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Cladophora Algae Modified with CuO Nanoparticles for Tetracycline Removal from Aqueous Solutions
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Modified algae with nano copper oxide (CuO) were used as adsorption media to remove tetracycline (TEC) from aqueous solutions. Functional groups, morphology, structure, and percentages of surfactants before and after adsorption were characterised through Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Several variables, including pH, connection time, dosage, initial concentrations, and temperature, were controlled to obtain the optimum condition. Thermodynamic studies, adsorption isotherm, and kinetics models were examined to describe and recognise the type of interactions involved. Resultantly, the best operation conditions were at pH 7, contact time of 240 min, 5 g/L of dosage, initial concentration of 25 mg/L, and a temperature of 45 °C. The removal percentage of TEC under the optimum condition was 96%. Thermodynamic analysis indicated that the removal efficiency was slightly increased with temperature depending on the positive value of Δ𝐻°, thus indicating that the adsorption phenomenon was endothermic. The Langmuir model fitted the study (R2 = 0.998), demonstrating that the adsorption sites were homogenous. The experimental results were best matched with the second-order kinetic model, implying that chemisorption was the primary process during the adsorption process. Compared to previous research and based on the value of qmax (15.60 mg/g), the biomass was suitable for TEC removal.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finding the Exact Solution of Kepler’s Equation for an Elliptical Satellite Orbit Using the First Kind Bessel Function
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     In this study, the first kind Bessel function was used to solve Kepler equation for an elliptical orbiting satellite. It is a classical method that gives a direct solution for calculation of the eccentric anomaly. It was solved for one period from (M=0-360)° with an eccentricity of (e=0-1) and the number of terms from (N=1-10). Also, the error in the representation of the first kind Bessel function was calculated. The results indicated that for eccentricity of (0.1-0.4) and (N = 1-10), the values of eccentric anomaly gave a good result as compared with the exact solution. Besides, the obtained eccentric anomaly values were unaffected by increasing the number of terms (N = 6-10) for eccentricities (0.8 and 0.9). The Bessel

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Relative intensity distribution in the rotational structure for B1Σ+- A1Π and B1Σ+- X1Σ+ electronic systems of BeO molecule
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Theoretical spectroscopic study of  Beryllium Oxide has been carried out, Boltzmann distribution of P, Q and R branches in the range of (0<J<13) at temperature 4200K for (0-0) band for electronic transitions B1Σ+-A1Π and B1Σ-X1Σ. The Boltzmann distribution of these branches has a maximum values at equal J approximately while the values of relative population are different. For the B1Σ+- X1Σ+ transition the branch's lines extend towards lower wavenumber. This is because (Bv'-Bv") value is negative, i.e  Bv'< Bv" For B1Σ+-A1Π

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Care for the Disabled students and its influence on the Scientific Level (University of Baghdad as example)
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The enrollment of students in the university represents a new stage in their life that differ from the previous educational stages that student has previously established. It should be noted that students with special needs at the University of Baghdad are not large numbers. It appears that these students have an excel role in their colleges most often, That is, the handicap was not a barrier to their scientific progress, but rather an incentive for them to excel. The most important conclusion reached by the researcher is that the University of Baghdad had no role in caring for people with special needs and caring for them financially, socially, psychologically, healthily and economically, they need to pay attention to them and take care

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Monetary Policy Management of the Money Supply to Interest rates in Iraqi Economy for the period 2004-2011
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The results show the inability to apply the Taylor rule within inflation and GDP Gaps because the monetary behave is elated from the Iraqi economy.

When applying the Taylor rule to exchange rate with the inflation and the output gap, the results do not match the nominal price announced by the central thing, which proves the lack of commitment by the Central Bank by using the Taylor rule, whether short-run interest rate or exchange rate (Nominal Anchor),  so it did not stay to the Iraqi Central Bank only using the principle of Taylor with the expected inflation rate below the level of output (Macro activity) for the separation of monetary behavior from the real one o

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Publication Date
Thu May 24 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study effect of weight fraction on thermal and electrical conductivity for unsaturated polyester composite alone and hybrid
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In this research prepared two composite materials , the first prepared from unsaturated polyester resin (UP) , which is a matrix , and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) , and the second prepared from unsaturated polyester resin and aluminum oxide and copper oxide (CuO) , the two composites materials (Alone and Hybrid) of percentage weight (5,10,15)% . All samples were prepared by hand layup process, and study the electrical and thermal conductivity. The results showed decrease electrical conductivity from (10 - 2.39) ×10-15 for (Up+ Al2O3) and from (10 - 2.06)×10-15 for (Up+ Al2O3+ CuO) .But increase thermal conductivity from( 0.17 - 0.505) for (Up+ Al2O3) and from (0.17 - 0.489) for (Up+ Al2O3+ CuO).

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Five Variable Refined Plate Theory For Thermal Buckling Analysis Uniform And Nonuniform Of Cross-Ply Laminated Plates
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This research is devoted to investigating the thermal buckling analysis behaviour of laminated composite plates subjected to uniform and non-uniform temperature fields by applying an analytical model based on a refined plate theory (RPT) with five unknown independent variables. The theory accounts for the parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strains through the plate thickness and satisfies the zero-traction boundary condition on the surface without using shear correction factors; hence a shear correction factor is not required. The governing differential equations and associated boundary conditions are derived by using the virtual work principle and solved via Navier-type analytical procedure to obtain critica

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using The Ultrasonic Waves For Studying Thermal And Elastic Properties as a Function of Porosity in Sintered ceramic
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Ultrasonic pulse echo measurements on porous alumina as ceramic

material with porosities ranging from (20-40)% showed effect of volume

fraction of porosity on both thermal and elastic properties. A quadratic relationships, by using a least squares method, is deduced for the dependence of the shear velocity, longitudinal velocity, shear modulus, Young's modulus,  bulk  modulus, Poisson 's ratio, Debye temperature, specific heat, and thermal conductivity on the total  porosity. By these relationships,  the  thermal  and  elastic  properties  results  of  pore-free alumina  were  calculated.  The  elastic  properties  results  of  

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The challenges of precision axes for futuristic regional relations in the middle east (Iraq after post triumph's period)
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The research has tackled about an important transformation within the whole region of middle east, especially there were more challenges which revealed under the huge pivotal interests of global powers that ruled the new world order by United states of America ; being very affected over the international and regional relations than any situations appeared previously within political realities. So that, many of variables inside the international scene which happened during of this period of contradicting strategic policies by the process of reforming and restructuring of difficult equations that imposed by international and regional allies and blocs . This article had concentrated over various strategic and political studies which reflect

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks to attract savings to funding banking activities in Iraq For period (2008-2012)
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Islamic banks are a financial institution that is interested in attracting financial savings from financial entities and directing them towards those with financial deficits, both for consumption purposes or for investment purposes. It provides banking services provided by commercial banks and other services But based on the principles and principles of Islamic law, and because of its recent emergence in Iraq, its ability to attract savings is not like non-Islamic commercial banks, which puts them in the option of using their capital to achieve its objective of banking. The research started from the premise that "Islamic banks in Iraq during the period (2008-2012) rely on their capital to perform their activities more than they rely on d

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Determination of Critical-Sampling Scheme of Preprocessing for Multiwavelets Decomposition as 1st and 2nd Orders of Approximations.
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One of the important differences between multiwavelets and scalar wavelets is that each channel in the filter bank has a vector-valued input and a vector-valued output. A scalar-valued input signal must somehow be converted into a suitable vector-valued signal. This conversion is called preprocessing. Preprocessing is a mapping process which is done by a prefilter. A postfilter just does the opposite.

The most obvious way to get two input rows from a given signal is to repeat the signal. Two rows go into the multifilter bank. This procedure is called “Repeated Row” which introduces oversampling of the data by a factor of 2.

 For data compression, where one is trying to find compact transform representations for a

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