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Geomechanical modelling and two-way coupling simulation for carbonate gas reservoir
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Abstract<p>Geomechanical modelling and simulation are introduced to accurately determine the combined effects of hydrocarbon production and changes in rock properties due to geomechanical effects. The reservoir geomechanical model is concerned with stress-related issues and rock failure in compression, shear, and tension induced by reservoir pore pressure changes due to reservoir depletion. In this paper, a rock mechanical model is constructed in geomechanical mode, and reservoir geomechanics simulations are run for a carbonate gas reservoir. The study begins with assessment of the data, construction of 1D rock mechanical models along the well trajectory, the generation of a 3D mechanical earth model, and running a 4D geomechanical simulation using a two-way coupling simulation method, followed by results analysis. A dual porosity/permeability model is coupled with a 3D geomechanical model, and iterative two-way coupling simulation is performed to understand the changes in effective stress dynamics with the decrease in reservoir pressure due to production, and therefore to identify the changes in dual-continuum media conductivity to fluid flow and field ultimate recovery. The results of analysis show an observed effect on reservoir flow behaviour of a 4% decrease in gas ultimate recovery and considerable changes in matrix contribution and fracture properties, with the geomechanical effects on the matrix visibly decreasing the gas production potential, and the effect on the natural fracture contribution is limited on gas inflow. Generally, this could be due to slip flow of gas at the media walls of micro-extension fractures, and the flow contribution and fracture conductivity is quite sufficient for the volume that the matrixes feed the fractures. Also, the geomechanical simulation results show the stability of existing faults, emphasizing that the loading on the fault is too low to induce fault slip to create fracturing, and enhanced permeability provides efficient conduit for reservoir fluid flow in reservoirs characterized by natural fractures.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Reservoir Characterization and Rock Typing of Carbonate Reservoir in the Southeast of Iraq
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Flow unit and reservoir rock type identification in carbonates are difficult due to the intricacy of pore networks caused by facies changes and diagenetic processes. On the other hand, these classifications of rock type are necessary for understanding a reservoir and predicting its production performance in the face of any activity. The current study focuses on rock type and flow unit classification for the Mishrif reservoir in Iraq's southeast and the study is based on data from five wells that penetrate it. Integration of several methods was used to determine the flow unit based on well log interpretation and petrophysical properties. The flow units were identified using the Quality Index of Rock and the Indicator of Flow Zone. Th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This researchpaper includes the incorporation of Alliin at various energy levels and angles 

With Metformin using Gaussian 09 and Gaussian view 06. Two computers were used in this work. Samples were generated to draw, integrate, simulate and measure the value of the potential energy surface by means of which the lowest energy value was (-1227.408au). The best correlation compound was achieved between Alliin and Metformin through the low energy values where the best place for metformin to b

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Geological Modelling for Asmari Reservoir In Abu Ghirab Oil Field
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    Building a geological model is an essential and primary step for studying the reservoir’s hydrocarbon content and future performance. A three-dimensional geological model of the Asmari reservoir in Abu- Ghirab oil field including structure, stratigraphy, and reservoir petrophysical properties, has been constructed in the present work. As to underlying Formations, striking slip faults developed at the flank and interlayer normal. Abu Ghirab oilfields are located on the eastern anticlinal band, which has steadily plunged southward. 3D seismic interpretation results are utilized to build the fault model for 43 faults of the Asmari Formation in Abu Ghirab Oilfield. A geographic facies model with six different rock facies types

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Integrating Petrophysical and Geomechanical Rock Properties for Determination of Fracability of the Iraqi Tight Oil Reservoir
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Tight oil reservoirs have been a concerned of the oil industry due to their substantial influence on oil production. Due to their poor permeability, numerous problems are encountered while producing from tight reservoirs. Petrophysical and geomechanical rock properties are essential for understanding and assessing the fracability of reservoirs, especially tight reservoirs, to enhance permeability. In this study, Saadi B reservoir in Halfaya Iraqi oil field is considered as the main tight reservoir. Petrophysical and geomechanical properties have been estimated using full-set well logs for a vertical well that penetrates Saadi reservoir and validated with support of diagnostic fracture injection test data employing standard equations

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Electrofacies Characterization of an Iraqi Carbonate Reservoir
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Predicting peterophysical parameters and doing accurate geological modeling which are an active research area in petroleum industry cannot be done accurately unless the reservoir formations are classified into sub-groups. Also, getting core samples from all wells and characterize them by geologists are very expensive way; therefore, we used the Electro-Facies characterization which is a simple and cost-effective approach to classify one of Iraqi heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs using commonly available well logs.

The main goal of this work is to identify the optimum E-Facies units based on principal components analysis (PCA) and model based cluster analysis(MC

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Petroleum And Coal
Evaluation of geomechanical properties for tight reservoir using uniaxial compressive test, ultrasonic test, and well logs data
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 24 2020
Journal Name
Petroleum And Coal
Evaluation of Geomechanical Properties for Tight Reservoir Using Uniaxial Compressive Test, Ultrasonic Test, and Well Logs Data
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Tight reservoirs have attracted the interest of the oil industry in recent years according to its significant impact on the global oil product. Several challenges are present when producing from these reservoirs due to its low to extra low permeability and very narrow pore throat radius. Development strategy selection for these reservoirs such as horizontal well placement, hydraulic fracture design, well completion, and smart production program, wellbore stability all need accurate characterizations of geomechanical parameters for these reservoirs. Geomechanical properties, including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), static Young’s modulus (Es), and Poisson’s ratio (υs), were measured experimentally using both static and dynamic met

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum developmen</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Petroleum Research
Investigating tight oil reservoir production performance: Influence of geomechanical parameters and their distribution
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Permeability Prediction in Carbonate Reservoir Rock Using FZI
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Knowledge of permeability, which is the ability of rocks to transmit the fluid, is important for understanding the flow mechanisms in oil and gas reservoirs.
Permeability is best measured in the laboratory on cored rock taken from the reservoir. Coring is expensive and time-consuming in comparison to the electronic survey techniques most commonly used to gain information about permeability.
Yamama formation was chosen, to predict the permeability by using FZI method. Yamama Formation is the main lower cretaceous carbonate reservoir in southern of Iraq. This formation is made up mainly of limestone. Yamama formation was deposited on a gradually rising basin floor. The digenesis of Yamama sediments is very important due to its direct

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