  gun using the space charge effect.

The   distribution  of   axial  potential    upon   the  two   -electrode

immersion  lens  of  (L=l4mm)  has been  carried   out   using   Poisons equation and the  tinite  clement  method;  knowing  the first 11nd second derivation  of  the    axial   potential   and  the  solution   of  paraxial   ray equation, the  optical   prop

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Modified Organic Method for Preparation of Ibuprofen Microcapsules As a Sustained Release Solid Dosage Form
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Microencapsulation is used to modify and retard drug release as well as to overcome the unpleasant effect
(gastrointestinal disturbances) which are associated with repeated and overdose of ibuprofen per day.
So that, a newly developed method of microencapsulation was utilized (a modified organic method) through a
modification of aqueous colloidal polymer dispersion method using ethylcellulose and sodium alginate coating materials to
prepare a sustained release ibuprofen microcapsules.
The effect of core : wall ratio on the percent yield and encapsulation efficiency of prepared microcapsules was low, whereas
, the release of drug from prepared microcapsules was affected by core: wall ratio ,proportion of coa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prepared 13X Zeolite as a Promising Adsorbent for the Removal of Brilliant Blue Dye from Wastewater
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The research discussed the possibility of adsorption of Brilliant Blue Dye (BBD) from wastewater using 13X zeolite adsorbent, which is considered a byproduct of the production process of potassium carbonate from Iraqi potash raw materials. The 13X zeolite adsorbent was prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction that showed a clear match with the standard 13X zeolite. The crystallinity rate was 82.15% and the crystal zeolite size was 5.29 nm. The surface area and pore volume of the obtained 13X zeolite were estimated. The prepared 13X zeolite showed the ability to remove BBD contaminant from wastewater at concentrations 5 to 50 ppm and the removal reached 96.60% at the lower pollutant concentration. Adsorption measurements versus tim

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