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A New Proposed Hybrid Learning Approach with Features for Extraction of Image Classification
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Image classification is the process of finding common features in images from various classes and applying them to categorize and label them. The main problem of the image classification process is the abundance of images, the high complexity of the data, and the shortage of labeled data, presenting the key obstacles in image classification. The cornerstone of image classification is evaluating the convolutional features retrieved from deep learning models and training them with machine learning classifiers. This study proposes a new approach of “hybrid learning” by combining deep learning with machine learning for image classification based on convolutional feature extraction using the VGG-16 deep learning model and seven classifiers. A hybrid supervised learning system that takes advantage of rich intermediate features extracted from deep learning compared to traditional feature extraction to boost classification accuracy and parameters is suggested. They provide the same set of characteristics to discover and verify which classifier yields the best classification with our new proposed approach of “hybrid learning.” To achieve this, the performance of classifiers was assessed depending on a genuine dataset that was taken by our camera system. The simulation results show that the support vector machine (SVM) has a mean square error of 0.011, a total accuracy ratio of 98.80%, and an F1 score of 0.99. Moreover, the results show that the LR classifier has a mean square error of 0.035 and a total ratio of 96.42%, and an F1 score of 0.96 comes in the second place. The ANN classifier has a mean square error of 0.047 and a total ratio of 95.23%, and an F1 score of 0.94 comes in the third place. Furthermore, RF, WKNN, DT, and NB with a mean square error and an F1 score advance to the next stage with accuracy ratios of 91.66%, 90.47%, 79.76%, and 75%, respectively. As a result, the main contribution is the enhancement of the classification performance parameters with images of varying brightness and clarity using the proposed hybrid learning approach.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Computers & Electrical Engineering
A new proposed statistical feature extraction method in speech emotion recognition
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Indoor/Outdoor Deep Learning Based Image Classification for Object Recognition Applications
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With the rapid development of smart devices, people's lives have become easier, especially for visually disabled or special-needs people. The new achievements in the fields of machine learning and deep learning let people identify and recognise the surrounding environment. In this study, the efficiency and high performance of deep learning architecture are used to build an image classification system in both indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed methodology starts with collecting two datasets (indoor and outdoor) from different separate datasets. In the second step, the collected dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets. The pre-trained GoogleNet and MobileNet-V2 models are trained using the indoor and outdoor se

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Information And Optimization Sciences
Hybrid deep learning model for Arabic text classification based on mutual information
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 09 2024
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A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning-Based System Using Deep Learning Techniques and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Various Medical Datatypes Classification
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Medicine is one of the fields where the advancement of computer science is making significant progress. Some diseases require an immediate diagnosis in order to improve patient outcomes. The usage of computers in medicine improves precision and accelerates data processing and diagnosis. In order to categorize biological images, hybrid machine learning, a combination of various deep learning approaches, was utilized, and a meta-heuristic algorithm was provided in this research. In addition, two different medical datasets were introduced, one covering the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain tumors and the other dealing with chest X-rays (CXRs) of COVID-19. These datasets were introduced to the combination network that contained deep lea

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Image classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Network Using Tensorflow and Transfer of Learning
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The deep learning algorithm has recently achieved a lot of success, especially in the field of computer vision. This research aims to describe the classification method applied to the dataset of multiple types of images (Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and non-SAR images). In such a classification, transfer learning was used followed by fine-tuning methods. Besides, pre-trained architectures were used on the known image database ImageNet. The model VGG16 was indeed used as a feature extractor and a new classifier was trained based on extracted features.The input data mainly focused on the dataset consist of five classes including the SAR images class (houses) and the non-SAR images classes (Cats, Dogs, Horses, and Humans). The Conv

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Adaptive Satellite Image Classification Technique for Al habbinya Region West of Iraq
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   Developing a new adaptive satellite images classification technique, based on a new way of merging between regression line of best fit and new empirical conditions methods. They are supervised methods to recognize different land cover types on Al habbinya region. These methods should be stand on physical ground that represents the reflection of land surface features.      The first method has separated the arid lands and plants. Empirical thresholds of different TM combination bands; TM3, TM4, and TM5 were studied in the second method, to detect and separate water regions (shallow, bottomless, and very bottomless). The Optimum Index Factor (OIF) is computed for these combination bands, which realized

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2013
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
New adaptive satellite image classification technique for al Habbinya region west of Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Access
A Novel Approach to Improving Brain Image Classification Using Mutual Information-Accelerated Singular Value Decomposition
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm & a new flipping block with an adaptive RLE method for high medical image compression ratio
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Huge number of medical images are generated and needs for more storage capacity and bandwidth for transferring over the networks. Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm is applied to compress the medical images by exploiting the features of both techniques. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coding is applied to image YCbCr color model which decompose image bands into four subbands (LL, HL, LH and HH). The LL subband is transformed into low and high frequency components using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to be quantize by scalar quantization that was applied on all image bands, the quantization parameters where reduced by half for the luminance band while it is the same for the chrominance bands to preserve the image quality, the zig

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 03 2022
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A Novel Application of Deep Learning (Convolutional Neural Network) for Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Classification Using Automatically Learned Features of EMG Signal
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In this study, a traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) classification system is proposed using a convolutional neural network (CNN) technique with automatically learned features from electromyography (EMG) signals for a non-human primate (NHP) model. A comparison between the proposed classification system and a classical classification method (k-nearest neighbors, kNN) is also presented. Developing such an NHP model with a suitable assessment tool (i.e., classifier) is a crucial step in detecting the effect of TSCI using EMG, which is expected to be essential in the evaluation of the efficacy of new TSCI treatments. Intramuscular EMG data were collected from an agonist/antagonist tail muscle pair for the pre- and post-spinal cord lesi

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