عتبر البصمة الكربونية ذات تأثير كبير في تحسين بيئة المدينة والمحافظة عمى استدامتيا ، فزيادتيا تعتبر مؤشر عمى التدىور البيئي بسبب زيادة انبعاثات غازات االحتباس الحراري ، وأىميا غاز COالذي ينتج من احتراق مئات بل باليين األطنان من الوقود األحفوري بإستخدام المنشآت الصناعية ومحطات الطاقة ووسائل النقل المختمفة، حيث ان في كل عام يتم انبعاث ما يقارب من 02 مميار طن من غاز CO ،وكذلك غاز CH الذي ينتج بسبب العديد من النشاطات البشرية. تتمخص مشكمة الدراسة في تحديد مدى تأثير احتراق الوقود االحفوري عمى البصمة الكربونية في منطقة الكرادة الشرقية ، وتحديد األسباب المؤدية إلى زيادتو ، ووضع الحمول والمقترحات لمعالجة الخمل وبالتالي تحسين المنطقة. ووجد البحث أن ىناك زيادة كبيرة في االنبعاثات الكربونية الناتجة عن احتراق الوقود ، وىذا ناتج عن اىمال المناطق الزراعية في المنطقة ، والتعدي عمييا وتحويميا إلى استعماالت أخرى ، مثل تحويميا الى استعمال سكني أو تعميمي أو تجاري أو صناعي ، مما أدى الى زيادة كبيرة في السكان، وبالتالي زيادة اعداد السيارات الخاصة التي بدورىا سببت ازدحامات مرورية شديدة ، إضافة الى تدىور النقل العام وافتقار المنطقة الى النقل العام المستدام
Landlocked countries are displayed geopolitical new geo-political and intended to
countries that do not have sea views, a phenomenon present in four continents of the world
are: Africa, Europe, and Asia, and South America and the number arrived at the present time
to the (44) state the largest number of them in the continent it arrived in Africa (16) countries
in Asia (13) countries and Europe (13) In the State of South America two. This phenomenon
emerged due to the division of federations and empires and colonial treaties and others. But
the negative effects suffered by these countries may vary from one country to another, since
these countries in the continent of Europe, for example, is different from the same cou
The study aimed at detecting the extent of the practice of students Almtbakan skills crisis to teach in geographical sections of the Colleges of Education Baghdad University. The current research was limited to students in the fourth stage geographical divisions in the Faculties of Education for Girls and Ibn Rushd / Baghdad University for the academic year 2013-2014.
The View Finder methodology of the study and procedures, explaining the method used to obtain the data and information to achieve the goal of the search, and used the questionnaire and the way to achieve the goal of the research, as it was prepared based on the views of the exploratory and literature and previous studies and the experience o
... Show MoreGIS is characterized by great potentialeties to deal with huge geographical data and conclude what is necessary for it. It was very useful to get use of the potentialities of this system of GIS in the field of archaeology and to harvest very accurate results in a relatively short time, compared to the old archaeological methods.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are obtaining a significant role in handling strategic applications in which data are organized as records of multiple layers in a database. Furthermore, GIS provide multi-functions like data collection, analysis, and presentation. Geographic information systems have assured their competence in diverse fields of study via handling various problems for numerous applications. However, handling a large volume of data in the GIS remains an important issue. The biggest obstacle is designing a spatial decision-making framework focused on GIS that manages a broad range of specific data to achieve the right performance. It is very useful to support decision-makers by providing GIS-based decision support syste
... Show MoreThe present research aims at identifying the impact of S.N.I.P.S strategy on the achievement of fifth grade students in natural geography
For the purpose of verifying the objective of the research, the researcher put the following zero hypothesis: There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the mean score of experimental group who study according to the (S.N.I.P.S) strategy, and the mean score of control group who study according to the traditional method in the achievement test.
In order to verify the validity of this null hypothesis, the researcher adopted the experimental method. Two groups of (60) fifth grade literary students were collecte
... Show MoreAbstract The present research aims to know the range of Knowledge and the using of teachers of aerography department in colleges of Education to Applicant electronic Learning , So the Sample of the research reached (129) teacher, of the university of Boghdad and Al mustansiria who were chosen by using Randomly sample , and applauding questioner for these perpos that prepared by muhamed bn Ghazi Al Judi – and by using the T-test for one sample and person correlation formula as a statistical means. The research reached to the results which indicate that weakness knowledge and using the theachers of geographe department to the application electronic learning. And according this the researcher put some Recommendation and suggestions.
... Show MoreThe present study aims at knowing the effect of instrumental enrichment in the acquisition of geographical concepts for first grade student in intermediate school. The study is restricted in the students of first grade student in intermediate school\ The EducationalDirectorate of Rusafa for academic (2013/2014),for the purpose of achieving the objective, the following hypotheses:
There is no statistical significant different at the level of (0.5) between the scores of the experimental group who study geography according to the instrumental enrichment and the scores of the control group who learned geographical according to the traditional methods.
... Show MoreThe present study aims at finding out the (effect of the Caroll’s pattern on the second intermediate class pupils' achievement in geography)
The partial experimental design of two groups, experimental and control, with pre-post tests is used. The sample is represented in (74) female pupils. The sample is divided into two groups (38) experimental group and (36) control one. The sample is selected from first intermediate class pupils ( Am Salama Secondary School for girls) \ Baghdad\ Al-karkh-1, for academic year 2015-2016.
The researcher has equalized the two groups in several variables: the previous achievement tests, intelligence, age in months, the scor
... Show MoreThe study aims at finding out the effect of the lead time strategy on the first intermediate class pupils' achievement in geography The partial experimental design of two groups, experimental and control, with pre-post tests is used. The sample is represented in (73) female pupils. The sample is divided into two groups (37) experimental group and (36) control one. The sam ple is selected from first intermediate class pupils ( Al Batol intermediate school for girls) Baghdad Al-karkh-3, for academic year 2015-2016 The researcher has equalized the two groups in several variables: the previous achievement tests, intelligence, age in months, the scores of geography test of first course