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Electrical Conductivity as a General Predictor of Multiple Parameters in Tigris River Based on Statistical Regression Model

Surface water samples from different locations within Tigris River's boundaries in Baghdad city have been analyzed for drinking purposes. Correlation coefficients among different parameters were determined. An attempt has been made to develop linear regression equations to predict the concentration of water quality constituents having significant correlation coefficients with electrical conductivity (EC). This study aims to find five regression models produced and validated using electrical conductivity as a predictor to predict total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca), chloride (Cl), sulfate (SO4), and total dissolved solids (TDS). The five models showed good/excellent prediction ability of the parameters mentioned above, which is a very good startup to establish a rule of thumb in the laboratories to compare between observations. The importance of linear regression equations in predicting surface water quality parameters is a method that can be applied to any other location.  

Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 1995
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Studies

Five heavy metals, namely Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Pb in the surface water and through the water column were studied at 10 selected stations in the Razzazah lake and Karbala drainage canal for the period between November 1990 to October 1991*. pH and total hardness were also measured. Lead was found to be the highest in concentration as overall average values, followed by an manganese, iron, copper then cadmium at the surface as well as along the water column. All the studied metals were below or close to the maximum allowed limits of Iraqi standards for inland water. The spatial and seasonal variations were discussed.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

The experiment was conducted under shading (with the aid of Saran) condition on a nursery managed by the Baghdad Mayoralty during the season of 2014-2015 to study the effect of composed sheep manure extract on the growth and leaf nutrients content of tomato seedlings var. Wijdan. The experiment was composed of 6 treatments included the extract of sheep manure by hot (425C)and lmbient(205C) temperature water .The extract was diluted to the half by water and foliar applied to seedlings (multible application) or to the soil . Treatments also included the application of NPK chemical fertilizers as recommended and a control treatment through applying distilled water as foliar .The experiment was designed according to the randomized compl

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Effect of sheep manure extract on the growth and nutrients content of tomato seedlingss

Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Effect of Using Grids On the Behaviour of Portland Limestone Cement Self Compacted Concrete.

The civil engineering field currently focus on sustainable development. It is important to develop new sustainable and economic generations of concrete, using eco-friendly materials in the construction industry with a fair amount of costs and minimizing the impact upon the environment by reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry as a whole while still obtaining high cement quality and strength. The main objective of this research is to clarify the mechanical behavior and ability to use Portland limestone cement in producing self compacted concrete, due to the beneficious effec of the limestone cement economically and enviromently. The research investigates the effect of using steel and polymer meshs as reinforcement, where the results

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Impact of phosphate ester addition on the cytotoxicity of heat cured denture base material

This study aims to evaluate and compare the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of a modified heat-cured acrylic denture base material containing 15% phosphoric acid 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate ester (PA2HEME) with those of nonmodified PMMA. Discs with a diameter of 12 mm and a thickness of 2 mm were prepared using a heat-cured PMMA denture base material and divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group was modified with 15% phosphoric acid 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate ester (PA2HEME). The modified and nonmodified materials were tested via FTIR, and the effect of modification on surface roughness was evaluated with AFM. An in vitro test was conducted to examine the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of heat-cured acry

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agriculture Science

The study was conducted to investigate the effect of salinity of irrigation water on seeds quality and seedling growth characters for three oat cultivars (Shifaa, Hamel and Pimula) . It was carried oat in seed technology laboratory, field crops department, College of Agriculture, Baghdad University of Aljadiriya for period of tow years. Seeds of three oat cultivars (Shifaa, Hamel and Pimula) taken from a field experiment conducted during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 irrigated with three salinity water levels (3, 6 and 9 dS.m-1 ) in addition to river water with salinity level of 1.164 dS.m-1 as control. Seeds were tested in laboratory experiments to estimate their quality, and completely randomized design with three replicates was used. Statistic

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Asabe
Effects of Pressure and Moisture Content on Bulk Density of Triticale Grain under Compaction


Compaction of triticale grain with three moisture contents (8%, 12%, and 16% wet basis) was measured at five applied pressures (0, 7, 14, 34, and 55 kPa).

Bulk density increased with increasing pressure for all moisture contents and was significantly (p < 0.0001) dependent on both moisture content and applied pressure.

A Verhulst logistic equation was found to model the changes in bulk density of triticale grain with R2 of 0.986.

The model showed similar beha

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2024
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agricultural Science
Effect foliar of some organic fertilizers on growth and yield of four potato cultivars

Publication Date
Sat Apr 20 2024
Journal Name
Int J Eng Res Technol
Effect of irrigation levels and organic matter on water use efficiency of chilli pepper

Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of sputtering power on optical Properties of RF sputtering deposited Ti6Al4V Thin Films

Ti6Al4V thin film was prepared on glass substrate by RF
sputtering method. The effect of RF power on the optical properties
of the thin films has been investigated using UV-visible
Spectrophotometer. It's found that the absorbance and the extinction
coefficient (k) for deposited thin films increase with increasing
applied power, while another parameters such as dielectric constant
and refractive index decrease with increasing RF power.

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