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Derivation of a New Equation to Obtain the Permeability Coefficient of Clayey Soils
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The main objective of this research is to find the coefficient of permeability (k) of the soil and especially clayey soil by finding the degree of consolidation (rate of consolidation). New modify procedure is proposed by using the odometer (consolidation) device. The ordinary conventional permeability test usually takes a long time by preparing and by testing and this could cause some problems especially if there is a need to do a large number of this test and there were a limited number of technicians and/or apparatus. From this point of view the importance of this research is clear, since the modified procedure will require a time of 25 minute only. Derivation made to produce an equation which could be used to fined the permeability if the proposed procedure fallowed to find the permeability of soils and this done by specification the degree of consolidation at any loading stage. The results of permeability found by the proposed procedure and by ordinary test (directly by falling head method, and indirectly by accelerated consolidation method using the oedometer device). After that these results were found by proposed procedure compared with that results which found by ordinary test. it has been found that this equation give a very good results with (95.83) % accuracy and degree of correlation of (0.9988) comparing with ordinary methods and beside that it takes a very short time.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Control Over The Medical Evacuation Program in light of the Government's Accounting System
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The accounting system of government is considered an important tool to follow up the financial transactions that reflect the activities of governmental units and by which the useful information for estimating governmental annual revenues and expenditures are provided through the state public budget because it is an information system that provides detailed past performance, as well as measures the efficiency of the governmental agencies performance in implementing the budget, and the of success governmental units is measured through the type of services and programs offered, their size and the possibility of achieving the objectives assigned to them. The medical evacuation program is one of the medical and curative health services provid

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Low Power Electronics And Applications
Tolerating Permanent Faults in the Input Port of the Network on Chip Router
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Deep submicron technologies continue to develop according to Moore’s law allowing hundreds of processing elements and memory modules to be integrated on a single chip forming multi/many-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs). Network on chip (NoC) arose as an interconnection for this large number of processing modules. However, the aggressive scaling of transistors makes NoC more vulnerable to both permanent and transient faults. Permanent faults persistently affect the circuit functionality from the time of their occurrence. The router represents the heart of the NoC. Thus, this research focuses on tolerating permanent faults in the router’s input buffer component, particularly the virtual channel state fields. These fields track packets f

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The water bodies in the Southern East of Iraq before and after 2018
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This study is concerned with the recent changes that occurred in the last three years (2017-2019) in the marshes region in southern Iraq as a result of the changes in the global climate, the study included all the water bodies in the five governorates that are located in the southern regions of Iraq (Wasit, Maysan, Dhi-Qar, Qadisiyah and Basrah), which represent the marshes lands in Iraq. Scenes of the Landsat 8 satellite are used to create a mosaic to cover the five governorates within a time window with the slightest difference between the date of the scene capture, not to exceed 8 days. The results of calculating the changes in water areas were obtained using the classifier support vector machine, where high accuracy ratios were recorded

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The biography of the Prophet Muhammad () and his Sunnah between softness and distress
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The Prophet Muhammed () is distinguished in the history of mankind by the fact that he came with a law that combined these two opposing sides, reality and ideals, a wonderful and amazing collection, and he created a wonderful composition between them, and they used together a wise comprehension to ensure the treatment of its ills, and the reform of their delusions together, and uses both Both of them are in the necessary position of the needs of life, and the contradictions and separation of this collection and the wise harness in this research from his law, may God bless him and grant him peace, which shows us this balance in the system of Islam, the most sincere representation, where it is one of the honors of morality, good appreci

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 19 2022
Journal Name
Ishraqat Tanmawia
The reality of the divorce problem in Iraqi society Reasons, solutions and results
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Praise be to God, who created people from one soul, and made her husband, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, Mercy given and the grace given, and on a machine and companions pure. Divorce cases have increased in recent years in a worrying manner, especially since divorce has unforeseen consequences at the individual and social levels. The source of concern stems from the fact that the cohesion and integrity of society starts from a family as it is the cornerstone of the social structure, which is the foundation upon which the large society is based. Marital life may suffer from problems and obstacles that are difficult to solve, so the man presents the divorce of his wife and that the phenomenon of divorce is not a result of it, b

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of housing finance policies in reducing the housing crisis in Iraq
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Finance is considered as an important and essential element when developing any housing policy which has a basic role creation of channels and effective means of saving money for individuals and institutions involved in the construction of housing units , and in particular that there is a deficit of residential dramatically in Iraq offset by a significant decline in the rates of construction housing and the accumulation of housing need in the coming years , the importance lies of the subject in creating mechanism for financing this sector and the impact of such a mechanism in solving the problem of the deficit number of housing units, through studying the experiences of some countries in the policies of housing finance to take advantage

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
The Image of Woman by the Artist Jaber Alwan: احلام عبد الستار شنين
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The woman represents an existential dualism with the man along history. This existence has been manifested through the history of Art starting from the arts of the old civilizations until modernism. It must be said that the history of Art refers to her presence as an extension for this history in the oriental arts, and the Arab countries including Iraq.  The woman has varying outputs in terms of the content of her presence and the style of presentation. In her characterizations: maternity, fertility, femininity and others. The Iraqi artists adopted these fields among them the artist Jaber Alwan who formulated his style of presentation and its units depending on the feminine presence and his experience in her formal and stylistic fie

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political role of social movements In Iraq for the period 2003-2014
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The phenomenon of the social movements of researchers, based on the scope of their influence on political events, and the nature of the wide role played, and its ability to influence, through its activities and various activities and various. It has practiced its activities through new and non-traditional peaceful means, with clear slogans and specific objectives. And was able to mobilize activists from different strata of the Iraqi people, and its categories and social strata. As the demands focused on freedoms, rights, dignity and social justice

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of the Promotional Mix in Achieving Competitive Advantage in Industrial Organizations
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Purpose – determine the impact of the promotional mix in achieving competitive advantage in industrial organizations.

Problem- indicated a clear deficiency in employing the dimensions of the marketing mix in ensuring a competitive advantage for the researched organization.

Design/methodology/approach – Al-Dora Refinery was selected as a field of application. The sample was chosen by an intentional sample of (143) individuals in the Human Resources departments. The questionnaire was adopted as a data acquisition tool that was prepared based on a set of ready-made standards after being subjected to a number of v

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The contribution of amensalism and parasitism in the three-species ecological system's dynamic
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