The current world seeks to supply the most of the fruits of human knowledge and tries hard to search for the most important scientific facts, programs, means and advanced devices in various fields, including the sports field, and among these means is the use of various and advanced training devices and programs for the purpose of achieving the desired goal, which is to reach the desired level, the basketball game is one of the sports that need high technology in training according to scientifically studied principles because it is one of the games that relate to the abundance of its variables, composition and speed of change, all of which require a technical and high training depth and the players ’possession of different physical characteristics mixed in physical and skill performance. The study aims to :- Preparing suggested exercises in the opposite hierarchical training method.- Identify the effect of the opposite hierarchical training course to develop explosive power, characterized by speed, and some functional variables for basketball players.The researchers used the experimental approach with equal control and experimental groups with a cardiac and post-test, the sample of the research was the basketball youth, who numbered 12, and prepared exercises were applied using the hierarchical opposite training, as the curriculum lasted for (8) weeks and at (3) training units per week. The data were processed statistically and the researchers concluded the following. It was found that the use of the opposite hierarchical training method effectively contributed to the development of explosive power, characterized by speed, and some functional variables for basketball players.
Background : Coronary artery disease is theunderlying cause in approximately two thirds of
patients with systolic heart failure ;
Coronary artery angiogriphy may be useful to
define the presence ,
Anatomical characteristics ,and functional
significance of Coronary artery disease in
selected heart failure patients with or without signs
and aymptoms of Coronary artery disease.
Objectives: to verify the clinical usefulness of
coronary angiography (CA) in congestive heart
failure (CHF) patients with no history of ischemic
heart disease and to identify predictive factors for
performing coronary angiography to patients with
congestive heart failure with no obvious ischemia.
Methods :this is a cross-ses
Nanotechnology is a continually expanding field for its uses and applications in multiple areas i.e. medicine, science, and engineering. Biosynthesis is straightforward, less-toxicity, and cost-effective technology. TiO2 NPs biosynthesis has attained consideration in recent decades. In this study, probiotic bacteria were isolated from cow’s raw milk samples, and then were identified by using the Vitek2 system; as Leuconostoc spp. included Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (Leu.1), Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (Leu.4), and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (Leu.14). All Leuconostoc spp. isolates showed an ability for TiO2 NPs bio-production, after being incubated at anaerobic conditions (30 o C/ 24 h) in DeM
... Show MoreAPDBN Rashid, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 2023
The research aims at the scholars’attention to the importance and role of Arab Muslim women through books and historical studies that historians and scholars have taken up like Ibn Al-Jawzi (597 AH) and his book Safwat Al-Safwa, where he presented the conduct of worship and their words and deeds, and explained to women worshipers other aspects of their lives, such as the scientific aspect Crafts and works as well as their prominent role in preaching and religious guidance, and the impact of this on their morals and qualities. This study showed the strength of the personality of women and their high interest in worship. The importance of the study lies in knowledge.The research followed the role of Muslim women to carry t
... Show MoreCrop diseases are usually caused by inoculum of pathogens which might exist on alternate hosts or weeds as endophytes. These endophytes, cum pathogens, usually confer some beneficial attributes to these weeds or alternate hosts from protection against herbivores, disease resistance, stress tolerance to secondary metabolites production. This study was therefore carried out to isolate potential crop pathogens which exist as endophytes on weed species in the University of Ilorin plantations. Green asymptomatic leaves were collected from 10 weed species across the plantations, and processed for their endophytic fungi isolation. Isolates were purified into pure cultures and used for molecular identification using the internal transcribed spac
... Show MoreThis paper presents a vibration suppression control design of cantilever beam using two piezoelectric patches. One patch was used as an actuator element, while the other was used as a sensor. The controller design was designed via the balance realization reduction method to elect the reduced order model that is most controllable and observable. the sliding mode observer was designed to estimate six states from the reduced order model but three states are only used in the control law. Estimating a number of states larger than that used is in order to increase the estimation accuracy. Moreover, the state estimation error is proved bounded. An optimal LQR controller is designed then using the estimated states with the slid
... Show MoreThe monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000).
The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above a
... Show MoreShabak is one of minority related to Kurdish nation , speaking Bajalan variety especially Goran Dialect.
This study is a historic and diactological study about Kurdish Bajalan variety.The study is composed an introduction and tw0 chapters. The first chapter talks about Bajalan variety , and it has two axes . In the first axe , I talk about the geography of Bajalan variety and in the second axes the map of goran dialect . The second chapter is about Shabak variety and it is constituted of three axes : The first section is about Shabak variety , in the second section is allocated to the domicile of Shabak variety and in the third section , talks about the saint of shabak and in the end the
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