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Experimental and Numerical Behavior of Encased Pultruded GFRP Beams under Elevated and Ambient Temperatures
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In this research, experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate the performance of encased glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) beams under fire. The test specimens were divided into two peer groups to be tested under the effect of ambient and elevated temperatures. The first group was statically tested to investigate the monotonic behavior of the specimens. The second group was exposed to fire loading first and then statically tested to explore the residual behavior of the burned specimens. Adding shear connectors and web stiffeners to the GFRP beam was the main parameter in this investigation. Moreover, service loads were applied to the tested beams during the fire. Utilizing shear connectors, web stiffeners, and both enhanced the load-carrying capacities of the encased beams by 100.6%, 97.3%, and 130.8%, respectively. Comparisons between the burned and unburned peer beams were presented with losses in the load-carrying capacity of the burned beams. These losses were the highest in the cases of shear connectors and web stiffeners due to the obtained severe damage, which led to more reductions in the residual behavior of the burned beams. Numerical analyses were performed using the general-purpose finite element (FE) ABAQUS package to conduct a parametric study. The investigated parameters included the effect of the exposure duration and the temperature level. The results of the FE analysis showed good agreement with the experimental results. Additional reductions in the residual capacities of the fire-damaged beams were observed due to exposure to longer fire durations. The improvements in the beam capacities due to using shear connectors and web stiffeners relative to the reference beams under the same exposure time decreased as the exposure duration increased. Furthermore, increasing the temperature to 700 °C, 800 °C, 900 °C, and 950 °C caused reductions in the residual capacities by about 25%, 45%, 70%, and 80%, respectively, for the encased beams in comparison to their peers at ambient temperature.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Thermal Sciences
Experimental and numerical investigations of heat transfer enhancement in shell and helically microtube heat exchanger using nanofluids
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Publication Date
Fri May 21 2021
Journal Name
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
Behavior of Floating Stone Columns and Development of Porewater Pressure Under Cyclic Loading
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
The Numerical and Experimental Work of Chaos System in Three Dimensions Phase Spaceusing Rossler Circuit
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In this paper, we deal with a dynamical system that can demonstrate a chaotic attractor of Rossleroscillator. We simulate the Rosslerequations numerically then we investigate the model experimentally. Numerically, the Rossler parameter a and b were fixed and c was changed.The evolution of the system exhibits period, period-doubling, second period doubling, and chaos when control parameters are changed. This evolution can be seen by analyze the time series, the bifurcation diagrams and phase space. Experimentally, the evolution of the system exhibited the same numerical behavior by changing the resistance (Rv) in Rossler circuit that represent as control parameter.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Numerical Modeling of Circular Tunnel Alignment Under Seismic Loading
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The continuous increase in population has led to the development of underground structures like tunnels to be of great importance due to several reasons. One of these reasons is that tunnels do not affect the living activities on the surface, nor they interfere with the existing traffic network. More importantly, they have a less environmental impact than conventional highways and railways. This paper focuses on using numerical analysis of circular tunnels in terms of their behavior during construction and the deformations that may occur due to overburden and seismic loads imposed on them. In this study, the input data are taken from an existing Cairo metro case study; results were found for the lateral and vertical displacements, the Peak

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Verification and Parametric Analysis of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Non-linear Finite Element Analysis
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Many researchers have tackled the shear behavior of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams by using different kinds of strengthening in the shear regions and steel fibers. In the current paper, the effect of multiple parameters, such as using one percentage of Steel Fibers (SF) with and without stirrups, without stirrups and steel fibers, on the shear behavior of RC beams, has been studied and compared by using Finite Element analysis (FE). Three-dimensional (3D) models of (RC) beams are developed and analyzed using ABAQUS commercial software. The models were validated by comparing their results with the experimental test. The total number of beams that were modeled for validation purposes was four. Extensive pa

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Crack Growth Behavior through Wall Pipes under Impact Load and Hygrothremal Environment
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This research concerns study the crack growth in the wall of pipes made of low carbon steel under the impact load and using the effect of hygrothermal (rate of moisture 50% and 50℃ temperature). The environmental conditions were controlled using high accuracy digital control with sensors. The pipe have a crack already. The test was performed and on two type of specimens, one have length of 100cm and other have length 50cm. The results were, when the humidity was applied to the pipe, the crack would enhance to growth (i.e. the number of cycles needed to growth the crack will reduce). In addition, when the temperature was increase the number of cycles needed to growth the crack are reduced because the effect of heat on the mechanical pro

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Crack Growth Behavior through Wall Pipes under Impact Loading And Moisten Environment
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This search concerns study the crack growth in the wall of pipes made of low carbon steel under the impact load and using the effect of moisture (rate of moisture 50%). The environmental conditions were controlled using high accuracy digital control with sensors. The pipe has a crack already. The test was performed and on two type of specimens, one has a length of 100cm and other have length 50cm. The results were, when the humidity was applied to the pipe, the crack would enhance to grow (i.e. the number of cycles needed to grow the crack will reduce). In addition, when the test performed on the specimens of length 50cm the number of cycles needed to grow the crack is increased due to the effect of bending stress on the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 09 2019
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Numerical Analysis of Segmental Post Tensioned Concrete Beams Exposed to High Fire Temperature
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The main objective of this study is to characterize the main factors which may affect the behavior of segmental prestressed concrete beams comprised of multi segments. The 3-D finite element program ABAQUS was utilized. The experimental work was conducted on twelve simply supported segmental prestressed concrete beams divided into three groups depending on the precast segments number. They all had an identical total length of 3150mm, but each had different segment numbers (9, 7, and 5 segments), in other words, different segment lengths. To simulate the genuine fire disasters, nine beams were exposed to high-temperature flame for one hour, the selected temperatures were 300°C (572°F), 500°C (932°F) and 700°C (1292°F) as recomm

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Thermal-Hydrodynamic Behavior within Solar Air Collector
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Solar collectors, in general, are utilized to convert the solar energy into heat energy, where it is employed to generate electricity. The non-concentrating solar collector with a circular shape was adopted in the present study. Ambient air is heated under a translucent roof where buoyant air is drawn from outside periphery towards the collector center (tower base). The present study is aimed to predict and visualize the thermal-hydrodynamic behavior for airflow under inclined roof of the solar air collector, SAC. Three-dimensional of the SAC model using the re-normalization group, RNG, k−ε turbulence viscus model is simulated. The simulation was carried out by using ANSYS-FLUENT 14.5. The simulation

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer effect on cyclic fatigue of gas turbine blade
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Blades of gas turbine are usually suffered from high thermal cyclic load which leads to crack initiated and then crack growth and finally failure. The high thermal cyclic load is usually coming from high temperature, high pressure, start-up, shut-down and load change. An experimental and numerical analysis was carried out on the real blade and model of blade to simulate the real condition in gas turbine. The pressure, temperature distribution, stress intensity factor and the thermal stress in model of blade have been investigated numerically using ANSYS V.17 software. The experimental works were carried out using a particular designed and manufactured rig to simulate the real condition that blade suffers from. A new cont

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