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دور الاجراءات والتشريعات الضريبية في التهرب الضريبي
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تعد الضريبة مصدراً مهماً لتحقيق الاهداف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية للدولة ولذلك فان مشكلة التهرب الضريبي تعد اهم المشاكل التي ينبغي معالجتها من خلال معرفة اسبابها . ان وجود مشكلة التهرب الضريبي في العراق يرتبط بمجموعة من الاسباب والدوافع الكامنة وراء ظهور هذه المشكلة والتي لا نستطيع ان نلقي بتباعها على تخلف النظام الضريبي من حيث تشخيص الاختلالات في الادارة الضريبية تارة بل يجب ابراز عيوب التشريع الضريبي ايضاً. ومن هذا المنطلق ياتي البحث ليبين دور الاجراءات والتشريعات الضريبية في التهرب الضريبي باربعة مباحث تضمن الاول منهجية البحث وتناول المبحث الثاني الاجراءات والتشريعات الضريبية وبيئة النظام الضريبي العراقي اما المبحث الثالث فتضمن مفهوم التهرب الضريبي واسبابه وخصص المبحث الرابع لعلاقة التشريعات والاجراءات الضريبية بالتهرب الضريبي من خلال استبانة اعدت من قبل الباحث لثلاث فئات (السلطة المالية ، الاكاديميين ، المكلفين) بالاضافة الى الاعتماد على المصادر والبحوث التي لها علاقة بموضوع البحث. واختتم البحث بعدد من الاستنتاجات التي تم التوصل اليها والتوصيات التي يمكن الاستفادة منها في مكافحة التهرب وتطوير العمل الضريبي.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ž (( The role of Organisational learning in building a talent management strategies Applied research in the Ministry of Science and Technology ))
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The aims of the research is to know the role of Organisational learning in building talent management strategies in the Ministry of Science and Technology , where we see the challenges facing organizations today dictate now and in the future activation of scientific expertise to meet these challenges and the dissemination of these concepts within the priorities and data organizational culture of these organizations despite having a lot of the importance of organizational knowledge and learning applications .Despite learning and adopting some of the organizations have to enhance their competitiveness, we find a lot of organizations, including (The ministry researched) still do not realize the importance of the role of organization

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks to attract savings to funding banking activities in Iraq For period (2008-2012)
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Islamic banks are a financial institution that is interested in attracting financial savings from financial entities and directing them towards those with financial deficits, both for consumption purposes or for investment purposes. It provides banking services provided by commercial banks and other services But based on the principles and principles of Islamic law, and because of its recent emergence in Iraq, its ability to attract savings is not like non-Islamic commercial banks, which puts them in the option of using their capital to achieve its objective of banking. The research started from the premise that "Islamic banks in Iraq during the period (2008-2012) rely on their capital to perform their activities more than they rely on d

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دور تنقيب البيانات Data Mining في زيادة أداء المنظمة (( دراسة تحليلية في المصرف الصناعي ))
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غالبا ما يكون تعامل المنظمات المالية والمصرفية مع الزبائن بشكل أساسي مما يتطلب منها جمع كميات هائلة من البيانات عن هؤلاء الزبائن هذا بالإضافة الى ما يرد اليها يوميا من بيانات يجعلها أمام أكداس كبيرة من البيانات تحتاج الى جهود جبارة تحسن التعامل معها والاستفادة منها بما يخدم المنظمة.

ان التعامل اليدوي مع مثل هذه البيانات دون استخدام تقنيات حديثة يبعد المنظمة عن التط

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Information Technology In Enhancing Performance Evaluation And Responsibility Accounting (Empirical Study In Jordan Hotels )
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   This paper suggesting a new modern method to evaluate the performance of hotel industry at Jordan instead of the classical method used by the industry and that is Bench Marking , this method can be done by comparing the performance of hotel industry at two serial years which helps in calculating a standard performance .

  The industry can use this standard to identify the variance, which make the evaluation of performance easier and support the efforts to develop the hotel industry at all levels and enable to give high quality services to customers.

    The study believed that this situation would not be achieved unless the hotel industry will app

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the financial Statements in Achieving of the Banking Supervision: An Applied Study in A sample of Iraqi Banks
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Banks are considered the main basis of financial sector ,so they must be submitted to sound and strict regulatory system and so as to ensure their operations and according to instructions and regulations , in order to maintain the integrity of the banking sector and financial sector in general .One of the importance regulatory tools that are adopted by the Iraqi Central Bank to control over the banks an financial and periodic statements that are provided by the banks in accordance with planned schedules .The financial statements of the banks must reflect clearly and accurately financial situation and the result of their activities during the period in which they represent to achiveing its purposes.So it has the goal of Search is statemen

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the marketing intelligence system in the quality of the insurance service : Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The current research seeks to identify the role of the marketing intelligence system in its dimensions (customer intelligence, market intelligence, competitor intelligence, insurance product intelligence, sales representatives) and its reflection on improving the quality of the insurance service provided by the National Insurance Company represented in its dimensions (reliability, response, tangibility, Safety, the spirit of empathy, communication) adopted in the current research, and based on that, the research came as an attempt to find out the extent to which the research sample company can apply the approach of the marketing intelligence system and its impact on improving the quality of the insurance service provided to custo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Inspection In Achieving Banking Compliance: An Applied Study In A Sample o Iraq Banks
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The Banking Supervision of the most important functions of the Central Bank of Iraq, which he intended to have a strong banking system and a sound and competitive, and exercised control over the banks by inspection bodies to ensure their compliance with the laws, regulations and orders and instructions and the safety of their financial positions.

The research was aimed to release the concept of banking inspection, compliance and problems and obstacles faced by the inspectors, and monitors compliance and down to make recommendations.

Has been reached on a set of theoretical and practical conclusions, including: -

1-confirmed the statistical analysis of the answers to the research sample the importance of the role o

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Talent Management on Strategic Performance Reinforcement A field research on some of Sumer's university colleges.
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In this research we have tackled the role of Talent management (as a private variable) within (the Talent attraction, the Talent management performance, Talent development and Talent retention) on strategic performance reinforcement ( accredited variable) within its dimensions ( financial perspective, costumer perspective, internal operations perspective and learning and development perspective). The research conducted on sample of some college teachers from two of Sumer's colleges. The research problem represented by the broad organization's competition as well as universities; which led these colleges to investigate it's skillful human staff to meet it's strategic performance. 

To meet the aims of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Strategic Leadership in the adoption of Talent Management Practices Field research in the Ministry of Science and Technology
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The current research aims at testing test the relationship and the impact of strategic leadership (strategic vision, Core competencies , human capital, organizational culture and Ethical practices) in the talent management (to attract talent, performance management talent, developing talent and retain talent) among managers in the Ministry of Science and Technology Iraq, and figuring out  a number of recommendations to the ministry to help achieve its desired objectives, and to clarify the relationship between the variables to find the main and secondary aim of the research two major hypotheses have been formed which split into ten sub-hypotheses. Collecting data on  a form questionnaire has been relied on as an essenti

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Satellite Channels in Imparting Behavior to Children from the Point of View of their Parents in Tulkarm City
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This study aims to identify the role of satellite channels in imparting behavior to children from the point of view of their parents in Tulkarm city. The researcher used a descriptive technique. A sample of (18000) males and females married couples was used above 20 years old in the city of Tulkarm. The study sample size is (201) married couples. It took place in September 2020. The questionnaire was the main tool for collecting data. The study found that the total degree of satellite channels contribution in imparting negative behaviors to children was high, as it reached (72.20%). The total degree of the role of satellite channels in imparting positive behaviors to children was medium, reaching (69.20%). Moreover, the results also indi

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