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Analysis and testing of the most important factors affecting (COVID-19)
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Factor analysis is distinguished by its ability to shorten and arrange many variables in a small number of linear components. In this research, we will study the essential variables that affect the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is supposed to contribute to the diagnosis of each patient group based on linear measurements of the disease and determine the method of treatment with application data for (600) patients registered in General AL-KARAMA Hospital in Baghdad from 1/4/2020 to 15/7/2020. The explanation of the variances from the total variance of each factor separately was obtained with six elements, which together explained 69.266% of the measure's variability. The most important variable are cough, idleness, fever, headache, palpebral, and difficulty in breathing. In the first factor and the variable appetite, not smelling, not to taste and diarrhea in the second factor: variables( sex, work, smoking, drinking alcohol) in the third factor, variables ( diabetes, age, pressure) in the fourth factor, variables(vomiting, heartburn ) in the fifth factor, variables(Blood group, drinking alcohol) in the sixth factor. Therefore, we must wash hands and covering mouths, or wearing a face mask when sneezing or coughing. Social distancing, disinfecting surfaces, ventilation, air-filtering, monitoring, and self-isolation are exposed or symptomatic

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Reducing the evaporation of stored Iraqi crude oil
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In order to reduce the losses due to evaporation in the stored crude oil and minimizing the decrease in °API many affecting parameters were studied (i.e. Different storage system, namely batch system with different types of storage tanks under different temperatures and:or different pressures). Continuous circulation storage system was also studied. It was found that increasing pressure of the inert gas from 1 bar to 8 bar over the surface of the crude oil will decrease the percentage losses due to evaporation by (0.016%) and decrease the change of °API by (0.9) during 96 hours storage time. Similarly using covering by surfactant (potassium oleate) or using polymer (polyurethane foam) decreases the percentage evaporation losses compare

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The attitudes of Iraqi youth towards volunteering work
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The aim of the research is to identify the attitudes of Iraqi youth
towards volunteering work by using the survey method and the scale
tool to identify what young volunteers can carry from the attitudes
towards volunteering work because the phenomenon of volunteer
work is of great importance in society. The scale was applied to
(525) volunteers among Iraqi youth. The research reached a set
of results, the most prominent of which is the existence of positive
trends among young people towards volunteering work, meaning
that Iraqi youth volunteers have awareness of the concept of
volunteering correctly. As for their goals of volunteering, they are
humanitarian and social goals for the advancement of society, an

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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Visual stimulus in the design of interior spaces
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The visual stimulus is the effective force in visual attraction that achieves visual and perceptual co-optation and is important in wooing the recipient, and many procedural processes in the design are interpreted on it as the visual stimulus achieves visual comfort and a sense of pleasure and gives (place) the interior space a transformation in its plastic structure as well as arousing attention through The kinetic rhythm and the formal diversity, which increases the possibility of breaking the routine and traditional constraints of design patterns through the coating and encapsulation of the vertical and horizontal levels . Thus, the research problem was launched based on the following question: What are the stimuli of the visual stimu

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Note on the Perturbation of arithmetic expressions
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In this paper we present the theoretical foundation of forward error analysis of numerical algorithms under;• Approximations in "built-in" functions.• Rounding errors in arithmetic floating-point operations.• Perturbations of data.The error analysis is based on linearization method. The fundamental tools of the forward error analysis are system of linear absolute and relative a prior and a posteriori error equations and associated condition numbers constituting optimal of possible cumulative round – off errors. The condition numbers enable simple general, quantitative bounds definitions of numerical stability. The theoretical results have been applied a Gaussian elimination, and have proved to be very effective means of both a prior

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International Cooperation in the Face of Internet Crimes
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في بداية الستينيات ظهرت شبكة الإنترنت لاستعمالها في أغراض غير تجارية ، ثم تطورت بشكل مذهل خلال السنوات الأخيرة، فبعد أن كانت مجرد شبكة صغيرة أصبحت الآن تضم ملايين المستخدمين حول العالم ، وتحولت من مجرد شبكة بحث أكاديمي إلى بيئة متكاملة للاستثمار والعمل والإنتاج والإعلام والحصول على المعلومات .

 وفي بداية تأسيس الشبكة لم يكن ثمة اهتمام بمسائل الأمن بقدر ما كان الاهتمام ببنائها وتوسيع نش

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Cobalt Isotopes
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The nuclear structure of some cobalt (Co) isotopes with mass number A=56-60 has been studied depending on the effect of some physical properties such as the electromagnetic properties effects, such as, elastic longitudinal form factors, electric quadrupole moments, and magnetic dipole moments. The fp model space is used to present calculations using GXFP1 interaction by adopting the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator. For all isotopes under consideration, the 40Ca nucleus is regarded as an inert core in fp model-space, while valence nucleons are moving through 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. The effects of core-polarization are obtained by the first orde

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The New Synthesis of Potassium-Exchange Zeolite A
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Review about the Applications of Nanoparticles in Batteries
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Nanoparticles are defined as an organic or non-organic structure of matter in at least one of its dimensions less than 100 nm. Nanoparticles proved their effectiveness in different fields because of their unique physicochemical properties. Using nanoparticles in the power field contributes to cleaning and decreasing environmental pollution, which means it is an environmentally friendly material. It could be used in many different parts of batteries, including an anode, cathode, and electrolyte. This study reviews different types of nanoparticles used in Lithium-ion batteries by collecting the advanced techniques for applying nanotechnology in batteries. In addition, this review presents an idea about the advantages and d

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Concept of moderation in the Islamic political thought
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Abstract : The concept of moderation is one of the important concepts that have been discussed in political thought in general and in Islamic political thought in particular. It concerns the status of moderation and balance and the need of Islamic societies to apply them in contemporary times. The Islamic societies faced challenges facing Islamic advancement. And the right, which is the middle between the excessive and the excessive -and the exaggeration and cost-, and between negligence and default, moderation and integritybetween both two sides are: excessive and negligent". In addition, the concept of moderation and its intellectual roots have been sought in the Holy Quran and the noble prophetic, and the search for its charac

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Family preference for the presence of cortical yellow
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The population density of the insect on Alorat and fruits located in the lower part of the tree more than the middle part of the plant and insect in one place and demonstrates that there is a nest there were conducted laboratory and field studies on citrus Hsasahanwaa and the Alvdaúaa distribution of cortical insect yellow ....

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