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The Impact Of Corporate Governance Mechanisms On Tax Avoidance Practices

This research came with the aim of showing the impact of governance mechanisms on tax avoidance practices, and in light of this, the financial data of the joint stock companies (industrial, service, agricultural, and hotels) listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange amounting to (35) companies were collected during the period (2009-2020). Through the financial reports published on the market website, multiple linear regression analysis was used as a tool to study the relationship between variables, and (Eviews 12) program was used for analysis and hypothesis testing. To achieve the objectives of the research,(administrative ownership, board size, board independence, women's membership) was adopted as an indicator of the dimensions of governance, and tax avoidance was measured through the effective tax rate. The research concluded that there is a positive impact of administrative ownership and women's membership on tax avoidance practices, as confirmed there is no effect of board size and independence on tax avoidance. The research has reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: The method of applying governance mechanisms is one of the main pillars in enhancing competitive capabilities and reorganizing companies' businesses to help them achieve their goals and those of their clients. The research presented a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which were: the necessity of developing a legal and regulatory framework in Iraq that governs the work of joint-stock companies listed within the Iraq Stock Exchange in light of the preparation of principles and mechanisms for governance in a clear and …

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2013
Journal Name
Eng. & Tech. Journal,
Assessment the Impact of Different Hydrated Lime Addition Methods on Fatigue Life Characteristic

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of hydrated lime addition methods as filler replacement on fatigue performance of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Three types of addition methods of hydrated lime were introduced namely dry HL on dry aggregate and saturated surface aggregate above 3% and slurry HL on dry aggregate, ordinary Lime stone powder was reduced by three HL percentage (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 %). The effect of different methods were investigated on the fatigue properties of HMA using, third-point flexural fatigue bending Test. Pneumatic Repeated Load System (PRLS) was carried out to establish the effect of hydrated lime on the fatigue failure criteria and to select the proper hydrated lime application methods on fatigue behavior o

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2003
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Scientific interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and its impact on belief and thought

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, Muhammad and his family

The good and pure and after his companions

God Almighty said: ( ) Do they not contemplate the Qur’an? If it had been from other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. God Almighty has made the well-being of people and their lives linked to faith in it. So what is the need of people today to return to the Book of their Lord so that they may return to the right path that God intended for His servants so that they may attain sustenance? Security and the good life. How could it not be, when many of the nations of the world no longer see security or stability because their leaders and politic

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance in Saudi Arabia Banking Sector

Saudi Arabia’s banking sector plays an important role in the country’s development as it is among the leading sectors in the financial sector. Considering, two main Saudi banks (The National Commercial Bank and Saudi American bank), the present study aims to observe the impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance. The components of emotional intelligence affecting employee performance include self-management, relationship management, self-awareness, and social awareness. A quantitative methodology was applied to analyse the survey results of 300 respondents over the period from 2018 to 2019. The results show that there was a significant positive impact of self-management, self-awareness, and relationship manageme

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family violence and its impact on the educational achievement of primary school children

The research included four chapters starting with the chapter dealing with the problem of child abuse which was one of the most important educational and social problems faced by children from their parents or family members. The most common forms of abuse are physical and psychological violence. The problem of school delays is also one of the most important educational and psychological issues that concern educators, which occur because of violence and neglect of the family. The study pointed out that domestic violence is one of the issues that has started to alarm both the global and local communities, because childhood is one of the most important stages of the human development system, which is healthy in terms of physical, mental, p

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accounting disclosure in raising the quality of tax settling accounts: Applied research in the General Commission for Taxes

The research aims to highlight the role of accounting disclosure in raising the quality of tax settling accounts so as to enhance confidence between taxpayers (corporates) and tax authority, standing over companies commitment to take care of  their financial statements which are  prepared to the appropriate accounting disclosure of tax authority. It has been noticed that a good disclosure about the results of the activity leads to the acceptance of the tax authority to the results which are stated by the financial statements and the tax is linked on its bases.   The researcher depends on the deductive approach which based on Arabic and foreign references, books, researches, previous  studies,  scientific &nb

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Educationpublishes
The impact of visual Management on the Strategic Acceleration; embedding knowledge as a Moderating Variable

The research stems from its goal of identifying the impact of visual management on the strategic acceleration of business organizations and the state of this effect through the knowledge embedding in the Iraqi oil companies. The oil sector was tested, represented by (3) oil companies, and a sample of (151) individuals who participated in activating the visual management, distributed in higher management levels. The research relied on the descriptiveanalytical approach and the questionnaire was a main tool for collecting data and information. The results showed that visual management positively affects strategic acceleration. Moreover, This effect is amplified by the mediating role played by Embedding Knowledge.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 07 2022
Journal Name
Eurasian Journal Of History, Geography And Economics
The impact of monetary policy on monetary stability in Iraq for the period (2004-2018)

Monetary policy is an important part of the economic policy to influence the monetary aspect of stabilization, for this reason the research will seek to clarify the extent of the impact of monetary policy in achieving monetary stability in Iraq during the chosen research period, because the Iraqi economy suffers from monetary instability due to political and security turmoil, Therefore, an effective and effective monetary policy is required in terms of reducing inflationary pressures to reach the required monetary stability, in order to create the appropriate monetary environment for the work of the economic and productive sectors. Thus, the research adopted a basic hypothesis that monetary policy in Iraq has a clear impact on achieving mon

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2022
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Visual spatial attention and its impact on the accuracy of the diagonal spike in volleyball

The primary aim of this research was to study visual spatial attention and its impact on the accuracy of the diagonal spike in volleyball. A total of 20 volleyball players of Baghdad participated in this study. The sample was homogeneous in terms of height, weight and age of the players. The tests used in the present study were: 1) Visual Spatial Attention Test. 2) Volleyball Spike Test. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concluded that visual spatial attention has a significant impact on the accuracy of the diagonal spike in volleyball.

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Visual Pollution and its Impact on the Aesthetics: The Town of Eizariya as a Model

This study seeks to shed light on the aspects of visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the town of Al-Eizariya known to suffer from the phenomenon. In order to identify the real causes of the problem which develops in various forms and patterns, threatening not only the aesthetic appearance of the towns, but also causes the emergence of new problems and phenomena that will have negative repercussions on the population. The researcher uses the analytical descriptive method to analyze the phenomenon of visual pollution in terms of reality, development, manifestations and spread and uses photos which document the visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the known. The study concluded the existence of a strong rela

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prison and imprisonment   And their impact on the strengthening of power In the Qur'anic perspective

Prison and imprisonment  
And their impact on the strengthening of power
In the Qur'anic perspective

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