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Black-on-Black Bullying in Roy Williams' Fallout
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Racism is a serious issue that impacts a lot of people around the world. Since slavery days, racial discrimination has been increasing to abhorrent levels in relation to black people. The aim of individual psychology by Alfred Adler is to study human behaviour by situating it in the social context which makes his writing ideal to explanation of racism. This paper aims to study racism in Roy Williams’ Fallout from the perspective of Alfred Adler’s theory. Alfred Adler's individual psychology emphasizes the importance of social factors in shaping individual behavior, including the ways in which individuals form their sense of self and identity. This makes it a valuable framework for understanding the complex social and psychological factors that underpin racism. Through Adler's lens, one can examine how racist beliefs and behaviors are often rooted in feelings of inferiority or insecurity, as well as in broader social and cultural contexts that reinforce racial hierarchies and stereotypes. Roy Williams' Fallout provides a compelling case study for applying Adler's theory to the issue of racism. Set in the aftermath of a racial controversy of child’s murder, the play explores the complex interplay between individual psychology, social structures, and cultural norms that contribute to racism and perpetuate its harmful effects. By analyzing the characters' motivations, emotions, and behaviors through the lens of Adler's theory, one can gain a deeper understanding of the psychological and social dynamics that drive racism and perpetuate inequality. This study asks the question of what causes racism in social settings, is it something innate or aggravated inside people by outside forces? Black-on –Black Bullying in Roy Williams’ Fallout This study also argues that the bullying of individuals on the basis of their sex or race remains an aspect of Fire Service culture and is perpetuated by some to ensure the continuation of the white male culture.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gene Expression of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Celiac Disease of Iraqi Children
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Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by chronic inflammation that essentially affects the small intestine and is caused by eating gluten-containing foods. This study sought to determine gene expression of NLRP3 Inflammasome in peripheral blood of Iraqi CD children using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay. Thirty children with CD (12 males and 18 females) were enrolled in the study and their age range was 3-15 years. The diagnosis of the disease was confirmed by serological examinations and intestinal endoscopy. A control sample of 20 age-matched healthy children was also included. The children were stratified for age, gender, body max index (BMI), histological findings, and marsh classification. Furthe

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks
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This work proposes a new video buffer framework (VBF) to acquire a favorable quality of experience (QoE) for video streaming in cellular networks. The proposed framework consists of three main parts: client selection algorithm, categorization method, and distribution mechanism. The client selection algorithm was named independent client selection algorithm (ICSA), which is proposed to select the best clients who have less interfering effects on video quality and recognize the clients’ urgency based on buffer occupancy level. In the categorization method, each frame in the video buffer is given a specific number for better estimation of the playout outage probability, so it can efficiently handle so many frames from different video

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2013
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of English Studies
The Use of Restrictive Relative Clauses in Letters to the Editors
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A restrictive relative clause (RRC hereafter), which is also known as a defining relative clause, gives essential information about a noun that comes before it: without this clause the sentence wouldn’t make much sense. A RRC can be introduced by that, which, whose, who, or whom. Givon (1993, 1995), Fox (1987), Fox and Thompson (1990) state that a RCC is used for two main functions: grounding and description. When a RRC serves the function of linking the current referent to the preceding utterance in the discourse, it does a grounding function; and when the information coded in a RRC is associated with the prior proposition frame, the RRC does a proposition-linking grounding function. Furthermore, when a RRC is not used to ground a new di

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences
Phylogenic study of Genotypeing Giardia duodenalis from Cattle in Wasit province
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The present study aimed to investigated Giardia duodenalis in cattle in some different areas of Wasit province by using molecular study and verification of the genotype of Giardia duodenalis. Collected one hundred fecal samples from cattle, the result showed that the rate of infection was 83% (100) . DNA was extracted from the 100 positive samples from the cattle then amplified using the special tris-phosphatesomerase gene for genotyping A and B. The result of type A infection was (69%) and (45%) of the genotype B. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genotypes of cattle in Wasit province and compare them with previous sources at the NCBI data bank.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rhetoric of the ellipses   In the poetry of Namik Abdul Deeb
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The research attempts to identify the pattern of punctuation in contemporary Iraqi poetry through delving into the poetry of an Iraqi poet belonging to the seventieth generation, Namik Abdul Deeb, who belongs to the poets of Arab modernity in general, the research has reached many results, including that the signs of deletion were vocabulary marks any They are located in the center of the poetic singular, or inline markers, which are those that fall within the poetic line of the prose poem separating its vocabulary, or cross-sectional marks located within the poetic passages that are part of the poetic text, and finally text marks which are located within the poetic text and fragmented into Parts. The research also found that the work of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Risk Factors among Renal FailurePatients in Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Objective(s): To identify the relationship between demographic characteristics of patients with renal
failure and to find out the relationship between some risk factors like (family history, alcohol drinking,
smoking and chronic disease) with renal failure patients.
Methodology: Case control study design was carried out in order to achieve the objectives of the
study by using the assessment technique in Baghdad teaching hospital from March 5
th, 2017 to October
, 2017, The sample was (cases & control) sample, present study include 200 cases, 100 was case
study the patient who entered in Baghdad teaching hospital, while another 100 was control study. The
data was collected by interview questionnaire inc

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Although the term' tautology' predicts negative connotation, it is often employed by poets and lyric writers to communicate more implied meanings. Through the use of tautological expressions, they exchange ideas, give more possibilities to readers to detect the meaning behind the tautological words and thus suggest details not openly communicated in the poem. Ten American song lyrics and ten American poems have been selected to be the data for the study. Data analysis is conducted on the basis of three steps:(i) identifying the type of tautology used ,(ii) detecting the syntactic realization of the tautology  and (iii) finding the functions of the use of tautology in these lyrics and poems. The study concludes that song lyrics and p

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
“The Theme of Deliberate Contrasting Coincidence in Beckett's "All That Fall"”
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In most of Beckett’s plays , there are prominent elements of absurdity that are landmarks of his style and the way of his writing like : the physical and the spiritual decay of characters, the disintegration of language as it becomes no longer a means of human communication because there is an inability to establish any kind of mental contact among them. These elements are quite apparent in Beckett’s “All That Fall”. The play exhibits a list of  conflicts: one is between powerful forces as that between the force of life represented by Maddy and the forces of death represented by Dan .The second is  the conflict and contempt between the old generation and the new one in the case of Dan’s desire to kill the boy fetching

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Examining of passeriform birds collected in Baghdad area revealed presence of seven species of blood parasites belonging to three genera, Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Plasmodium. Records of microfilariae (larval nematodes) were also indicated. Results showed wide distribution of Plasmodium relictum among passerine hosts.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of 2 different techniques in second stage implant surgery
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Background: Dental implant is one of the most important options for teeth replacement. In two stage implant surgery, a few options could be used for uncovering implants, scalpel and laser are both considered as effective methods for this purpose. The Aim of the study: To compare soft tissue laser and scalpel for exposing implant in 2nd stage surgery in terms of the need for anesthesia, duration of procedure and pain level assessment at day 1 and day 7 post operatively using visual analogue scale . Materials and methods: Ten patients who received bilateral implants participated after healing period completed, gingival depth over each implant was recorded and then implant(s) were exposed by either scalpel or laser with determination for th

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