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Cobalt Removal from Simulated Wastewaters Using a Novel Flow-by Fixed Bed Bio-electrochemical Reactor

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Initial Recognition and Prophecy of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type I Diabetes in a Sample of Iraqi Patients

Back ground: Diabetic nephropathy is rapidly becoming the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The onset and course of DN can be ameliorated to a very significant degree if intervention institutes at a point very early in the course of the development of this complication.
Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize risk factors associated with nephropathy in type I diabetes and construct a module for early prediction of diabetic nephropathy (DN) by analyzing their risk factors.
Methods: Case control design of 400 patients with type I diabetes mellitus (IDDM), aged 19-45 years. The cases were 200 diabetic patients with overt protein urea while the controls were 200 diabetic patients with no protein urea or micr

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Localization of employee salaries and its impact on the deposits banks: (a sample of Iraqi private banks)

The research problem consisted in answering the question that revolves around what is the impact of localizing employees’ salaries on bank deposits, and did it lead to an increase in their size? The research also aimed to nominate some initial solutions to improve the role of salary localization, in terms of reviewing the concept of electronic payment systems, its tools and channels, and then identifying the concept of salary localization, its importance, objectives and obstacles to its application, and then analyzing the reality of the state of localization of salaries and bank deposits to banks, the research sample for the period (2017- 2021), and the use of the statistical program (SPSS V25) to test the research hypotheses. The stud

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Data Processing, Storage, and Analysis: Applying Computational Procedures to the Case of a Falling Weight Deflectomer (FWD)

In the field of civil engineering, the adoption and use of Falling Weight Deflectometers (FWDs) is seen as a response to the ever changing and technology-driven world. Specifically, FWDs refer to devices that aid in evaluating the physical properties of a pavement. This paper has assessed the concepts of data processing, storage, and analysis via FWDs. The device has been found to play an important role in enabling the operators and field practitioners to understand vertical deflection responses upon subjecting pavements to impulse loads. In turn, the resultant data and its analysis outcomes lead to the backcalculation of the state of stiffness, with initial analyses of the deflection bowl occurring in conjunction with the measured or assum

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
2-Aminoacetophenone As A Virulent Factor For Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Causing Sever Burn And Wound Infections In Iraq

Various pathological specimens (180) were collected from patients suffering
from pseudomonas aeruginosa infections from different hospitals in Baghdad from January
to May 2011; these specimens include (Blood samples,sputum,urine and wound swabs) were
tested for pseudomonas aeruginosa producing 2-Aminoacetophenone.Wounds swabs
specially taken from burns and post surgical infections producing a higher concentration of 2-Acetophenone material than from other samples were tested for this material and most of
these were isolated bases on their distinctive grape- like odor of 2-Aminoacetophenone
production usually linked with patients whose immune system compromised by disease or
trauma, its gains access to these pat

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine on Hearing Status of Young Ages (Medical College Students as a Sample)

Many studies dealt with the consequences of  SARS CoV-2  (which cause COVID-19 infection) on the nervous system especially sensory nerves where the virus causes loss of taste and smell as it’s known, and may affect auditory nerves and be the expected cause of some hearing problems. A case-control analytic study was performed on a connivance sample of society of university students from a medical faculty. Each participant filled out a questionnaire contains demographic data and general, auditory and respiratory health condition, in addition to vaccination status. In the other side, the audio- examinations were performed on the study sample including Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and tympanometry. Two statistical methods; chi-square and t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Aneurysmal bone cyst of the lateral end of clavicle in a twelfth year old girl Case study

Introduction: An aneurysmal bone cyst are enigmatic lesionof unknown cause and presentation and are difficult todistinguish from other lesions, it is a benign, but expansibletumor like lesion that generally occurs in the long bones. Ananeurysmal bone cyst arising from the flat bone like clavicleis rare .Case presentation: We report a 12-year-old girl child with ananeurysmal bone cyst of the lateral third of left clavicletreated with enblock resection. The pathologic findingsconfirmed the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst. Thepatient has been followed up for one year with no evidenceof recurrence .Conclusion: En bloc resection can be curative and provide good results for this rare type of clavicle tumour.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Experimental study has been conducted for laminar natural convection heat transfer of air flow through a rectangular enclosure fitted with vertical partition. The partition was oriented parallel to the two vertical isothermal walls with different temperatures, while all the other surfaces of the enclosure were insulated. In this study a test rig has been designed and constructed to allow studying the effect of Rayleigh number, aperture height ratio, partition thickness, the position of aperture according to the side walls and according to the height, the position of the partition according to the hot wall, and partition inclination. The experiments were carried out with air as the working fluid for Rayleigh number range (5*107 – 1.3*10

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International News Agencies Treatment of the Great Return Marches A Case Study of Agence France Presse “AFP”

This study examines Agence France Presse’s (AFP) media treatment of the Great Return Marches in order to identify its contents, the issues it gave attention to, its sources, attitude, techniques, objectives, the journalistic forms used in covering events and the typographic elements used to highlight them.

This descriptive study employed the survey methodology through the use of content analysis method, and the methodology of mutual relations through the use of the case study method. The data was collected by means of a content analysis form. The study was based on the Agenda Setting Theory in the analysis of the study results.
The study sample included (116) news texts from AFP collected during the period from 20/3/2018 to

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A study to determine the most important factors affecting student performance In the secondary school in Diwaniya

Student performance may influence by several factors in all his study levels such as primary school, intermediate school and even in his college; some of these factors are psychological factors, social factors, and the factors which correlate with student environment.

In this paper we study some of these factors to discover their influence by using canonical correlation analysis to analyze the data. Many conclusions are discovered to help who focuses student performance or to make it pest in future.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analysis of Demand Function on Oil derivatives of A Selected countries the Period 1985- 2008

The subject of demand on oil derivative has occupied an important position at present time in the daily life context. The fuel of benzene and gas oil and kerosene is one of basic elements of that concern, and on local , regional and international levels. The oil derivatives have played a leading role in determining the course and nature of development since early 1970 to the present time whether in the productive Arab countries or the importing. The researcher set out from the hypothesis that the increase of the local consumer demand on some of the oil derivatives is because of the internal and external factors accompanied by the inability of the productive capability and local production to confront this increase, and the resort

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