أختير مشروع مزرعة فدك في محافظة النجف االشرف المستثمر من العتبة العلوية المقدسة. يقع المشروع في الجهة الشمالية شرقا ة عرض ''54.38 '57 º31 الـــــــــــى ً الغربية لمحافظة النجف االشرف بين خطي طول ''18.78 '0 º 44 الى ''53.46 '7 º44 ودائر ''17.53 '2 º32 شماال بمساحة اجمالية للمشروع تقدر بـــ 35493 هكتار لتقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف، اذ تم اخذ 40 عينة سطحية عشوائية ممثلة للمزرعة من العمق 3.0-0م باستعمال آلة الحفر المثقابي )االوكر( وبتحديد احداثيات تلك المواقع بنظام المواقع العالمي GPS تمت قراءة وتسجيل االحداثيات لموقع العينات في منطقة الدراسة, تضمنت الصفات الكيميائية المقاسة )االيصالية الكهربائية ودرجة التفاعل ومعادن الكاربونات والسعة التبادلية الكتيونية والكاربون العضوي والمادة العضوية(. بلغت النسبة المئوية حسب دليل نوعية التربة وصحتها للصفات الكيميائية للصنف الرديء من المساحة الكلية للمشروع )%16( في حين بلغت النسبة المئوية للصنف المعتدل )%84( من المساحة الكلية للمشروع
Industry represents a cornerstone of the process of economic development and a measure of progress and contribute to increased prosperity and high standard of living.
The researcher analyzed the productivity indicators in industrial facilities large and small at several time periods ranging from 1970 to 2009, according to the economic situation that prevailed in each period.
Different impact of periods under discussion, it made Iraq the cash surpluses during the period 70-1980 then the effects of the war after 1980 and the economic blockade since 1990, and the subsequent events of the year
... Show Moreظهر التحول نحو العولمة في ضوء التغيرات العالمية السريعة والمتلاحقة والعميقة في آثارها وتوجهاتها المستقبلية وخاصة تلك التي شهدها الربع الاخير من القرن العشرين الماضي .إذ تحول الاقتصاد العالمي بالفعل إلى قرية صغيرة متنافسة الاطراف بفعل الثورة التكنولوجية والمعلوماتية . ولم تتوقف الامور عن هذا الحد إذ ان التطور العالمي الحديث وما سيشهده العالم من سيطرة العولمة الجديدة التي تدعو لحرية التجارة وسهولة تبادل الب
... Show MoreThe study aimed to estimate the content of lead and determine the quality of the internal coating of metal cans through electrical conductivity as well as to determine the accuracy of the information card for some types of canned food that available in local markets. The information card test showed that all of these samples contained the name of the food, trade mark, country origin, weight, and components, as was indicated by the company producing in all of them except for the C12 sample which was otherwise, and the batch number was mentioned in all samples except for the C3 and C17 which was not clear and not mentioned in the C21, and the validity period was observed (produce and fini
... Show MoreMarketing is one of the most important pillars on which most industrial and commercial sectors depend on evaluating their performance, improving their financial position, development and economic growth. The presence of effective marketing activities in any industrial or commercial organization (which works to meet the requirements of customers in order to ensure the integration of trading and handling rings with consumers and to ensure the growth of the marketing process regularly and not to retreat) effectively contributes to maintaining the company's position between its competitors and its customers. It is necessary to have these marketing activities in order to meet the requirements of the organization on the one hand and to
... Show Moreالقواعد الفقهية، باب واسع لإنزال الحكم الشرعي على مستجدات السياسة التي تتزايد يوماً بعد يوم، ومستجدات مسائل القضاء المعقدة، شرط أن تكون القاعدة مستمدة من النصوص الشرعية لفظاً أو دلالة. والأخذ بالقواعد الفقهية في الأحكام التي تخص السياسة الشرعية، أولى بالأخذ من الأحكام الوضعية؛ لأن قواعد الفقه هي خلاصة أحكام توصل إليها فقهاء الأمة بعد الدراسة والتمحيص، وهي مؤهلة وبشكل كبير أن تغطي حاجة أصحاب الولايات الع
... Show MoreThe present study examines the main points of differences in the subject of greetings between the English language and the Arabic language. From the review of the related literature on greetings in both languages, it is found that Arabic greeting formulas are more elaborate than the English greetings, because of the differences in the social customs and the Arabic traditions and the Arabic culture. It is also found that Arabic greetings carry a religious meaning basing on the Islamic principle of “the same or more so”, which might lead to untranslatable loopholes when rendered in English.
The cities are not yet a temporal status in the process of the human and civilization development. The cities consider as a life pattern, this mean that people cannot live without cities, which surround us. Several phenomena like globalization, revolution of information, technical development, increased of consumption, do not confirmed without the living in cities. The urbanization – in its simple meaning – means transferring from rural community to city community. In other word, it means that socioeconomic changes happened subject to the patterns and conditions of the urban life. Each government depend a certain policy, this policy contains set of plans and programs, that targeting to affect the population factors and the st
... Show MoreJurisprudential rules, a broad section to lower the legitimacy of the ruling on the developments of politics, which is increasing day by day, and developments of complex judicial issues, provided that the rule derived from the texts of the legitimate or verbal significance.
And the introduction of jurisprudence rules in the provisions concerning the legitimate policy, the first to take from the provisions of the situation; because the rules of jurisprudence is a summary of the provisions reached by the scholars of the nation after study and scrutiny, which is qualified and largely to cover the need of the owners of public mandates.
The present study analyzes the violation of the strategies of conversation in two English plays namely Richard II and King Lear. The present study tries to achieve the following goals: 1. showing how the strategies of real conversation can be applied to conversation in plays. 2. analyzing how the characters communicate with each other to discover how Shakespeare violates the strategies of conversation in depicting his characters. The study has been conducted on the bases of the following hypotheses:
- The strategies of conversation which are derived from the study of natural conversation can be applied to conversation in drama with some modification for dramatic purposes.
Objective: to assess the risk factors of coronary artery disease patients.
Methodology: A non-probability (purposive) sample of (100) patients. The study population consisted of
a sample of adults from both genders whose ages were 30 years and more, and was newly diagnosed as
having CAD by coronary angiography in the cardiac catheterization unit of An Nasiriyah heart center.
Results: The result of the study showed that the most common modifiable risk factors were low HDL-C
levels (58%), smoking (53%), hypertension (46%), diabetes mellitus (34%), obesity (30%), high
triglycerides (19%), hypercholesterolemia (17%), and high LDLC (14%). All these factors were positively
and significantly associated with the development