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Analysis and testing of the most important factors affecting (COVID-19)
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Factor analysis is distinguished by its ability to shorten and arrange many variables in a small number of linear components. In this research, we will study the essential variables that affect the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is supposed to contribute to the diagnosis of each patient group based on linear measurements of the disease and determine the method of treatment with application data for (600) patients registered in General AL-KARAMA Hospital in Baghdad from 1/4/2020 to 15/7/2020. The explanation of the variances from the total variance of each factor separately was obtained with six elements, which together explained 69.266% of the measure's variability. The most important variable are cough, idleness, fever, headache, palpebral, and difficulty in breathing. In the first factor and the variable appetite, not smelling, not to taste and diarrhea in the second factor: variables( sex, work, smoking, drinking alcohol) in the third factor, variables ( diabetes, age, pressure) in the fourth factor, variables(vomiting, heartburn ) in the fifth factor, variables(Blood group, drinking alcohol) in the sixth factor. Therefore, we must wash hands and covering mouths, or wearing a face mask when sneezing or coughing. Social distancing, disinfecting surfaces, ventilation, air-filtering, monitoring, and self-isolation are exposed or symptomatic

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 25 2024
Journal Name
African Journal Of Biological Sciences
Toxic effect of Thiamethoxam and Lambda cyhalothrin on Nephrotoxicity and Hematological in rats
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Thiamethoxam is a synthetic organic insecticide belong to The most significant new class of pesticides created in the last thirty years is neonicotinoids. This study's objective was to determine the effect of thiamethoxam, lambda cyhalothrin and their combination on biochemical parameters, the levels of free radicals and enzymes activities liver of male.Forty Rats ( 150-170 g ) were used. animals Were separated into four groups, each with ten rats.The Gp1 was used as control, the Gp2 was used to study the effect of thiamethoxam for 3weeks, the Gp3 was employed to examine the impact of lambda cyhalothrin for 3 weeks and the Gp4 was used to research the impact of thiamethoxam and lambda cyhalothrin for 3 weeks. thiamethoxam and/or lambda cyha

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorption of Diclofenac Sodium and Ibuprofen by Bentonite Polyureaformaldehyde Thermodynamics and Kinetics Study
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An increasing number of emerging contaminants have been detected in surface waters, sediment, soil and ground water in different locations in the world, which is a new environmental challenges need an actual concern for international scientific and legislative communities. 

   The nonprescription and huge used pharmaceuticals ibuprofen and diclofenac sodium will be focused in this study. New adsorbent developed using cheap inorganic clay material (bentonite) and organic polymer polyureaformaldehyde (PUF), the combination of these two materials gave the surface more roughness with wide active site distribution. Batch adsorption experiment performed to each pharmaceutical individually to determine the optimum separat

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
Journal Name
Al- Ustath Journal
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Abstract Infinitives and gerunds are non-finite verb forms which cannot be indicated by tense, number, or person. The construction of non-finite verbs is intricate because of their nature of meanings, forms, and functions. The major problem is that both infinitival and gerundial complements have identical functions and occupy identical positions in the sentences. Thus, there is a confusion in using an infinitival and gerundial forms after aspectual verbs. The selection of either one of these two forms as complements is controlled syntactically or semantically. Moreover, both forms can be used usually with similar predicate but with neat difference in meaning. In addition, there are problems with controlling the use of aspect, since aspectua

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Prevalence of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome and their association in an Iraqi sample
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Abstract: Background: Prediabetes and are increasing in prevalence all over the world, they each carry risks to the future development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. These risks will be greatly exaggerated if they occur together in the same individual. The aim of the study was to find the prevalence and the association of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome, in addition to analyzing the correlation of the risk factors that lead to their development. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, simple random study that included 300 Iraqi individuals, aged between 30-75 years, who accepted to take part in this study were recruited. Result: Prevalence of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome was (33.66%) and (42%) r

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimation of Serum Malondialdehyde and Uric acid levels in Smokers and non-Smokers
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  Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of many low molecular weight end-products of lipid peroxidation; it is as an index of lipid peroxidation. Uric acid is one of the endogenous oxidant-antioxidant paradoxes.        The aim of this study is to evaluate the levels of serum MDA and uric acid in smokers and non smokers.  This study was carried out from January to July 2012 on (30) smokers and (30) non smokers. Serum MDA level was measured spectrophotometrically using thiobarbituric acid method, whereas serum uric acid was measured using enzymatic colorimetric method.      The results of the study revealed a significant increase (P<0.001) in uric acid value in smokers subject

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Methodologies
Synthesis and Characterization of New Substituted Coumarin Derivatives and Study Their Biological Activity
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New substituted coumarins derivatives were synthesized by using nitration reaction to produce different nitro coumarin isomers which were separated from these isomers by using different solvent, and the reduction of nitro compounds was done to give corresponding amino coumarins. Temperature and reaction time of reaction were very important factors in determining the most productive nitro isotopes. A low temperature for three hours was sufficient to give a high product of a compound 6-nitro coumarin while increasing the temperature for a period of twenty-four hours that gave a high product of 8-nitro-coumarin. The synthesized compounds were confirmed by FT-IR,1 H-NMR, and13 C-NMR spectroscopy and all final compounds were tested for their ant

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of Classical Sliding Mode Controller for Ball and Plate System
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Ball and Plate (B&P) system is a benchmark system in the control engineering field that has been used to verify many control methods. In this paper the design of a sliding mode . controller has been investigated and verified in real-time via implementation on a real ball and plate system hardware. The mathematical model has been derived and the necessary parameters have been measured. The sliding mode controller has been designed based on the obtained mathematical model. The resulting controller has been implemented using the Arduino Mega 2560 and a ball and plate system built completely from scratch. The Arduino has been programmed by the Arduino support target for Simulink. Three test signals has been used for verification purposes

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Publication Date
Fri May 02 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research
Synthesis, Structure And Characterization Of Zns Qds And Using It In Photocatalytic Reaction
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ZnS nanoparticles were prepared by a simple microwave irradiation method under mild condition. The starting materials for the synthesis of ZnS quantum dots were zinc acetate (R & M Chemical) as zinc source, thioacetamide as a sulfur source and ethylene glycol as a solvent. All chemicals were analytical grade products and used without further purification. The quantum dots of ZnS with cubic structure were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), the morphology of the film is seen by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The particle size is determined by field effect scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy and XRD. UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy analysis shows that the absorption peak of the as-prep

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Groundwater Quality and Quantity between Al-Rahbah and Al-Haydariyah Regions
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This study focused on two areas in AL-Najaf city, AL-Ruhbah and Al-Haydariyah regions because of the importance and widespread use of groundwater in these areas. The two areas were compared quantitatively and qualitatively. For the quantitative approach, the GMS software was used in conjunction with the GIS software to simulate the groundwater flow behavior. The solid model for both areas was created, the geological formation was determined, and the hydraulic properties were identified using GMS software. To test the quantity of groundwater in both areas, the wells have been redistributed to a distance of 2000 m between them, and a period of 1000 days was chosen. When a discharge of 10 l/s and operation times of 4, 8, an

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 21 2018
Journal Name
Materials Research Express
Geometries, electronic properties and stability of molybdenum and tungsten nitrides low-index surfaces
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Motivated by the vital role played by transition metal nitride (TMN) composites in various industrial applications, the current study reports electronic properties, thermodynamic stability phase diagram, and vacancy formation energies of the plausible surfaces of NiAs and WC-type structures of δ3-MoN and δ-WN hexagonal phases, respectively. Low miller indices of various surface terminations of δ3-MoN and δ-WN namely, (100), (110), (111), and (001) have been considered. Initial cleaving of δ3-MoN bulk unit cell offers separate Mo and N terminations signified as δ3-MoN (100): Mo, δ3-MoN(100):N, δ3-MoN(111):Mo, δ3-MoN(111):Mo, and δ3-MoN(001):Mo. However, the (110) plane reveals mix-truncated with both molybdenum and nitrogen atoms i

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