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Decomposition of selected chlorinated volatile organic compounds by ceria (CeO 2)
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Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) are toxic chemical entities emitted invariably from stationary thermal operations when a trace of chlorine is present. Replacing the high-temperature destruction operations of these compounds with catalytic oxidation has led to the formulation of various potent metal oxides catalysts; among them are ceria-based materials. Guided by recent experimental measurements, this study theoretically investigates the initial steps operating in the interactions of ceria surface CeO2(111) with three CVOC model compounds, namely chloroethene (CE), chloroethane (CA) and chlorobenzene (CB). We find that, the CeO2(111) surface mediates fission of the carbon–chlorine bonds in the CE, CA and CB molecules via modest reaction barriers. As a result of localization of excess electrons left behind after creation of oxygen vacancies, analogous fission over an oxygen vacant surface systematically necessitates lower energy barriers. Dehydrochlorination of CE and CA molecules preferentially proceeds via a dissociative addition route; however, subsequent desorption of vinyl and ethyl moieties requires less energy than surface assisted β C–H bond breakage. The profound stability of hydrocarbon species on the surface contributes to the observed deactivation of ceria at temperatures as low as 580 K under pyrolytic conditions. Adsorption of an oxygen molecule at an oxygen vacant site initiates decomposition of the adsorbed phenyl moiety. Likewise, adsorbed surface hydroxyl groups serve as the hydrogen source in the observed conversion of CB into benzene. A plausible mechanism for the formation of 1,4-dichlorobenzene incorporates abstraction of a para hydrogen in the CB molecule by an O− surface anion followed by chlorine transfer from the surface. Plotted conversion–temperature profiles via a simplified kinetic model against corresponding experimental profiles exhibit a reasonable agreement. The results from this study could be useful in the ongoing efforts to improve ceria's catalytic capacity for destroying CVOCs.

Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Renewable Energy
The characteristics of anisotype CdS/CdTe heterojunction
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 26 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Phytotoxicity of Salvinia molesta in Diesel Exposure
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Phytoremediation is one of the methods to remove various types of pollutants from water and soil using plants. Salvinia molesta, an aquatic plant, is chosen in this study to determine its ability to degrade diesel as the pollutant in synthetic wastewater with different diesel concentrations (0, 8,700, 17,400, and 26,100 mg/L) for 14 days. Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) has been used as an indicator to represent diesel concentration variation in wastewater. Degradation of TPH was 85.1% for diesel concentration of 8,700 mg/L, compared with only 53.9% in the corresponding control without plant. While, acute toxicity on S. molesta exposed in diesel concentrations of 17,400 and 26,100 mg/L was observed and eventually had

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
On Shrunken Estimation of Generalized Exponential Distribution
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This paper deal with the estimation of the shape parameter (a) of Generalized Exponential (GE) distribution when the scale parameter (l) is known via preliminary test single stage shrinkage estimator (SSSE) when a prior knowledge (a0) a vailable about the shape parameter as initial value due past experiences as well as suitable region (R) for testing this prior knowledge.

The Expression for the Bias, Mean squared error [MSE] and Relative Efficiency [R.Eff(×)] for the proposed estimator are derived. Numerical results about beha

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Application of Fuzzy Logic in Servo Motor
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 In this work the design and application of a fuzzy logic controller to DC-servomotor is investigated. The proposed strategy is intended to improve the performance of the original control system by use of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) as the motor load changes. Computer simulation demonstrates that FLC is effective in position control of a DC-servomotor comparing with conventional one.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
The art of sculpting human faces (Portrait)
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It has mixed views on the concept or the role (Portrait) carving human faces across historical periods. The counting and historical document recording profiles for individual, promised impression represents promised impression represents the importance and greatness of personal without attention logs features and individual features, and in all cases the (portrait) was working for celebrated personality, glorifying and out of respect for his role heroic or reputation or social status.
But if we intend carving human faces one varieties of art in sculpture became necessary for us to proceed from the statement which affirms "The requirement of art to be liberated from their recovery forms as they are in the outside world" and here we beg

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Detection of Cholesterol in Suaeda Baccata (Chenopodiaceae)
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This study detects the presence of cholesterol in an Iraqi plant named Suaeda baccata Forsk of the family Chenopodiacae, wildly and widely grown in Iraq. The absence of any publication concerning the sterol content of this Suaeda specie, and the industrial importance of cholesterol depending on its role as a precursor in the synthesis of some hormones, like progesterone, acquired this study its value. The investigations revealed the presence of cholesterol that was proved by TLC together with the standard compound cholesterol, and anisaldehyde spray reagent using three different solvent systems, then authenticated by HPLC, in which the reten

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of Iraqi Virtual Library
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      In developing countries, individual students and researchers are not able to afford the high price of the subscription to the international publishers, like JSTOR, ELSEVIER,…; therefore the governments and/or universities of those countries aim to purchase one global subscription to the international publishers to provide their educational resources at a cheaper price, or even freely, to all students and researchers of those institutions. For realizing this concept, we must build a system that sits between the publishers and the users (students or researchers) and act as a gatekeeper and a director of information: this system must register its users and must have an adequate security to e

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Verses of righteousness in the Holy Quran
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This research is based on the study of a group of Quranic verses that share a certain part, and these verses are verses of righteousness, and the word righteousness has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an eight times, and the number of verses in this word was six verses, in four walls, all of which are from the civil fence which is the cow and was There are five words of righteousness contained in them, and the family of Imran is one word, and the table is one word, and the argument is one word. This study adopts the method of analytical interpretation of the Quranic text is a term that means statement and clarification in a way that the researcher produces to divide a Quranic text into its elements that are involved in its formation and

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Aesthetics of experimentation In short television films
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Experimentation Multi effective and fertile grew human desire to discover new ways to express beauty in artwork .And dabble term experimentation in the performing arts and arts architecture, cinema and television in the test forms and interest in the visual effects and movements seek to establish and beauty and schools of thought in literature and art. This study aims to identify

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Digital technologies in the means of communication
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Modern digital technologies have affected the means of communication in terms of structure, function and methods of dealing with them, and the communication process has changed, becoming bilateral, reciprocal and interactive, after it was one-way and limited in circulation and the roles changed, so the receiver became the sender and reversed is correct, and the culture of the active user and the participant spread, and the communication process became continuous.
The international information network has provided new electronic channels in the media and communication that are not known and opened a new era for these means, which led to a trend towards digital media in an unprecedented way.
The new communication platforms are the re

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