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Contract Duration – A Study in Light of French Legislative Decree No. 131-2016 issued on 10 February 2016
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After the Napoleonic Code of 1804 came without any legal rules specific to the duration of the contract, and was content to refer to it in scattered legal texts, Legislative Decree No. 2016-131 came to establish a comprehensive legal system for the duration of the contract, starting from the period of its formation, through the period of its implementation, and ending with its continuation after the expiration of its term, in the third section of the fourth chapter related to the effects of the contract (Articles 1210 - 1215), relying on judicial precedents on the one hand - which are many, as will be shown through the research pages - and contractual practices on the other hand. Perhaps the main motive that prompted the French legislator to make this amendment, in addition to establishing a comprehensive legal system for the duration of the contract, is the difference between some similar concepts, especially those related to the continuation of the contract after the end of its term, represented by extension, renewal, implicit renewal

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A faunistic review of the genus Chaitophorus Koch, 1854, including four species in Iraq is given; the distribution data of each species and their hosts have been recorded. In this investigation the poplar leaf aphid Ch. populialbae (Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841) is recorded here for the first time in Iraq on popular trees Populus euphratica Oliv. during the period from November 2016 to April 2017 in Baghdad province.


    A brief description for apterous viviparous female of this species is given; and a  key to the species of the genus Chaitophorus is constricted.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Building and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time
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The researchers believe the problem of searching the scarcity or limited tests of time kinetic response led to scarcity or limited availability of experimental research in exercises codified within the training curriculum for the junior class, and therefore has been weakening this physical variable as an important episode in the development of the players physical capacities as well as the lack of measure for this variable within the defensive skills in general and the skill of the player movement defender in particular, and it represents the goal of research in the treatment of the above through the construction and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time. Chosen as the r

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Enhancing the Removal of Methyl Orange Dye by Electrocoagulation System with Nickel Foam Electrode – Optimization with Surface Response Methodology
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Azo dyes like methyl orange (MO) are very toxic components due to their recalcitrant properties which makes their removal from wastewater of textile industries a significant issue. The present study aimed to study their removal by utilizing aluminum and Ni foam (NiF) as anodes besides Fe foam electrodes as cathodes in an electrocoagulation (EC) system. Primary experiments were conducted using two Al anodes, two NiF anodes, or Al-NiF anodes to predict their advantages and drawbacks. It was concluded that the Al-NiF anodes were very effective in removing MO dye without long time of treatment or Ni leaching at in the case of adopting the Al-Al or NiF-NiF anodes, respectively. The structure and surface morphology of the NiF electrode were inves

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Comparison between the Biological Activity of Agaricus bisporus Fruiting Bodies and Albizzia lebbeck Leaves Extract against Different Pathogenic Microoganisms
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Interference with quorum sensing of Klebsiella pneumoniae by some plant extracts can affect the biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance.
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Quorum sensing (QS) is a perfectly orchestrated molecular communication system. It is a boon for Klebsiella pneumoniae, and bane for the host. This system is believed to make K. pneumoniae a leading cause of multidrug-resistant (MDR) nosocomial infections. This study aimed to investigate the antibacterial and anti-biofilm potential of medicinal plant extracts through interfering with QS of K. pneumoniae. The effect of different concentrations of ethanolic extracts of cinnamon and clove on K. pneumoniae was determined by analyzing the growth curve, survival assay (MTT), Qualitative and quantitative biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, along with studying gene expression of the genes encoding the above traits, using quantitative real tim

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Production of Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (blocks) From Green Concrete Containing Plastic Waste and Nano Silica Sand Powder
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Industrial development has recently increased, including that of plastic industries. Since plastic has a very long analytical life, it will cause environmental pollution, so studies have resorted to reusing recycled waste plastic (sustainable plastic) to produce environmentally friendly concrete (green concrete). In this research, producing environmentally friendly load-bearing concrete masonry units (blocks) was considered where five concrete mixtures were compressed at the blocks producing machine. The cement content reduced from 400 kg/m3 (B-400) to 300 kg/m3 (B-300) then to 200 kg/m3 (B-200). While (B-380) was produced using 380 kg/m3 cement and 20 kg/m3 nano-sil

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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In this paper we estimate the coefficients and scale parameter in linear regression model depending on the residuals are of type 1 of extreme  value distribution for the largest values . This can be regard as an improvement for the studies with the smallest values . We study two estimation methods ( OLS  & MLE ) where we resort to Newton – Raphson (NR) and Fisher Scoring methods to get MLE estimate because the difficulty of using the usual approach with MLE . The relative efficiency criterion is considered beside to the statistical inference procedures for the extreme value regression model of type 1 for largest values . Confidence interval , hypothesis testing for both scale parameter and regression coefficients

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Assessment of vegetal cover changes using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and subtractive (NDVI) time-series, Karbala province, Iraq
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Karbala province regarded one part significant zones in Iraq and considered an economic resource of vegetation such as trees of fruits, sieve and other vegetation. This research aimed to utilize Normalized Difference Vegetation index (NDVI) and Subtracted (NDVI) for investigating the current vegetation cover at last four decay. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is the most extensively used satellite index of vegetation health and density. The primary goals of this research are gather a gathering of studied area (Karbala province) satellite images in sequence time for a similar region, these image captured by Landsat (TM 1985, TM 1995, ETM+ 2005 and Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) 2015. Preprocessing such gap filli

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Self-Efficacy and its Relation to the Cognitive Assessment for the Daily Disturbances for the University of Baghdad Students
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The current research tackles the self-efficacy and its relation to the cognitive assessment for the daily disturbances for the University of Baghdad students. Two criteria have been adopted to achieve the objectives of the research. The sample of this study consists of 200 male and female students who were chosen randomly. The data were analyzed statistically, revealing that the university students owned their own self-efficacy as well as a cognitive assessment for the daily disturbances and they recognized them as self-threatening. The results also indicated the existence of a prediction activity in the field of the cognitive assessment to the daily disturbances selection. In light of the acquired results, the study recommends the neces

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Topological and Polynomial Indices (Hosoya and Schultz) for the Intersection Graph of the Subgroup of〖 Z〗_(r^n )
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         Let  be any group with identity element (e) . A subgroup intersection graph of  a subset  is the Graph with V ( ) =  - e and two separate peaks c and d contiguous for c and d if and only if      , Where  is a Periodic subset of resulting from  . We find some topological indicators in this paper and Multi-border (Hosoya and Schultz) of   , where    ,  is aprime number.

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