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The Aesthetic Variable in Contemporary Sculptural Formation
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The deviation in the formal idiomatic circulation of the body is nothing more than a response to the new currency; The (things) that surround us mean that they represent the new interests that the artist transforms into meanings and symbols after he invests them as aesthetic visual formations. Art establishes a reality other than the one that was established by (the body), which is always subject to a system of deliberative relations, and in general we can diagnose it in three paths, it is either linked to what represents the changing objective reality with the change of general systems or causes them, or it is a subject to the logic of general thought in its changing space-time limits, or it is a subject to the principle of benefit and advantage sometimes. We are with our belief that the formal transformation of the body is either in the exchange of roles between the subject and the non-subject or between reality and non-reality, but we can show the phenomenon of the aesthetic discourse of the body in the art of (performance) in another way, as it will be presented in this study.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Typographic Accomplishment between the Manual Skill and Contemporary Technology
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     The typographic accomplishment is the most important means of cognitive communication and carries a message from the sender to the recipient which serves a certain objective functionally, economically and advertisingly.

            The design of typographic accomplishment depends on two different techniques, the first is manual, which depends on the skill, training and individual achievement of the designer and his ability to design and produce typographic accomplishment with manual skill effects. The second one is the contemporary digitization which is represented by computers, programs and printers attached to them. The problem of the current resear

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The contemporary role of administrative accounting Renewal or threat
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The contemporary role of administrative accounting Renewal or threat

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Embossing technologies and their role in enhancing the aesthetic dimension of digital printing: رياض محسن حبيب الربيعي
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Publications are generally considered an effective visual artistic means that addresses the recipient (the audience), with the functional, aesthetic and expressive dimensions they carry that contribute to spreading a diverse cultural awareness, especially those publications that are concerned with their media, promotional and organizational performance, as well as specific cultural events at specific times, in pursuit Access to renewable and elaborate designs to achieve the functional and aesthetic purpose, as the completed design and construction process is subject to many variations, whether this diversity is intellectual or technical, internal or external, and all of them may overlap to obtain a comprehensive system of artistic format

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Aesthetic values of the decorations heterogeneities in Islamic architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير، أشرف كامل عبد الامير
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Covariance technique represents a design to bring out the decorative components And organized in unfamiliar a manner Turn to custom patterned to make a qualitative difference in the pattern of the general composition of the implicit overall,question research problem emerges Based on the above, (Is the aesthetic values of the property heterogeneities in Islamic architecture configurations decorations?). Detect it through the knowledge of the species and decorative components containing heterogeneities And his methods within each of Iraq and Iran and theoretical framework try to monitor the opinions and threads aesthetic perception in the Islamic and Construction decorative art formations in Islamic architecture and features of heterogenei

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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The Relationship Between Using Diverse Materials to the Intellectual Context's in the Art of Contemporary Ceramic
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The use of different materials in the art of ceramics is considered a new form of contemporary philosophical trends. That was introduced to art as a result of societal changes and transformations and rapid technological development. And it plays a very essential part in the beauty of the artistic structure. The contrast of using different materials in ceramics is considered a part of the old historical achievements since the art of ceramics used to follow strict standards. Which does not apply to contemporary ceramic, Because recently, it has become free from any religious and social control and created a whole new intellectual context, heading to new horizons in which it works with the newly added materials as a strategy to ensure the a

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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The Effectiveness of Implication in New Formulations of the Contemporary Industrial Product: زياد حاتم حربي
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  The current research aims at transforming the concept of implication from the rhetoric into the industrial design in order to have a new term (the design implication) in which the industrial designer takes all or part of another's design to imply his design in it and acknowledge that, and if he did not do so, it would be (design theft) parallel to the literary plagiarism.
In order to show the potentials of the industrial design in the production of new formulations of the industrial products forms, as the design is the carrier of language that addresses the recipients, it is possible to use the implication as a the tool of literature in the design and as a design strategy as it is one of the concepts that takes its course in e

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Outstanding aesthetic decoration in the doors of the holy shrines (shrine of Imam Hussein, model): ماهر حسين علي الحبوبي
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The problem of the search (how to employ own aesthetic values sculpture prominent decorations doors in the holy shrines) as research aims to detect these formulas employed in relief sculpture in accordance with the aesthetic values of the decorations that add structure in the form of doors shrines dimensions of functional and aesthetic and expressive By selecting the general system configurations spaces for doors and select the components of the structural configurations decorative prominent types (geometric and floral and linear and composite) as well as identify the techniques adopted in the executive configurations doors at the level of raw materials and processors show. Find and define the beauty of decorative formations prominent of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
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Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Aesthetic of the Textual Interferences in the Poetry of the Ghawani's" A Miracle Nice of your Imagination as a symbol"
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     إنّ التّأمّل في الدّراسات الأدبيّة النّقديّة الحديثة الّتي تنظر إلى النّصّ أنّه لوحة تتشكّل من مجموعة تداخلات نصّيّة سابقة للنصّ المُنتج أو مُعاصرة له، تدفع القارئ إلى الغوص في أعماق النّصوص وتحليلها والكشف عن الآليّات والإجراءات الّتي اعتمدت في إنتاجه، وإظهار الجماليّات الفنّيّة التي شكلت في مُجملها كائنا حيّا يُعبّر عن حالات إنسانيّة مُستمرة الحدوث رغم تقادم الأزمان.

فالبحث هذا يعمد

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Contemporary experimental currents and its impact on the structure of the contemporary Iraqi theatrical text "The epic theater as a model": هيثم حمزة سلمان الحمداني
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  In this research study, I tried to trace the epic effect to learn how it was understood and how it was used. Following the descriptive and analytical approach in the research, the first chapter dealt with a presentation of the methodological framework of the problem, the goal, the limits of the research, the importance and the need for it and the definition of terms, as well as the theoretical framework which consisted of two topics, including the impact of the epic theater on the world theater and the second the effect of the epic theater on the Arab theater, This came by tracing the epic impact on the world stage of the Greeks, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Arab theater of the twentieth century.
As for the second

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Aesthetic Levels in Shape Variables in Spectacular Films the Indian Film (Main Tera Hero) a Model: غسان محسن حمد
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The spectacular film is a type of feature films which has specific elements that contribute in increasing the aesthetics of the shape in its structure. The researcher started studying this type of films by researching the spectacular film concept, the history of its development, who are its most important stars and then tackling the Indian cinema represented by Bollywood, which is considered a school for this type of film. The researcher addressed the most important influential elements that entre in its production as well as studying these elements that contribute to building the shape including the configuration, movements of cameras, lenses, the lighting, colors, costumes etc. and what influence they have in forming a special aestheti

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