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Fartlek exercises and their effect on molecular biology (vascular endothelial growth factor-basic fibroblast growth factor) and some physical variables for players 800m arena and field for youth
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The study aimed to : - To determine whether there are significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in the molecular biology (VEGF - basal fibroblast growth factor) for arena and field players in an (800m) youth event. - Determine whether there are statistically significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in molecular biology and some physical variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. - Determine whether the Fartlek training method is the most appropriate to achieve statistically significant differences in the research variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. The researchers used the experimental method for its suitability and the nature of the research and its procedures. The community sample was deliberately determined for the youth category, and their number was (8 players) from the specialized school, among the elite players who represented their percentage (%28) from the original community for the season (2021_ 2022), which is the method that the researchers used in the one-group tests. The duration of the training program (90 days), which included the Fartlek training method The researchers reached the following conclusions:: Fartlek training had the effect of increasing the molecular biology (vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF)) for track and field athletes in the event (800m) for youth. - Fartlek training had a positive effect on some physical variables, especially in the post tests of field and field players in the (800m) competition for youth. The researchers recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which are : Use a non-fertoc training method and introduce strength exercises. Use of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) as an indicator of muscle efficiency in oxygen consumption (Vo2 max). Comparison of the aerobic and anaerobic system and its effect on the increase of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) - essential fibroblast growth factor (FGF) Using the same research variables on a sample of applicants in different events and comparing the results with the youth sample.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Pomegranate Fruit Peel Punica granatum on the growth of Oscillatoria amoena
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The current study dealt with the effect of water extract of pomegranate peel plant on Oscillatoria amoena growth  that isolated from Diwaniya river, The effect of the pomegranate extract was measured by calculating the total number of cells and the absorbance values of the alga. Three concentrations were used 3.5, 7 and 14 mg/ml from extract of pomegranate fruit peel in addition to the control group. The results showed that exposing the alga to concentrate 14 mg/ml led to lower growth sharply, while the rest of the concentrations 3.5 and 7 mg/ml also decreased the growth gradually. The absorbance values showed a decline similar to the number of cells during the period of the exposure.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of water resources internationally and their implications for the water issue globally
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The rivers are the main source of fresh water for many countries and the great development which is considered as one of the sustainable development elements in its various agricultural, industrial, domestic and environmental fields .The countries of the world seek food security and water security in order to ensure the basic needs of citizens .Because their distribution is uneven in many regions of the world with different human needs, which leads to conflicts over water sources, especially those located in one international river basin .This has led to the emergence of internationallegal rules governing the management of The problem revolves around the dialectic between limited water resources and increased need for water use b

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Physical Education
تأثير تمارين الهايبوكسيك على جهاز التجديف الارضي (الاركوميتر) في تحمل السرعة والمستوى الرقمي لفعالية 200متر تجديف كاياك للاعبي المنتخب الوطني للشباب
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2017
Journal Name
Iraq Journal Of Agricultural Research
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The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect a mixture of threespecies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum, G. leptotichum andRhizophagus intraradices) double and triple mixture and organic matter by usingplastic pots in the greenhouse at some mycorrhiza and physiological limitationscharacteristics in tomato plant after four and eight weeks of cultivation. Theresults of the determinants mycorrhiza significant increase the percentage ofmycorrhizal frequency F% dry weight of roots mycorrhiza (g.plant-1) andorganic matter in all mycorrhiza single, double and triple mixture after four andeight weeks cultivation treatments. The highest percentage of mycorrhizalfrequency and increase the dry weight of the root in the trea

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Decision-making and its relationship to some basic offensive skills in female students’ basketball
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هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على درجة اتخاذ القرار وعلاقتها ببعض المهارات  الأساسية الهجومية بكرة السلة للطالبات ، اذ يعد اتخاذ القرار قدرة الفرد على التوصل لحل مشكلة اعتراضية أو موقف محير، وذلك باختيار حل من البدائل الموجودة أو المبتكرة، وهذا الاختيار يعتمد على المعلومات التي جمعها الفرد حول المشكلة وعلى القيم والعادات والخبرة والتعليم والمهارات الفردية وتمتاز لعبة كرة السلة بوجود الكثير من المواقف المتغ

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The reality of sports nutritional culture and its contribution to some biochemical indicators among youth runners running distances (400, 800) and (400) meters hurdles for young
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هدف البحث إلى التعرف على مستوى الثقافة الغذائية الرياضية لدى عدائي مسافات ركض (400 و800) و(400) متر حواجز الشباب، والتعرف على العلاقة وإسهام وأثر الثقافة الغذائية الرياضية ببعض المؤشرات البيوكيميائية لدى عدائي مسافات ركض (400 و800) و(400) متر حواجز الشباب، أعتمد المنهج الوصفي بأسلوب العلاقات الإرتباطية، و تمثلت حدود مجتمع البحث بالعدائين الشباب لفعاليات ركض (400 و800) و(400) متر حواجز، يمثلون لاعبي الأندية العراقية الب

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the effect of annealing on some electrical and optical properties for thin CdS , CdS:In films
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In the present work we prepared heterojunction not homogenous CdS/:In/Cu2S) by spray and displacement methods on glass substrate , CdS:In films prepared by different impurities constration. Cu2S prepared by chemical displacement method to improve the junction properties , structural and optical properties of the deposited films was achieved . The study shows that the film polycrystalline by XRD result for all film and the energy gap was direct to 2.38 eV with no effect on this value by impurities at this constration .

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of some air pollutants (sticking minutes and lead) on human health
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Air pollution is one of the complex problems plaguing the environment at the present time
as a result of many liberation of gases, vapors and fumes of fuels and chemicals resulting
from industrial activities . It should be noted that there are some elements of the heavy
(Heavy Metals), including toxic in the air, with different concentrations in the air depending
on the nature of the area, for example be in rural areas is lower than in cities or industrial
areas as measured parts million (ppm ) or parts per billion (ppb). Some of these important
elements in the physiological processes and enzymatic organisms but become toxic and
Qatlhand-increase Tercisahaan the permissible limits Bhave nature ,The air contaminant

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of some air pollutants (sticking minutes and lead) on human health
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Air pollution is one of the complex problems plaguing the environment at the present time
as a result of many liberation of gases, vapors and fumes of fuels and chemicals resulting
from industrial activities . It should be noted that there are some elements of the heavy (Heavy
Metals), including toxic in the air, with different concentrations in the air depending on the
nature of the area, for example be in rural areas is lower than in cities or industrial areas as
measured parts million (ppm ) or parts per billion (ppb). Some of these important elements in
the physiological processes and enzymatic organisms but become toxic and Qatlhand-increase
Tercisahaan the permissible limits Bhave nature ,The air contaminant co

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The causal relationship between the agricultural exports and agricultural growth in Iraq
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