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Studying of different factors affected in production of amylase enzyme from a local isolate of B. Subtillis A4 bacteria
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The present study aims to detection optimal conditions of production of amylase enzyme from isolate of B. subtillis A4. Nine carbonic sources were represented by starch, maltose, fructose, sucrose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, sorbitol and mannitol) at concentration of 1% for each source. It was found that the best was represented by starch carbonic, which showed higher activity and qualitative activity of 7.647 Unit/ ml and 461.56 Unit/ mg. Ten nitrogen sources were selected, including yeast extract, peptone, trypton, gelatin, urea and meat extract as organic sources Ammonium sulphate, Sodium nitrate, Potassium nitrate and Ammonium chloride as inorganic sources. These sources were added at aconcentration of 0.5% to the production medium. The Peptone source was the best of used nitrogenic sources at concentration of 1%, which showed high activity and qualitative activity at 9.651 Unit/ ml and 506.29 Unit/ mg. The best hydrogen number was 7 there inculcation which showed higher activity and qualitative activity of 14.3 Unit/ ml and 569.38 Unit/ mg. The size of inoculums of 2 × 108 cell was the best which showed high activity and qualitative activity of 16.213 Unit/ ml and 592.9 Unit/ mg.

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Studying the impact of condensate blockage on gas production: A review
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When the drawdown pressure amounts to a value below the dew point pressure, a minor droplet of condensate is shaped and accumulated in the close area of wellbore. As the accumulation happens, the saturation of the liquid will grow and a reduction in gas relative permeability will happen, therefore it will affect the productivity. Generally, condensate baking problem in gas wells is being deliberated and studied and numerous techniques have been suggested to solve the problem. The studying of condensate banking dynamics is essential to evaluate the productivity and behavior of the wells of the gas fields.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pure And Applied Microbiology (jpam)
Optimization Kerosene Bio-degradation by a Local Soil Bacterium Isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae Sp. pneumonia
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Isolated Bacteria from the roots of barley were studied; two stages of processes Isolated and screening were applied in order to find the best bacteria to remove kerosene from soil. The active bacteria are isolated for kerosene degradation process. It has been found that Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. have the highest kerosene degradation which is 88.5%. The optimum conditions of kerosene degradation by Klebsiella pneumonia sp. are pH5, 48hr incubation period, 35°C temperature and 10000ppm the best kerosene concentration. The results 10000ppm showed that the maximum kerosene degradation can reach 99.58% after 48 h of incubation. Higher Kerosene degradation which was 99.83% was obtained at pH5. Kerosene degradation was found to be maximum at 3

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pure And Applied Microbiology
Optimization Kerosene Bio-degradation by a Local Soil Bacterium Isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae Sp. pneumonia
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Isolated Bacteria from the roots of barley were studied; two stages of processes Isolated and screening were applied in order to nd the best bacteria to remove kerosene from soil. The acve bacteria are isolated for kerosene degradaon process. It has been found that Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. have the highest kerosene degradaon which is 88.5%. The opmum condions of kerosene degradaon by Klebsiella pneumonia sp. are pH5, 48hr incubaon period, 35°C temperature and 10000ppm the best kerosene concentraon. The results 10000ppm showed that the maximum kerosene degradaon can reach 99.58% aer 48 h of incubaon. Higher Kerosene degradaon which was 99.83% was obtained at pH5. Kerosene degradaon was found

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Purification of a Cyclooxygenase-2 from the Blood of a Patient Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Studying the Effect of Natural Products of the Soapwort on the Activity of Purified Enzyme
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In this paper to isolate and study the properties of the cyclooxygenase-2 (EC: enzyme in the blood of a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and study the effect of natural products of the Soapwort on the activity of purified enzyme. The study involves taking 30 ml of blood from an adult woman 40 years old, who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis disease for 13 years. Serum is separated and subjected to a series of purification processes including: precipitation by ammonium sulfate, filtration by centrifugation radiator, dialysis in presence of ammonium bicarbonate, separation using the technology of ion exchange, lipholization and then estimating approximate molecular weight of the enzyme using gel filtration techni

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Studying the Adsorption of Lead from aqueous Solution using Local Adsorbent Material Produced from Waste Tires by Pyrolysis
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In this research a local adsorbent was prepared from waste tires using two-step pyrolysis method. In the carbonization process, nitrogen gas flow rate was 0.2L/min at carbonization temperature of 500ºC for 1h. The char products were then preceded to the activation process at 850°C under carbon dioxide (CO2) activation flow rate of 0.6L/min for 3h. The activation method produced local adsorbent material with a surface area and total pore volume as high as 118.59m2 /g and 0.1467cm3/g, respectively. The produced . local adsorbent (activated carbon) was used for adsorption of lead from aqueous solution. The continuous fixed bed column experiments were conducted. The adsorption capacity performance of prepared activated carbons in this work

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 07 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets: Isolate and diagnose Mycotoxins associated with some producers of Indomie and Chips that available in local markets
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This study aimed to survey fungi associated with the product Indomie and Chips being the trades Iargely by a very important segment of society who are the children, beside consumed by adults, but less so, as the survey results to accompany some fungui samples sterile showed proportions presence included various fungi like. Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium Spp., Fusarium graminearum, F.moniliforme, Alternaria alternate and Rhizopus Spp., and other fungi sterile are not diagnosed. The results showed large dominion fungi A. niger by presence sterile samples of both producers, followed by infection in Fusarium Spp., Penicillium Spp., and A. alternata by infection percentage 55, 20 and 17% respectively for the pr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2017
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Biological And Life Sciences
Bioethanol Production from Banana Peels using Different Pretreatments
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 14 2024
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Agricultural Sciences
Growth and production of three potato cultivars as affected by organic foliar nutrition
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Local wheat peel as a solid surface to remove Azure B dye from aqueous solution:Equilibrium isotherms and thermodynamic study
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In this research local wheat peel was used as an adsorbent surface for removal of Azure B (AB) dye from the aqueous solution. The adsorption process was performed at different experimental parameters, equilibrium time, temperature, ionic strength and solution pH. The isotherms of adsorption are of H-type as compared with Giles curves and the adsorption data were coincide with Freundlich equation. The adsorption kinetic data were analyzed using pseudo- first and second order kinetic models. The effect of temperature was studied and the amount of dye adsorbed was found to increase with the increasing of temperature from 25 to 50 oC. The values of thermodynamic functions like enthalpy and entropy have been estimated. The quantity of adso

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2000
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Production of Low Sulfur Fuel Oil from Different Iraqi Residues Crudes
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