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Artificial intelligence in cancer diagnosis: Opportunities and challenges

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 10 2021
Journal Name
Laplage Em Revista
Alternation of consonants in the Iraqi "Baghdad" dialect

This article discusses the most beloved and creative dialect of the Arabs - the Iraqi dialect, despite its complexity, but it has a lot of beautiful foreign vocabulary. We followed a descriptive and historical approach, also tracked phonetic changes in this dialect, and then gave phonological explanations for these phenomena, trying to connect most of the phenomena with their historical roots in the standard Arabic "al-Fussha" and in ancient Arabic dialects. Most modern linguists have realized the need to study these dialects, since many of the modern dialect characteristics are only extensions of some ancient Arabic dialects, and do not refer them to the classical language. The study of modern Arabic dialects may be faced with a nu

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Assessment of Pile Embedded in Expansive Soil

An evaluation for the performance of model pile embedded in expansive soil was investigated. An extensive testing program was planned to achieve the purpose of this research. Therefore, special manufactured system was prepared for studying the behavior of model pile having different length to diameter ratios (L/D). Two types of piles were used in this research, straight shaft and under reamed piles. The effect of model pile type, L/D ratio and number of wetting drying cycles were studied. It is observed that significant reductions in pile movement when under   reamed piles were considered. A proposed design charts was presented for straight shaft and under reamed piles to estimate the length of both types of piles that is requi

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
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Psychological reasons for suicide in the Holy Quran

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophet as a mercy to the worlds and on his family and companions. The phenomenon of suicide is one of the most expanding social phenomena in the world, where many groups of society of different ages try to put an end to their lives, especially young men and girls. The numbers always remain on the rise, and there is no doubt that the one who does this matter, that he has reasons that made him resort to suicide, and despite that, whatever those reasons. However, this is not a justification for the assault on the soul that God has forbidden to infringe on or lead them to perdition, or to what harms them. Modern psychology has tried to explain this phenomenon and try to

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials
Wake potential of swift ions in copper target

We investigate the interaction of proton with a solid target, describing the wake effects by taking fitted parameters with experimental values of energy loss function ELF for copper using the dielectric function of random phase approximation (RPA). The results exhibited a damped oscillatory behavior in the longitudinal direction behind the projectile. In addition, the wake potential becomes asymmetric around the z-axis with proton velocity values higher than Fermi velocity, as well as it depends on the position of projectile in cylindrical coordinates.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Electron Contribution to Stopping Power in Burning Plasma

The dependence of the energy losses or the stopping power for the energies and the related penetrating factor are arrive by using a theoretical approximation models. in this work we reach a compatible agreement between our results and the corresponding experimental results.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 19 2023
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum

In the current review, an updated list of dark beetle species (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) recorded in Iraq was given. The current paper is based on previous studies in the literature and contains all dark beetles referred to in Iraq, except for the species within the Pimelinae subfamily. The investigation of this review showed the presence of 89 species belonging to 34 genera within five subfamilies. This work included mentioning the basionyms and synonyms for genera and species with their global distribution, as well as, correcting the scientific names that were mentioned in the previous checklists.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 19 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
New cost control techniques in mega construction projects

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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Route Educational And Social Science Journal

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
Black Lives Matter in Brother: A Postcolonial Perspective

This study aims to examine how the lives of blacks are reduced and eliminated in Brother (2017) by David Chariandy. Black Lives Matter is a hash tag that appears after the killing of Trayvon Martin (17 years old African American) in 2012 by the savage hands of George Zimmerman (white person). This hash-tag has become a social movement that calls for equality in order to stop the violence against black people because their live is as valuable as white’s. The movement comes into being to highlight the “hypocritical democracy in service to the white males whose freedom are openly depended upon the oppression of blacks” (Lebron, 2017, P. 1). Those who have started this movement try to redeem a state and its arbitrary actions again

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Construction the linear codes in PG (1, 31)

     The goal of this paper is to construct the linear code, and its dual which corresponding to classification of  projective line PG(1,31), we will present Some important results of coding theory, the generator matrix of every linear code in PG(1,31) is found,  A parity check  matrix is  also found . The mathematical programming language GAP was a main computing tool .

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