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Dental plaque caries related microorganism in relation to demographic factors among a group of Iraqi children
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Introduction: Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli are most important bacteria in the pathogenesis of dental caries. Cariogenic microflora has been associated to the primary caregiver transmission and sugary diets.

Aim: This study aimed to relate S. mutans and lactobacilli in the plaque to demographic factors in Iraqi children.

Materials and methods: The study included 135 children aged 3-10 years. Samples of their dental plaque were taken from the upper second primary molars on the buccal surfaces using a clean toothpick. Each sample was stored in 1 ml of normal saline followed by dispersion for 30 seconds using Vortex mix. Before inoculation, serial dilutions were done. Inoculation was done in the selective media for each microorganism: mitis salivarius-bacitracin agar for S. mutans and Rogosa agar for lactobacilli. The bacterial count was estimated by counting CFU and a dissection microscope (×15). A questionnaire on the demographic factors was sent to each child to be filled in by their parents.

Results: S. mutans was demonstrated to be greater in the dental plaque of 3-6-year-old children whose mothers are housewives, groups that add sugar to milk, groups without any history of systemic disease, mother’s age, and normal-weight children, whereas lactobacilli increased in the plaque of children aged 7–10 years, women, children with fathers who are government employees, mother’s occupation, children who were not nursed during sleep, father’s age, normal weight, and times of teeth brushing.

Conclusion: S. mutans and lactobacilli are clearly associated with different demographic factors. Education of parents and children has an effective impact on controlling their number, reducing dental caries.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Intellectual Security and Its Relation to Psychological Resilience of Secondary School Students
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The current research aims to determine the intellectual security and the psychological resilience of Secondary school students and how these two variables are related to each other. The study also seeks the extent to which psychological resilience contributes to intellectual security

The research sample consisted of (420) students from the Secondary stage in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Rusafa III. Two scales were administered to the participants to collect the needed data. As for the analysis of data, Pearson correlation coefficient, T-test, and the Regression analysis were employed, the results revealed:

  1. The members of the sample have an intellectual Security.
  2. The members of the sample have

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Research In Social And Administrative Pharmacy
Evaluation of instruments to assess health literacy in Arabic language among Iraqis
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self -affirmation and its relation of tendency toward perfection and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students
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The study aimed to identify self –affirmation degree, tendency degree toward perfection, awareness degree of creativity among fine arts institutions students, and the significant correlation between self -affirmation and its tendency toward perfection, and the awareness of creativity among fine arts institutions students. To achieve these objectives, the author had constructed two scales: one to measure self –affirmation among the sample based on “Lang& Jakobowski theory” (Lang& Jakobowski, 1973) that consisted of (54) item divided into two parts: qualitative and situational. The other scale is to measure the tendency toward perfection depend on (flett & Hewitt, 1991) that composed of (46) item divided into two sectio

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Watching Cultural Programs in Satellites Channels tv and Its relation to the actual reading of the book
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The research is based on an important subject according to the researchers' estimations. It is the disclosure of the nature of the relationship between Watching to cultural programs in satellite channels and the book's vision of the intellectual, and the pursuit of purchasing and acquiring it It is a scientific addition to the scientific research media because it deals in the field of new about the nature of the relationship between satellite programs and writers, and it provides a scientific development on the importance of satellite channels in the promotion of the book and sales of intellectual elite. The study examined the audience of the recipients of literature for cultural programs, the nature of the public, characteristic

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Identify the main factors affecting labor productivity within different organizational structures in the Iraqi construction sector
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Abstract<p>The construction sector in Iraq has faced many challenges. One of the major challenges is the lack of productivity of laborers who are working construction sites. Although research studies have been conducted to investigate, explore, and identify factors influencing labor productivity in the Middle-east region, the lack of such research studies to address these challenges in Iraq. This motivates the researcher to explore and identify the key factors affecting labor productivity in construction sites across different organizational structures (Matrix, Projectized, and functional). A survey questionnaire has been conducted using Delphi technique in order to achieve a concrete and reliab</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Kerbala Journal Of Medicine
Polymerase Chain Reaction Testing in Comparison to Culture of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Diagnosis of Bacterial Meningitis in Children
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison between powerful Waterpik flosser with dental floss as an adjunct to tooth brushing
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Background: Removing dental plaque is important to maintain a good oral hygiene and prevent periodontal disease; this could not be accomplished by the use of toothbrush alone, it needs the help of interdental aids or intra-oral irrigator devices. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of using Waterpik flosser as adjunct to tooth brushing than using the dental floss with the brushing. Materials and methods: A single blind, six weeks study included 45 subjects divided into three groups of 15 subjects at each group. Group B (brushing) was instructed to use the toothbrush only, group BF (brushing & flossing) was instructed to use dental floss and tooth brushing while group BW (brushing and Waterpik flosser) was instructed to use Water

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparative study to determine the native eye lens protein in the some types of Iraqi vertebrates
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This study showed that the lens in baloot muluki fish Chondrostoma regium is transparent, spherical shape, and solid in textures, while in the tree frog Hyla arborea savignyi, freshwater turtles Clemmys caspia caspia, white–eared bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis and brown rat Rattus norvegicus are transparent, soft and biconvex, it is very soft in white–eared bulbul. There are many significant differences have been recorded between the average weight lens and the total concentration of the protein in the lens all studied animals. Electrical migration process for lens proteins showed that there is one bundle of crystalline –? and one bundle also crystalline–? in all studied species, either crystalline–? may represent one bundle character

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a model to reduce the cost of hajj in the Iraqi Authority for Hajj and Umrah
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The research is summarized in the construction of a mathematical model using the most common methods in the science of Operations Research, which are the models of transportation and linear programming to find the best solution to the problem of the high cost of hajj in Iraq, and this is done by reaching the optimum number of pilgrims traveling through both land ports and the number Ideal for passengers traveling through airports by Iraqi Airways, instead of relying on the personal experience of the decision-maker in Hajj and Umrah Authority by identifying the best port for pilgrim's travel, which can tolerate right or wrong, has been based on scientific methods of Operations Research, the researcher built two mathematical models

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Publication Date
Thu May 02 2019
Journal Name
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Reconstruction plate-related complications in mandibular continuity defects
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Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the complications associated with the use of reconstruction plates with or without non-vascularized bone graft in reconstruction of mandibular segmental defects caused by trauma and tumor resection and to analyze various factors that are associated with the development of complications. Methods A retrospective observational study was conducted, and the investigated variables included the age and gender of the patients, etiology of the defect, the site of the defect, the size of the defect, whether bone graft was used or not, type of plate used, and whether the reconstruction was immediate or delayed. The outcome variables were the postoperative complications and the success rate. Results Fif

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