في الوقت الذي يرغب فيه اي سائح في العالم برحلة هادئة لإعادة شحن طاقته والتمتع بالسلام والهدوء وخوض المغامرات في بيئة آمنة، يأتي الارهاب ليعكر عليه صفو تلك الرحلة من خلال عمليات يستهدف من خلالها الاماكن السياحية والترفيهية التي يقصدها،من قبيل محلات التسوق والمطاعم والمقاهي والفنادق (والاخيرة هي مدار البحث) لاسباب عديدة. من هنا تلعب التدابير الامنية التي تتخذها إدارات الفنادق دورا مهماً واساسياً في منع تلك العمليات الارهابية او الحد منها على الاقل، وفي الوقت الذي تسعى فيه بعض إدارات الفنادق باستمرار لتحسين تلك التدابير للحفاظ على سلامة ضيوفها وزائريها، لا يزال عدد غير قليل من تلك إلادارات يفكر ملياً في القيام بها او ببعضها تحسباً من النفقات الكبيرة التي تتطلبها تلك التدابير بالرغم من ازدياد عدد الهجمات الارهابية التي استهدفت الفنادق منذ هجمات 11/ايلول/2001 وليومنا هذا. من هنا جاء هذا البحث ليسلط الضوء على المسؤولية المدنية لإدارات الفنادق تجاه ضحايا العمليات الارهابية التي تقع فيها.
International responsibility rises against the United Nations Organization for the actions of the Security Council according to the theory of risks, in the event that ships, submarines and aircraft carriers that operate with nuclear energy are launched against countries that violate the provisions of Chapter VII the Charter of the United Nations, considering that the Council's actions here are considered as internationally legitimate acts of exceptional risks that the Council may resort to it in order to ensure the speed and effectiveness referred to in Article (11 / Paragraph 2) of the charter and to keep pace with developments in modern technology.
There are many mechanisms that can be used to safeguard intangible cultural heritage during armed conflict, either indirectly through the international texts of armed conflict, from the perspective of protecting customs, traditions and religious beliefs, or directly by incorporating this heritage into UNESCO regulations. This heritage can also be preserved from the concept of human rights principles that can be applied during armed conflicts. Moreover, the best way to preserve this heritage is to prosecute and punish violators of the provisions of safeguarding this heritage, whether in national criminal courts or international criminal courts.
Some actions do not come from the law, but rather from the moral will of a person, and these actions are necessary for people to do because a person is a moral being whose existence is determined by his relationship with values. And, since ethics is one of the normative sciences that link the end to the means, that is, of a person study is not limited to what is an object, or a current situation, but it should be. Therefore, task of a person is to set conditions that must be met in human will and actions in order to become the subject of legal and ethical rulings. This is because there is a close relationship between law and morality, and despite the absence of a legal rule that obliges individuals to do actions, such as extending a hand
... Show MoreIn this paper all possible regressions procedure as well as stepwise regression procedure were applied to select the best regression equation that explain the effect of human capital represented by different levels of human cadres on the productivity of the processing industries sector in Iraq by employing the data of a time series consisting of 21 years period. The statistical program SPSS was used to perform the required calculations.
The basic orientation of the research is an attempting to apply the cost determining method according in the contract sector projects for Al- Iraq ceneral company, that this subject has a big value according to its modernity and its influence on the future and the eaning of the company.
The research aims to find out the effect of the method for determining cost based on the activity in determining the cost of the construction sector projects.The research was conducted in Iraq General Company for the implementation of irrigation projects. Bani search on three assumptions, the first is (that the application of the method for determining the cost on the basis of
... Show MoreIn this paper, compared eight methods for generating the initial value and the impact of these methods to estimate the parameter of a autoregressive model, as was the use of three of the most popular methods to estimate the model and the most commonly used by researchers MLL method, Barg method and the least squares method and that using the method of simulation model first order autoregressive through the design of a number of simulation experiments and the different sizes of the samples.
This research aims at clarifying the concept of social auditing, which is one of the most important reasons for its emergence is social responsibility accounting and its role in measuring the social performance of enterprises. The study also aimed to know how social auditing has an impact and its role in improving the social performance of business organizations, and the research refers to testing the hypotheses of an impact of social auditing on social performance through a commitment to social responsibility. The research sample consisted of 200 individuals from 20 Algerian business organizations and represented individuals who were researched in managers and em
... Show MoreConditional logistic regression is often used to study the relationship between event outcomes and specific prognostic factors in order to application of logistic regression and utilizing its predictive capabilities into environmental studies. This research seeks to demonstrate a novel approach of implementing conditional logistic regression in environmental research through inference methods predicated on longitudinal data. Thus, statistical analysis of longitudinal data requires methods that can properly take into account the interdependence within-subjects for the response measurements. If this correlation ignored then inferences such as statistical tests and confidence intervals can be invalid largely.
The study aims to determine the responsibility of nursing staff for medical errors that accompany the surgery at the hospital , which is one of the important issues that the importance of determining the responsibility of landlords nursing medical errors in the hospital was the rationale in choosing the subject. Since study included cases of errors nursing staff of (22) case. While the checklist distributed to a sample of nursing Angel Group in Sadr Teaching Hospital 's (100) nurs According to the problem, the study in determining the responsibility of nursing staff for medical errors that are not important for the hospitals. Has shown results of the study agreement members of the study sample that the clarity of the power posses
... Show MoreThe main focus of research is on how to achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through human resources management strategies, which is a major of research aimed. The main problem of this research was confirmed, which confirms that there is an unclear role for social responsibility, lack of human resources management strategies, and ambiguity of roles in the municipality under study. The diagnose of the problem and determining the gap between the internal and external dimensions of social responsibility and human resources management was identified, which attacked the researcher's attention to navigate in this subject, look for the reasons for the gaps and try to reduce them. The case study
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