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المتطلبات التدريبية لمدرسي المرحلة الإعدادية المتعلقة بمحتوى کتب الرياضيات وآليات تنفيذه وفقاً للمعايير العالمية
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هدف البحث التعرف على المتطلبات التدريبية لمدرسي المرحلة الإعدادية المتعلقة بمحتوى کتب الرياضيات واليات تنفيذه وفقا للمعايير العالمية , تَمَّ الاستعانة بالمنهج الوصفي التحليلي لتحليل محتوى ( (NCTM- المجلس القومي لمعلمي الرياضيات- لاعداد قائمة بمعايير الرياضيات المدرسية , کما استعان الباحثان بالمنهج الوصفي الدراسات المسحية لجمع المعلومات من مدرسي الرياضيات عينة البحث لتحديد المتطلبات التدريبية لديهم . تکونت عينة البحث من ( 30 ) مدرس ومدرسة من مدرسي مادة الرياضيات في المدارس الاعدادية والثانوية ( ممن يُدرسون المرحلة الاعدادية ) . قام الباحثان بإعداد أداة البحث المتمثلة باستبانة المتطلبات التدريبية تتکون من ( 34 ) فقرة تمثل کل منها مؤشرا لاحدى معايير الرياضيات المدرسية الخاص بمعايير المحتوى ومعايير العمليات کل فقرة يقابلها مقياس خماسي يتدرج من ( 5 -1) درجة يحدد المتطلب التدريبي وهي ( بدرجة کبيرة جدا , بدرجة کبيرة , بدرجة متوسطة , بدرجة قليلة , بدرجة قليلة جدا ) تم تطبيقها على عينة البحث في الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام ( 2015 – 2016 م ). أستخدم الباحثان عدد من الوسائل الإحصائية المناسبة لإجراءات البحث و في تحليل النتائج. أظهرت نتائج البحث عدم وجود حاجة تدريبية لمدرسي الرياضيات في مجال الاعداد والعمليات عليها وهو احد مجالات محور معايير المحتوى , وان هناک حاجة تدريبية ملحة لمدرسي الرياضيات في باقي مجالات محور معاييرالمحتوى والواردة بالترتيب التنازلي الاتي : ( مجال الهندسة يليه مجال الجبروالدوال يليه مجال تحليل البيانات والاحتمال يليه مجال القياس ) , وفيما يخص محور معايير العمليات فقد أظهرت النتائج ان هناک حاجة ملحة لجميع مجالات محور العمليات والواردة بالترتيب التنازلي الاتي : (مجال التعليل والبرهان يليه مجال حل المشکلات يليه مجال التمثيلات الرياضية والاحتمال يليه مجال التواصل الرياضي يليه مجال الترابط الرياضي ) . وفي ضوء النتائج توصل الباحثان إلى العديد من الاستنتاجات والتوصيات والمقترحات .

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Animal-Based Metaphors as Being a Lingua-Cultural Way in the Field of Football Club Titles: Зооморфная метафора как лингвокультурологический способ в области прозвищ футбольных клубов
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       Metaphor is a linguistic phenomenon related to people's cultures. It is an integral part of cultural heritage. This paper tackles the use of animal-based metaphors in the field of football club titles so as to draw comparisons between those in Russian with their counterparts in Arabic. Names of animals are used to refer to some clubs and teams, where these names or titles reflect animal features such as strength, preying on victims; or animal figures are employed in the club symbols, or due to the similarity of the club shirt to the animal outer shapes in colours. For instance, "an-Nawaris", which means gulls in English, is used to refer to az-Zawraa club du

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effectiveness of teaching the theory of TRIZ in expressive performance and the development of creative thinking among preparatory school students
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The current research aims to find out (the effectiveness of teaching TRIZ theory in the expressive performance and the development of creative thinking among preparatory school students)
To achieve this, the researcher adopted on an experimental design is located in women with partial seizure experimental designs field in order to achieve the goals of the research, has sample consisted of two divisions seminars Mentzmtin in junior high school Diyala for Boys, and divided the sample of (60) called on the two groups, the first pilot of ( 30) student, and the other officer and number (30), student, and studied researchers experimental group theory TRIZ, while he studied the officer in the traditional manner, the researcher conducted a pa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
مجلة علوم الرياضة الدولية
الاضطراب النفسي و التفكير العشوائي و علاقتهما بسلوك العنف لدى طالبات المرحلة الرابعة
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
" أثر استراتيجية الجيجسو في تحصيل مادة الجغرافيا وعمليات العلم لدى طالبات المرحلة الاعدادية"
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The goal of current researcher to know the impact of strategic Jigsaw in the collection of hypertext and geographic operations of science students at the preparatory stage And that by checking the following 1.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional degrees in the average achievement in the subject of geographical 2.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional av

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A study to determine the most important factors affecting student performance In the secondary school in Diwaniya
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Student performance may influence by several factors in all his study levels such as primary school, intermediate school and even in his college; some of these factors are psychological factors, social factors, and the factors which correlate with student environment.

In this paper we study some of these factors to discover their influence by using canonical correlation analysis to analyze the data. Many conclusions are discovered to help who focuses student performance or to make it pest in future.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effectiveness of fishbowl strategy on intermediate students’ achievement in geography subject
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The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of fishbowl strategy as one of the effective learning strategies for intermediate students’ achievement in geography subject. To do this, three classes of second intermediate were chosen from Noor Al-Mustafa School for academic years (2015-2016). (64) Student were selected as a sample that distributed into two equal groups: experimental and control group. The research used the achievement test as an instrument to come up with the finding of the study. The experiment began on Tuesday 13th of October 2015 and ended on Tuesday 5th January 2016. Through this time, the researcher taught them the first and second chapter in geography of Arab homeland using fishbowl s

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analytical study of the images and roles of women and men in the books of the Arabic language at the elementary level
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Importance of the research:
The importance of any educational or scientific research through its intellectual arena of facts supply the individual and society, Supports Knowledge and Science Group, which raised will be locked in these topics in the future.
This research seeks to shed light on the image and the role of women and men in the books of the Arabic language in primary education (primary), To illustrate the negative effects of the phenomenon of sexism in textbooks, And its negative impact on emerging, And stay away as much as possible about the distinction between the sexes in the roles and qualities in textbooks traditional stereotypes and remove that put both sexes templates hinder the development of the individual and t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاسباب النفسية والاجتماعية لفرط النشاط الحركي لطلبة المرحلة الابتدائية من وجهة نظر المعلمين
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هدفت الدراسة الى معرفة:


  1. الاسباب النفسية والاجتماعية لفرط النشاط الحركي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية.
  2. الاسباب الاكثر حدة وتكراراً من وجهة نظر افراد العينة. اقتصر البحث على معلمي ومعلمات المرحلة الابتدائية لمحافظة بغداد للعام الدراسي 2004/2005.

تم بناء استبيانين

  أ- استبيان خاص بالاسباب النفسية.

  ب- استبيان

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral Awareness and Its Relation to Authoritarian Parenting Style of Secondary School Students in Baghdad
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This research aims at identifying the level of Moral Awareness and the level of Authoritarian Parenting Style of Secondary School Students in Baghdad. Additionally, the study seeks to identify the significant difference between these two variables in term of gender (male-female), as well as the correlation between Moral Awareness and Authoritarian Parenting Style. To do this, the researchers have adopted the scale of moral awareness prepared by the (Assl 2014), which the number of its items was finalized of (28) items. As for the Authoritarian Parenting Style scale, the researcher designed a questionnaire of (22) items as the number of its finalized form. The two instruments were applied on a sample of (140) male and female Students who

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر برنامج التعبئة النفسية في مواجهة أحداث الحياة الضاغطة لدى طلاب المرحلة الاعدادية
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The Stressful Life Events consider one of the important thing in humans life in different period of life even school period,   where it is deal with vital period of life which is the youth period that represent the hope and precious resources that nation depend on it in building her civilization, structure anddevelopment  ,they are part from the present and whole future .As the great effect of stressful life event on humans , increase the need to put a program about psyching-up which consider one of the modren and effective programs.The aim of current search:1.   Measure the level of stressful events at the junior high school  studen

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