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MR Images Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Deep Belief Network Method
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Background/Objectives: The purpose of this study was to classify Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients from Normal Control (NC) patients using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Methods/Statistical analysis: The performance evolution is carried out for 346 MR images from Alzheimer's Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. The classifier Deep Belief Network (DBN) is used for the function of classification. The network is trained using a sample training set, and the weights produced are then used to check the system's recognition capability. Findings: As a result, this paper presented a novel method of automated classification system for AD determination. The suggested method offers good performance of the experiments carried out show that the use of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) features and DBN classifier provides 98.26% accuracy with the two specific classes were tested. Improvements/Applications: AD is a neurological condition affecting the brain and causing dementia that may affect the mind and memory. The disease indirectly impacts more than 15 million relatives, companions and guardians. The results of the present research are expected to help the specialist in decision making process.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics And Control (jrc)
Artificial Intelligence Based Deep Bayesian Neural Network (DBNN) Toward Personalized Treatment of Leukemia with Stem Cells
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The dynamic development of computer and software technology in recent years was accompanied by the expansion and widespread implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) based methods in many aspects of human life. A prominent field where rapid progress was observed are high‐throughput methods in biology that generate big amounts of data that need to be processed and analyzed. Therefore, AI methods are more and more applied in the biomedical field, among others for RNA‐protein binding sites prediction, DNA sequence function prediction, protein‐protein interaction prediction, or biomedical image classification. Stem cells are widely used in biomedical research, e.g., leukemia or other disease studies. Our proposed approach of

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facial Expression Recognition Based on Deep Learning: An Overview
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      Recognizing facial expressions and emotions is a basic skill that is learned at an early age and it is important for human social interaction. Facial expressions are one of the most powerful natural and immediate means that humans use to express their feelings and intentions. Therefore, automatic emotion recognition based on facial expressions become an interesting area in research, which had been introduced and applied in many areas such as security, safety health, and human machine interface (HMI). Facial expression recognition transition from controlled environmental conditions and their improvement and succession of recent deep learning approaches from different areas made facial expression representation mostly based on u

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Arabic Alphabets Using a Combination of a Convolutional Neural Network and the Morphological Gradient Method
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The field of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of converting an image of text into a machine-readable text format. The classification of Arabic manuscripts in general is part of this field. In recent years, the processing of Arabian image databases by deep learning architectures has experienced a remarkable development. However, this remains insufficient to satisfy the enormous wealth of Arabic manuscripts. In this research, a deep learning architecture is used to address the issue of classifying Arabic letters written by hand. The method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture as a self-extractor and classifier. Considering the nature of the dataset images (binary images), the contours of the alphabet

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Brain Tumor Detection of Skull Stripped MR Images Utilizing Clustering and Region Growing
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Brain tissues segmentation is usually concerned with the delineation of three types of brain matters Grey Matter (GM), White Matter (WM) and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). Because most brain structures are anatomically defined by boundaries of these tissue classes, accurate segmentation of brain tissues into one of these categories is an important step in quantitative morphological study of the brain. As well as the abnormalities regions like tumors are needed to be delineated. The extra-cortical voxels in MR brain images are often removed in order to facilitate accurate analysis of cortical structures. Brain extraction is necessary to avoid the misclassifications of surrounding tissues, skull and scalp as WM, GM or tumor when implementing s

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Belief about Medications among Sample of Iraqi Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
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 Inflammatory bowel disease includes both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic, progressive relapsing disease of gastrointestinal tract that require long-term treatment or maintenance therapy. Taking patient’s beliefs about the prescribed medication in consideration had been shown to be an important factor that affects compliance of the patient in whom having positive beliefs is a prerequisite for better compliance. The aim of the current study was to investigate and assess beliefs about medicines among a sample of Iraqi patients with inflammatory bowel disease and to determine possible association between these beliefs and some patient-specific factors.

This study is a cross-sectional study carried out o

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A missing data imputation method based on salp swarm algorithm for diabetes disease
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Most of the medical datasets suffer from missing data, due to the expense of some tests or human faults while recording these tests. This issue affects the performance of the machine learning models because the values of some features will be missing. Therefore, there is a need for a specific type of methods for imputing these missing data. In this research, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is used for generating and imputing the missing values in the pain in my ass (also known Pima) Indian diabetes disease (PIDD) dataset, the proposed algorithm is called (ISSA). The obtained results showed that the classification performance of three different classifiers which are support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbour (KNN), and Naïve B

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 25 2017
Journal Name
International Journal On Advanced Science, Engineering And Information Technology
A Novel DNA Sequence Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Cryptography Encoding Method
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A novel method for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) has been proposed, based on the concept of how DNA sequence detects disease as both domains have similar conceptual method of detection. Three important steps have been proposed to apply DNA sequence for NIDS: convert the network traffic data into a form of DNA sequence using Cryptography encoding method; discover patterns of Short Tandem Repeats (STR) sequence for each network traffic attack using Teiresias algorithm; and conduct classification process depends upon STR sequence based on Horspool algorithm. 10% KDD Cup 1999 data set is used for training phase. Correct KDD Cup 1999 data set is used for testing phase to evaluate the proposed method. The current experiment results sh

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Survey on Arabic Text Classification Using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms
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    Text categorization refers to the process of grouping text or documents into classes or categories according to their content. Text categorization process consists of three phases which are: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. In comparison to the English language, just few studies have been done to categorize and classify the Arabic language. For a variety of applications, such as text classification and clustering, Arabic text representation is a difficult task because Arabic language is noted for its richness, diversity, and complicated morphology. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and a comparison for researchers in the last five years based on the dataset, year, algorithms and the accu

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Satellite Image Classification using Spectral Signature and Deep Learning
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    When images are customized to identify changes that have occurred using techniques such as spectral signature, which can be used to extract features, they can be of great value. In this paper, it was proposed to use the spectral signature to extract information from satellite images and then classify them into four categories. Here it is based on a set of data from the Kaggle satellite imagery website that represents different categories such as clouds, deserts, water, and green areas. After preprocessing these images, the data is transformed into a spectral signature using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Then the data of each image is reduced by selecting the top 20 features and transforming them from a two-dimensiona

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Symmetric- Based Steganography Technique Using Spiral-Searching Method for HSV Color Images
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Steganography is defined as hiding confidential information in some other chosen media without leaving any clear evidence of changing the media's features. Most traditional hiding methods hide the message directly in the covered media like (text, image, audio, and video). Some hiding techniques leave a negative effect on the cover image, so sometimes the change in the carrier medium can be detected by human and machine. The purpose of suggesting hiding information is to make this change undetectable. The current research focuses on using complex method to prevent the detection of hiding information by human and machine based on spiral search method, the Structural Similarity Index Metrics measures are used to get the accuracy and quality

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