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The Water Footprint and Virtual Water and Their Effect on Food Security in Iraq
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Abstract<p>The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two concepts could use to achieve water savings at the local level to meet the water supply deficit in Iraq, which is expected to increase in the coming years and influence of that on food security in Iraq by using these concepts when drawing production, irrigated and import plans in Iraq. The study aimed to studying the water footprint and virtual water and their impact on the foreign trade for wheat and rice crops during the period 2000-2022 and estimating the most important indicators of virtual water and the water footprint of the study crops due to the importance of these criteria in determining the amount of increase or decrease in the area of the studied crops, according to the foreign trade policy. This study was concluded that the average total water footprint of the wheat and rice crops during the study period is (20.27,13.89) billion m3 respectively, and the average percentage of dependence on external water resources for both crops are (20.49%,67.98%) respectively, and the average percentage of self-sufficiency in water resources are (79.51%,32.01%) respectively, and the average unit productivity of irrigation water for both crops is (0.19,0.10) kg/m3 respectively during 2000-2022.The average for the water needs of wheat and rice crops during the study period were (6.04,10.19) m3/kg respectively, the average amounts of water used in local production for both crops are (14.23,4.01) billion m3 respectively, the average amounts of virtual water imported for both crops are (6.19,10.03) billion m3 respectively, and the average value of the imported virtual water for both crops is (382,529) thousand dollars during the period 2000-2022. The study recommended to taking in account these concepts in plans of production and distributing irrigation water.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Alternative Sanctions and their Impact on Societal Security: A Field Study in the Directorate of Juveniles Reformatory in Baghdad
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Crime is one of the most severe challenges facing States, and strives to find preventive measures, reduce its seriousness, and prevent them; due to developments, crimes have increased, and emerging new patterns of crimes, there is an urgent need to prevent crimes and reduce their effects. Modernizing its punitive system and diverting it to correctional rehabilitative justice to redress the prejudice caused by the crime and rehabilitate the convicted person by using alternative measures to short-term imprisonment. This research emphasizes alternative sanctions' value to minimizing short-term imprisonment penalties and their impact on societal security through several goals like, the negative consequences, justifications, and alternatives

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
Climate change and its effect on water and vegetation cover over shary region using GIS techniques
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Temperature and Alcohol on the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Non- Ionic Surfactants in Magnetic Water
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The determination of critical micelle concentration of selected non-ionic surfactants (Tween 20,40 and 80) have been investigated using magnetic water(MW)as an aqueous medium.Conductometry technique is used to determine critical micelle concentration.The effect of alcohol addition and temperature variation at the range(293.15 -303.15K) are also pursued. It is concluded that the process of micellization is spontaneous and endothermic because of the observed free energy of micellization (ΔGom) , enthalpy change of micellization  (ΔHom), and entropy change of micellization (ΔSom) for the system was also studied.The properties of the non-ionic surfactants were studied, both in absence and presence of

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pollution threatens water quality in the Central Marshes of Southern Iraq
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Water pollution is an issue that can be exacerbated by drought as increased concentrations of unwanted substances are a consequence of lower water levels. Polluted water that flows into natural marshlands leads to the deposition of pollutants in the interior of the marsh. Here we present evidence that the interior of the Central Marsh (CM) in southern Iraq suffers from higher levels of pollution than areas closer to the source of water entering the marsh (the Euphrates River). A 1.7m embankment that halts the flow of the Euphrates is only infrequently breached and so the CM is effectively the terminal destination of the waters (and their associated pollutants and agricultural waste) flowing from the West of Iraq.

A range of water

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Association Of Arab Universities For Studies And Engineering Researches
Dewatering Effect on Virtual Settlement of Pile Foundation: Case Study in Bab Al-Mudham Area, Baghdad-Iraq
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The need for Dewatering is very important in construction workshops field and sometimes it needs to pay more attention as a result of its impacts on causing additional settlement of nearby pile foundations. Dewatering construction may become a costly topic if ignored during project planning and designing .In this paper a simplified procedure maybe adopted to calculate the foundation settlement induced by using dewatering system which is required to lower the water table level to reach a dry condition during construction. Synthesized case study adopted at a specified location in Baghdad city and analysis are computed for two types of piles both of them are submerged with water. Results shows the effect of dewatering on pile foundatio

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Magnetic Water Treatment on Prevention of CaCO3 Scales
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Permanent magnets of different intensities were used to investigate the effect of a magnetic field in the process of preventing deposits of calcium carbonate. The magnets were fixed on the water line from the tap outside. Then heating a sample of this water in flasks and measuring the amount of sediment in a manner weighted differences. These experiments comprise to the change of the velocity of water flow, which amounted to (0.5, 0.75, 1) m/sec through the magnetic fields that are of magnetic strength (2200, 6000, 9250, 11000) Gauss, and conduct measurements, tests and compare them with those obtained from the use of ordinary water.The results showed the effectiveness of magnetic treatment in reducing the rate of deposition of calcium carb

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Cytogenetic Analysis for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Iraqi Propolis in Mice
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This study was conducted to study the cytogenetic effect of both alcoholic and water extracts of propolis on mice. Three different samples of propolis were collected from three different regions of Iraq (Najaf, Arbil and Baghdad) to be used in this study. The cytotoxic effect of two different doses of each extracted sample was measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronucleus index (MN) and sperm abnormalities). Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in MN, CAs and sperm abnormalities percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extract of the three samples when compared with negative control, and alcoholic extrac

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving Water Use Efficiency and Water Productivity for Okra Crop by using Subsurface Water Retention Technology
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Utilizing the modern technologies in agriculture such as subsurface water retention techniques were developed to improve water storage capacities in the root zone depth. Moreover, this technique was maximizing the reduction in irrigation losses and increasing the water use efficiency. In this paper, a polyethylene membrane was installed within the root zone of okra crop through the spring growing season 2017 inside the greenhouse to improve water use efficiency and water productivity of okra crop. The research work was conducted in the field located in the north of Babylon Governorate in Sadat Al Hindiya Township seventy-eight kilometers from Baghdad city. Three treatments plots were used for the comparison using surface

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Green Engineering
Assessment and modelling of water quality along Al-Gharraf River (Iraq)
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use of chickpea soaking water in dough fermentation and its effect on quality properties of loaf bread
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This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of chickpea soaked water as a substitute for yeast in dough fermentation and its effects on sensory properties of the laboratory loaf bread. Chickpea was soaked for 24,48 and 72 hours at room temperature and used in proportion with or without yeast in dough fermentation . The results revealed that , as the percentage of soaked chickpea water substitution increased, the volume of the produced loaf bread decreased as compared with the control treatment (only yeast ).Best results were obtained by using soaked chickpea water for 24 hours in proportion of 1:1 soaked chickpea water : yeast regarding the sensory properties ,volume and leavening of the loaf bread.
Keywords: chickpea so

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