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Nondestructive Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Using Microwave Techniques: A Review
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Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) is widely acknowledged as a leading advanced material structure, offering superior properties compared to traditional materials, and has found diverse applications in several industrial sectors, such as that of automobiles, aircrafts, and power plants. However, the production of CFRP composites is prone to fabrication problems, leading to structural defects arising from cycling and aging processes. Identifying these defects at an early stage is crucial to prevent service issues that could result in catastrophic failures. Hence, routine inspection and maintenance are crucial to prevent system collapse. To achieve this objective, conventional nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are utilized to inspect CFRP components. However, the restricted field penetration within the CFRP makes conventional NDT approaches ineffective. Recently, microwave techniques have been developed to address the challenges associated with CFRP inspection by providing better material penetration and more precise results. This paper offers a review of the primary NDT methods employed to inspect CFRP composites, emphasizing microwave-based NDT techniques and their key features.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 22 2023
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Experimental and finite element analysis of reinforced concrete multi-cell box girders retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer strips under torsion
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This study expands the state of the art in studies that assess torsional retrofit of reinforced concrete (RC) multi-cell box girders with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips. The torsional behavior of non-damaged and pre-damaged RC multi-cell box girder specimens externally retrofitted by CFRP strips was investigated through a series of laboratory experiments. It was found that retrofitting the pre-damaged specimens with CFRP strips increased the ultimate torsional capacity by more than 50% as compared to the un-damaged specimens subjected to equivalent retrofitting. This indicated that the retrofit has been less effective for the girder specimen that did not develop distortion beforehand as a result of pre-loading. From

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 09 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Torsional Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally-Bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer: An Energy Absorption Evaluation
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The impacts of numerous important factors on the Energy Absorption (EA) of torsional Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams strengthened with external FRP is the main purpose and innovation of the current research. A total of 81 datasets were collected from previous studies, focused on the investigation of EA behaviour. The impact of nine different parameters on the Torsional EA of RC-beams was examined and evaluated, namely the concrete compressive strength (f’c), steel yield strength (fy), FRP thickness (tFRP), width-to-depth of the beam section (b/h), horizontal (ρh) and vertical (ρv) steel ratio, angle of twist (θu), ultimate torque (Tu), and FRP ultimate strength (fy-FRP). For the evaluation of the energy absorption capacity at di

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Scientific Research Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science
Cryptography Techniques - A Review
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A review on Activated Carbon Prepared from Agricultural Waste using Conventional and Microwave Activation
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In the recent years the research on the activated carbon preparation from agro-waste and byproducts have been increased due to their potency for agro-waste elimination. This paper presents a literature review on the synthesis of activated carbon from agro-waste using microwave irradiation method for heating. The applicable approach is highlighted, as well as the effects of activation conditions including carbonization temperature, retention period, and impregnation ratio. The review reveals that the agricultural wastes heated using a chemical process and microwave energy can produce activated carbon with a surface area that is significantly higher than that using the conventional heating method.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of Soil by Using Polymer Fiber Materials Underneath Square Footing
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The change in project cost, or cost growth, occurs from many factors, some of which are related to soil problem conditions that may occurs during construction and/or during site investigation period. This paper described a new soil improvement method with a minimum cost solution by using polymer fiber materials having a length of (3 cm) in both directions and (2.5 mm) in thickness, distributed in uniform medium dense .
sandy soil at different depths (B, 1.5B and 2B) below the footings. Three square footings has been used (5,7.5 and 10 cm) to carry the above investigation by using lever arm loading system design for such purposes.
These fibers were distributed from depth of (0.1B) below the footing base down to the investigated dep

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Publication Date
Fri May 29 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Image Fusion Techniques: A Review
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Image Fusion is being used to gather important data from such an input image array and to place it in a single output picture to make it much more meaningful & usable than either of the input images. Image fusion boosts the quality and application of data. The accuracy of the image that has fused depending on the application. It is widely used in smart robotics, audio camera fusion, photonics, system control and output, construction and inspection of electronic circuits, complex computer, software diagnostics, also smart line assembling robots. In this paper provides a literature review of different image fusion techniques in the spatial domain and frequency domain, such as averaging, min-max, block substitution, Intensity-Hue-Saturation(IH

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Microwave Nondestructive Testing for Defect Detection in Composites Based on K-Means Clustering Algorithm
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Cutting of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics by a CW CO2 Laser
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In this work, a CW CO2 laser was used for cutting samples of the fiber-reinforced
plastics (FRP) of three different types of reinforcing material; aramide, glass and carbon.
Cutting process was investigated throughout the variation of some parameters of cutting
process and their effects on cutting quality as well as the effect of an inert gas exist in the
interaction region and finally using a mechanical chopper in order to enhance the cutting
quality. Results obtained explained the possibility to perform laser cutting with high
quality in these materials by good control of the parameters and conditions of the process.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 23 2022
Journal Name
Specialusis Ugdymas
Intrusion Detection System Techniques A Review
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With the high usage of computers and networks in the current time, the amount of security threats is increased. The study of intrusion detection systems (IDS) has received much attention throughout the computer science field. The main objective of this study is to examine the existing literature on various approaches for Intrusion Detection. This paper presents an overview of different intrusion detection systems and a detailed analysis of multiple techniques for these systems, including their advantages and disadvantages. These techniques include artificial neural networks, bio-inspired computing, evolutionary techniques, machine learning, and pattern recognition.

Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Review of Interface Bonding Testing Techniques
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Interface bonding between asphalt layers has been a topic of international investigation over the last thirty years. In this condition, a number of researchers have made their own techniques and used them to examine the characteristics of pavement interfaces. It is obvious that test findings won't always be comparable to the lack of a globally standard methodology for interface bonding. Also, several kinds of research have shown that factors like temperature, loading conditions, materials, and others have an impact on surface qualities. This study aims to solve this problem by thoroughly investigating interface bond testing that might serve as a basis for a uniform strategy. First, a general explanation of how the bonding strength

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