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Electrical Conductivity as a General Predictor of Multiple Parameters in Tigris River Based on Statistical Regression Model

Surface water samples from different locations within Tigris River's boundaries in Baghdad city have been analyzed for drinking purposes. Correlation coefficients among different parameters were determined. An attempt has been made to develop linear regression equations to predict the concentration of water quality constituents having significant correlation coefficients with electrical conductivity (EC). This study aims to find five regression models produced and validated using electrical conductivity as a predictor to predict total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca), chloride (Cl), sulfate (SO4), and total dissolved solids (TDS). The five models showed good/excellent prediction ability of the parameters mentioned above, which is a very good startup to establish a rule of thumb in the laboratories to compare between observations. The importance of linear regression equations in predicting surface water quality parameters is a method that can be applied to any other location.  

Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using system dynamics model and the statistical indicators for Road Map of "Green government departments" project In Iraq


The issue of the protection of the environment is a shared responsibility between several destinations and sectors, and constitutes a main subject in which they can achieve sustainable development. In the sectors of government programs can be set up towards the establishment of the government sector to the green environment, so to be the implementati

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Multiobjective Optimization of Stereolithography for Dental Bridge Based on a Simple Shape Model Using Taguchi and Response Surface Methods

Stereolithography (SLA) has become an essential photocuring 3D printing process for producing parts of complex shapes from photosensitive resin exposed to UV light. The selection of the best printing parameters for good accuracy and surface quality can be further complicated by the geometric complexity of the models. This work introduces multiobjective optimization of SLA printing of 3D dental bridges based on simple CAD objects. The effect of the best combination of a low-cost resin 3D printer’s machine parameter settings, namely normal exposure time, bottom exposure time and bottom layers for less dimensional deviation and surface roughness, was studied. A multiobjective optimization method was utilized, combining the Taguchi me

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Development and in vitro Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablet using Econazole Nitrate as a Model Drug

         In this study, a bioadhesive dosage form of eoconazole nitrate for vaginal delivery was designed using a combination of bioadhesive polymers: Carbopol 941 p and sodium carboxymethylcellulose or methylcellulose in different ratios. The bioadhesive strength was evaluated by measuring the force required to detach the tablet from sheep vaginal mucosal membrane. It was found that the bioadhesive force was directly proportional to Carbopol 941 p content in the different formulae. The formulae were tested for their swelling behavior using agar gel plate method. The results showed that formulae containing a combination of Carbopol 941 p and sodium carboxymethylcellulose had greater swelling index

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
(The role of the Security Council in Managing international crises (The Libyan crisis as a model

The Security Council has an active role in addressing international crises and dealing with their causes. The Libyan crisis is one of the most important real tests of the Security Council and its role in maintaining international peace and security, as the Council has proven so far an ineffective role in resolving the crisis and dealing withtheir causes, which has prolonged its duration and increased its complexities and dangerous repercussions, perhaps the most prominent of which is the threat of the recently achieved cease-fire and the formation of a new transitional government led by Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, the growing significant obstacles facing the political process, foremost of which is the continued presence of foreign forces , m

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Conceptual Representations of the Jewish Personality in the International Cinema (Munich film as a model)

This study deals with the intellectual representations whose intellectual systems are incarnated in the Jewish personality, which is considered one of the complex intellectual systems that has caused controversy throughout the ages because of the ambiguity due to the religious and psychological factors that were reflected directly and strongly on the intellectual structure of the Jewish community in general and the Jewish - Zionist personality in particular, in an attempt (to create new dimensions embodied by intellectual representations of a human nature embodied by what that - peaceful - religiously oppressed - psychologically and socially isolated character presents, because of the curse of the peoples of the world that was a cause fo

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What Imam Ibn al-Subki disagreed with Imam al-Amadi in Tashnif al-Masma’, the chapter on analogy as a model

Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the m

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Lightweight hamming product code based multiple bit error correction coding scheme using shared resources for on chip interconnects

In this paper, we present multiple bit error correction coding scheme based on extended Hamming product code combined with type II HARQ using shared resources for on chip interconnect. The shared resources reduce the hardware complexity of the encoder and decoder compared to the existing three stages iterative decoding method for on chip interconnects. The proposed method of decoding achieves 20% and 28% reduction in area and power consumption respectively, with only small increase in decoder delay compared to the existing three stage iterative decoding scheme for multiple bit error correction. The proposed code also achieves excellent improvement in residual flit error rate and up to 58% of total power consumption compared to the other err

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of TNF-? in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma “a study in Iraqi patients”

During recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the investigation of the cytokines roles in pathogenesis of cancer, thus the study aimed at evaluating the level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-?) in sera of Iraqi multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Beta 2-microglobulion (?2-m) was assessed to determine if there was any association between this cytokine and the level of ?2- m, as the latter is related to the stage of the disease. In addition, the age and gender were also taken into consideration. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between IgG and TNF-? in sera of patients. 49 Iraqi patients (27 males and 22 females).The patients were also divided into two groups: the first group included (17) patients who were

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigate Salts type and concentration on the conductivity of Polymer Electrolyte

Polymer electrolytes systems compose of (PEO+KI+I2) and (PEO+RbI+I2) with different concentration, and a fixed amount of ethylene carbonate (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC) over temperatures range 293-343 K prepared by solution cast me

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
D.C. Conductivity of a-InAs Films Prepared at Different Thickness

 The behaviour of the electrical conductivity (σ) and the activation energies (Ea1, Ea2) have been investigated on a-InAs thin films as a function of thickness (250,350,450,550,650) nm, before and after heat treatment. The films were annealed at (373, 423, 473) K for one hour.          The films contain two types of transport mechanisms, and the electrical conductivity (σ) increases whereas the activation energy (Ea) would decrease as the films thickness increases.

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