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The Role of Value Chain Analysis as well as Programs and Performance Budget in Reducing Waste of Public Money(Applied Study)
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Programs and performance budget represents a sophisticated method of public budget numbers, which includes all allocations to be determined for each job or activity within a government entity, which is analyzed according to their needs and costs, and this method can be applied using one of the cost accounting techniques, which is the technique of analyzing the value chain that reduces costs by avoiding activities that do not add value and enhance activities that add value to the economic entity, the current research aims to develop the budget system in government entity by using the budget of programs and performance as a tool for planning and monitoring events and activities, thereby reducing the waste of public money by reducing unnecessary public expenditures. The current research was conducted in Muthanna Cement Laboratory, one of the formations of the Iraqi Ministry of Industryand Minerals, where a model was prepared to balance programs and performance according to the technique of analyzing the valuechain, and the activities in the laboratory were divided into major and sub-activities, and after accounting for the total budget costsaccording to the activities specified for 2019, the activities that achieved the highest percentage of the budget, and activities thatachieved the lowest percentage, this helps to draw the attention of Senior management to unjustified and avoidable expendituresfor the purpose of reducing the total cost in the future, and therefore the use of programs and performance budget benefits for thepurposes of planning and control the use of available resources, the study has reached a set of recommendations, the most importantof which is the need to move when preparing budgets in government entity from the traditional budget (balancing items) toprograms and performance budget, because it has several advantages, the most prominent of which is its efforts to reduce costs andthis in turn limits the waste of Public money, and therefore it is a tool for assessing performance and financial planning in government entity, departments and employees.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Information Technology Competency in Activating of Human Resources Management Practices/ Applied Study in the Informatics and Communications Public Company in Iraq
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This research aims to clarify the role of Information Technology Competency (ITC) with dimensions' (IT Usage, IT Knowledge, and IT Operations) as an independent variable in the activation of Human Resources Management Practices (HRM Practices) as a dependent variable with dimensions' (Training and Development, Recruitment, Job Design, and Performance appraisal). Based on this, the correlation and effect relationships between the independent and dependent variables are determined by formulating two main hypotheses. There are a significant relationship and effect of IT competency with HRM practices within the dimensions. Furthermore, the scope and population of this research are the Informatics and Communications P

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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                  The research aims to analyze the value chain of dairy products in Iraq (Abu Ghraib/Study Case) factories for the year 2022, where value chain rings are identified to discuss and track the most important determinants and problems in the value chain rings of dairy products and their basic and secondary activities, as well as calculate the value added of the products by subtracting the total revenues of products from their variable costs. Research data were collected for the period 2022. Preliminary information and data from its field sources and personal interviews were collected through a questionnaire prepa

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Smart Well Modelling for As Reservoir in AG Oil Field
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Intelligent or smart completion wells vary from conventional wells. They have downhole flow control devices like Inflow Control Devices (ICD) and Interval Control Valves (ICV) to enhance reservoir management and control, optimizing hydrocarbon output and recovery. However, to explain their adoption and increase their economic return, a high level of justification is necessary. Smart horizontal wells also necessitate optimizing the number of valves, nozzles, and compartment length. A three-dimensional geological model of the As reservoir in AG oil field was used to see the influence of these factors on cumulative oil production and NPV. After creating the dynamic model for the As reservoir using the program Petrel (2017.4), we

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of financial policy instruments to reduce the deficit of the State budget to the IMF terms: Applied Research at the Iraqi Ministry of finance - budget service
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Abstract search seeks to clarify the role and the importance of financial and fiscal policy adopted by the Iraqi Government during the years (2015 – 2018) to meet federal public deficit, as the Iraqi economy to shocks from falling global oil prices and terrorist attack ISIS, so the State budget suffered from a severe lack of income as a result of its reliance on revenues from selling crude oil and in return the high proportion of public expenditures. Especially military to counter these attacks that by studying the results of the implementation of budgets and analysis and statement Causes of disabilities and assessment of these policies and procedures imposed by the International Monetary Fund. the research aims to show how increased g

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Technological Literacy in Educational Programs in The Department of Accounting: As one of the Resources of Human Development
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Education is considered the corner stone of all nations development. It is the principal way for the development of human sources and the most achievements of the age due to the knowledge of these resources .                                           

   As its active role which accounting departments implement in Iraq universities , (public and private) through their teaching programs , they aim to supply labour-market with qualified cadre graduated as accountants auditors , tax auditors , financial analysts , ac

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of public relations in educating the Palestinian public about the issue of prisoners under the occupation An applied study on the employees of the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs
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The issue of Palestinian prisoners inside the prisons of the Israeli occupation is considered
a humanitarian issue par excellence، as it affects every Palestinian family as a
result of the absence of a husband، wife or son.
Almost no Palestinian house is vacant without one or more prisoners، and even women،
children and the elderly are not spared from these arrests.
The problem of the study was to identify the role of public relations in the Ministry
of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs in educating the Palestinian public about the
issue of prisoners، the nature of this role and the means used to bring support and
solidarity with this important and sensitive issue through the applied study on the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 12th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Roadway Deterioration Prediction Using Markov Chain Modeling (Wasit Governorate/ Iraq as a Case Study)
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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The general budget is usually linked to the role of the state in public life and economic activity, whether this role is neutral or interventionist and thus reflects the general objectives that the state seeks to achieve.

for importance of  the public budget in clarifying the image of the political state philosophy and its objectives it seeks to achieve on the one hand and clarifying the degree and rank it occupies in the ladder of development among the other countries. This study is intended to highlight the concepts of the general budget and how its concept has evolved since the Middle Ages. Of the importance of the general budget in Iraq was not based on scientific and objective and then the study

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analysis of the impact of public budget deficit on external debt in lraq with in the framework of joint integration of the period (1990 – 2016 )
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The concept of deficit in public budget becomes a chronic economic phenomenon in most of the world, whether the advanced countries or developing countries. Despite  the difference in the visions of the economic schools to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the opinion that prevailed is the necessity of the state to reduce the public spending which led to a continuous deficits in the public budget which consequently increased the government borrowing ,increase income taxes and wealth, consequently this weakened the in motivation in private investment which contributed to the increase of in factionary stagnation , so that governments have to cover the lack of local funding sources which become difficult to be eq

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Factors Affecting in Planning of Current Expenditurs For Federal Public Budget of State: An Applied Research For ASample of Health Ministry Depatments
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Increasing interest in planning at the level of government units as a means to manage the physical and human resources, direct and invest in areas that would include an increase in the economies of the general government units that are part of the general economics of the state.The research problem lies in the introduction of the factors influencing the ongoing expenses that adversely affect the financial planning process at the level of the Ministry of Health Planning, which affects the quality of services provided to citizens, so I sought the researchers to study the reality of financial planning in some of the Ministry of Health and health departments through the analysis of current budgets and diagnose deviations in the implementatio

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