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تقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها * وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف
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أختير مشروع مزرعة فدك في محافظة النجف االشرف المستثمر من العتبة العلوية المقدسة. يقع المشروع في الجهة الشمالية شرقا ة عرض ''54.38 '57 º31 الـــــــــــى ً الغربية لمحافظة النجف االشرف بين خطي طول ''18.78 '0 º 44 الى ''53.46 '7 º44 ودائر ''17.53 '2 º32 شماال بمساحة اجمالية للمشروع تقدر بـــ 35493 هكتار لتقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف، اذ تم اخذ 40 عينة سطحية عشوائية ممثلة للمزرعة من العمق 3.0-0م باستعمال آلة الحفر المثقابي )االوكر( وبتحديد احداثيات تلك المواقع بنظام المواقع العالمي GPS تمت قراءة وتسجيل االحداثيات لموقع العينات في منطقة الدراسة, تضمنت الصفات الكيميائية المقاسة )االيصالية الكهربائية ودرجة التفاعل ومعادن الكاربونات والسعة التبادلية الكتيونية والكاربون العضوي والمادة العضوية(. بلغت النسبة المئوية حسب دليل نوعية التربة وصحتها للصفات الكيميائية للصنف الرديء من المساحة الكلية للمشروع )%16( في حين بلغت النسبة المئوية للصنف المعتدل )%84( من المساحة الكلية للمشروع

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Probability of Implementation Some Rules of Process Organization –Study of the Production Air-cooler engines
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This research is Interested in how the performance and implementation of factory production engine coolants of the General Company for Electrical Industries of its work, and to facilitate the flow of the decisions of senior management and access to all configurations, to ensure differentiation desired and reduce lost sales, resulting from poor scheduling of operations through the application of certain rules of scheduling operations in the production plant Engines Air-cooler, the objectives of research in identifying the best base and working to reduce the time and cost of Same Rules of Process which are considered the most influential of any organization and thr

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Quadrupole Moment and Form Factors of Some Ca Isotopes: Quadrupole Moment
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Nuclear shell model is adopted to calculate the electric quadrupole moments for some Calcium isotopes 20Ca (N = 21, 23, 25, and 27) in the fp shell. The wave function is generated using a two body effective interaction fpd6 and fp space model. The one body density matrix elements (OBDM) are calculated for these isotopes using the NuShellX@MSU code. The effect of the core-polarizations was taken through the theory microscopic by taking the set of the effective charges. The results for the quadrupole moments by using Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) effective charges are the best. The behavior of the form factors of some Calcium isotopes was studied by using Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) effective charges.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The tax examination by using some statistical methods: An applied research in the General Commission of taxes
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this research aims at a number of objectives including Developing the tax examination process and raise its efficiency without relying on comprehensive examination method using some statistical methods in the tax examination and Discussing the most important concepts related to the statistical methods used in the tax examination and showing its importance and how they are applied. the research represents an applied study in the General Commission of taxes. In order to achieve its objectives the research has used in the theoretical side the descriptive approach (analytical), and in the practical side Some statistical methods applied to the sample of the final accounts for the contracting company (limited) and the pharmaceutical industry (

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استخدام بعض الطرائق الاحصائية والتصنيف الشجيري في التصنيف والتنبؤ بإفلاس الشركات مالياً
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تستخدم تقنيات التصنيفِ ًبصورة واسعة جدا في كثير من المجالات التطبيقية. ولاسيما في المجالات الاقتصادية والتحليلات المالية كما في عِلْمِ تحليل الزبونِ التنبؤيِpredictive customer analytics ، الذي يتضمن ذلك  الإمتلاكِ، المقايضة، إحتكار وإحراز الإئتمانِ والجباياتِ. إنّ هدفَ أيّ نموذج تصنيفِ هو أَنْ يُصنّفَ َ المشاهدات   في مجموعتين أَو أكثرِ للوصول الى التنبؤ بنتيجةً ترتبط بكُلّ مشاهدة ومثا

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of some of the success factors and product strategies Applied Research in the industrial sector of the Iraqi
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This research deals with the study of the relationship between the success factors as the independent variable and product strategies as the dependent variable , has reacted to these variables to form the frame , which is the research which centered research problem about the extent to which industrial companies the vision and knowledge of Muslim women survive and develop in the business market , which can be expressed about the extent of awareness of corporate success factors and the use of product strategies and what the relationship between the factors and strategies , while expressing the importance of research to make the focus on the product occupies a paramount importance in the industrial sector companies in relation to t

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Common Fixed Points Theorems of Four Weakly Compatible Mappings in Metric Spaces
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                 In this paper, we proved coincidence points theorems for two pairs mappings which are defined on nonempty subset   in metric spaces by using condition (1.1). As application, we established a unique common fixed points theorems for these mappings by using the concept weakly compatible (R-weakly commuting) between these mappings.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Housing finance and housing needs in Iraq with reference to some Arab experiences
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the financial resources represent a basic factor of production ;It is obvious that the housing sector needs the resources to finance the building operation to produce all the housing units. Finance is the cornerstone of any housing strategy , as its successes dependent on the success of the financing methods and the creation of charnels and effective methods for the provision of the required finances for both individuals and instantly concerned with the production of housing units. The kinds of financial institutions vary from one country to another according to the nature of the economic and financial system. The lending conditions also vary as well as the capital cost of the housing units needed The housing operations is concer

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Natural Products of Lactococcus Overcome Nosocomial Infection in Some of Baghdad Hospitals in Iraq
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Nosocomial infections (NIs) are hospital-acquired associated infections, and also contracted due to the infections or toxins that exist in some location, like hospital. Therefore in our study, 4 Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates were obtained from dairy product (Lactobacillus brevis, L. acidophilus, Lactococcus raffinolactis and Lactococcus lactis) and were tested for Bacteriocin production to select Lactococcus lactis among them. Cell free supernatant (CFS), Lipid and partial purification of protein La. Lactis had high inhibitory effect against test pathogens (E. coli, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus). 30 isolates that diagnosed by Vitec, were isol

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Classical and Statistical Optimization of Medium Composition for Promoting Prodigiosin Produced by Local Isolate of Serratia Marcescens
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Prodigiosin is a ‘natural red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens which exhibits immunosuppressive and anticancer properties in addition to antimicrobial activities. This work presents an attempt to maximize the production of prodigiosin by two different strategies: one factor at time (OFAT) and statistical optimization. The result of OFAT revealed that sucrose and peptone were the best carbon and nitrogen sources for pigment production with concentration of prodigiosin of about 135 mg/ L. This value was increased to 331.6mg/ L with an optimized ratio of C/N (60:40) and reached 356.8 with pH 6 and 2% inoculum size at end of classical optimization. Statistical experimental design based on Response surface methodology was co

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Strategic Intelligence on the Process of Green Manufacturing An Explorative Study for the Managers Opinions of Sample of Mineral water factories at Dahuk
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         The studying trying to determine the role of  Strategic Intelligence on the Process of Green Manufacturing  of  Sample of Mineral water factories at Dahuk city.  The study submit a theoretical frame of Strategic Intelligence and Green Manufacturing, a supposed sample, had been set to reverye   the nature of the relations and effect in the study  Varity, the study  depend on group of the main and branch concurring with the relations and effect between the Strategic Intelligence and Green Manufacturing to answer the following questions about research to problems:

 What are the relationships and effects between stra

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