يعد علم التدريب الرياضي الحديث عملية تربوية علمية مبنية على اسس صحيحة هدفها وصول اللاعبين الى التكامل في الاداء الفني وهذا يتم عن طريق التأثير المنظم والدقيق بواسطة استعمال التمارين البدنية التي تحدث تغيرات خاصة في عمل اعضاء واجهزة جسم الرياضي والتي بدورها تؤدي الى رفع كفاءة الاعضاء والاجهزة لتحقيق الانجازات الرياضية العالية ولقد استعملت الباحثتان اسلوب حديث من اساليب التدريب الرياضي من اجل تطوير تحم
... Show MoreThe highest incidence of injury is seen in adolescent playing pivoting sports such as soccer, basketball, and handball. Objective: To examine the effectiveness of a neuromuscular prevention program in reducing knee and ankle injuries in adolescent male soccer players.
This investigation was carried out to estimate the antiparasitic potential of silver and Chitosan nanoparticles loaded with spiramycin against toxoplasmosis infected. After mice injected intraperitoneal in a dose 103viable tachyzoites for acute infection; then treated with spiramycin, chitosan nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles as a single or combined therapy given for seven days. Peritoneal fluid examination revealed a significant decrease in the number of
The introduction of the research on the science of training and the physiology of sports was addressed from important sciences, where the physical effort drew the attention of scientists since the past centuries when they studied how the body performs its functions when performing physical exertion and observe the changes that occur in it and write down and study especially the positive effects of the practice of daily sports The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of plank exercises on the lipid component and the metabolic rate (bmr) of the female students of the Higher Institute for Security and Management Development. As for the third chapter, the two researchers used the experimental method on a sample of the female s
... Show MoreThe highest incidence of injury is seen in adolescent playing pivoting sports such as soccer, basketball, and handball. Objective: To examine the effectiveness of a neuromuscular prevention program in reducing knee and ankle injuries in adolescent male soccer players.