Racism is a serious issue that impacts a lot of people around the world. Since slavery days, racial discrimination has been increasing to abhorrent levels in relation to black people. The aim of individual psychology by Alfred Adler is to study human behaviour by situating it in the social context which makes his writing ideal to explanation of racism. This paper aims to study racism in Roy Williams’ Fallout from the perspective of Alfred Adler’s theory. Alfred Adler's individual psychology emphasizes the importance of social factors in shaping individual behavior, including the ways in which individuals form their sense of self and identity. This makes it a valuable framework for understanding the complex social and psychological factors that underpin racism. Through Adler's lens, one can examine how racist beliefs and behaviors are often rooted in feelings of inferiority or insecurity, as well as in broader social and cultural contexts that reinforce racial hierarchies and stereotypes. Roy Williams' Fallout provides a compelling case study for applying Adler's theory to the issue of racism. Set in the aftermath of a racial controversy of child’s murder, the play explores the complex interplay between individual psychology, social structures, and cultural norms that contribute to racism and perpetuate its harmful effects. By analyzing the characters' motivations, emotions, and behaviors through the lens of Adler's theory, one can gain a deeper understanding of the psychological and social dynamics that drive racism and perpetuate inequality. This study asks the question of what causes racism in social settings, is it something innate or aggravated inside people by outside forces? Black-on –Black Bullying in Roy Williams’ Fallout This study also argues that the bullying of individuals on the basis of their sex or race remains an aspect of Fire Service culture and is perpetuated by some to ensure the continuation of the white male culture.
<span lang="EN-US">Diabetes is one of the deadliest diseases in the world that can lead to stroke, blindness, organ failure, and amputation of lower limbs. Researches state that diabetes can be controlled if it is detected at an early stage. Scientists are becoming more interested in classification algorithms in diagnosing diseases. In this study, we have analyzed the performance of five classification algorithms namely naïve Bayes, support vector machine, multi layer perceptron artificial neural network, decision tree, and random forest using diabetes dataset that contains the information of 2000 female patients. Various metrics were applied in evaluating the performance of the classifiers such as precision, area under the c
... Show MoreInfertilityis oneuof the most problemsathatufacingaadvancedunations. In the general, about halfof allacasesaof the infertility are causedby factors thaturelated toathe male partner. Propos educausesvofumalev infertility include evgeneticuand environmental factors. Blood samples from 64 infertileumen allawere living in urban its al-Fallujah city (30 azospermeiauand 34 oligospermeia) and 32 fertile men (asuthe control group) were collected. Heavy metal concentrations inusera of infertile and fertile groupswereumeasured by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Y- chromosomemicrodeletions were detected by using PCR techniques. Significantdifferences (P?0.05)uin the concentration ofucopper (0.0267±0.0147 and 0.0278±0.0273, for inf
... Show MoreThis study aims at recognizing Pesticides and how the process of pesticides biodegradation by microbiology took place, and the effect of environmental condition on this process. And how the research uncovered the efficiency of microbiology in the biodegradation process of pesticides, as the perfect temperature for the biodegradation process is 40 °C and humidity effect on pesticides efficiency, when high humidity reduces pesticide efficiency and the perfect acidity to increase bacteria efficiency is 7, for the incubation period, it was found during the previous studies that the best incubation period is 5-7 days, in this period the bacteria imprint on pesticides and increase biodegradation of it.
Although language research has focused on blackmail in general, less attention has been paid to emotional blackmail. To date, researchers could not locate any literature that examines emotional blackmail from a linguistic standpoint. The current study is intended to fill this gap by scrutinizing emotional blackmail from a pragma-stylistic point of view by examining the style of the characters in selected episodes extracted from the American Breaking Bad series. To carry out the study, an eclectic model comprising kinds of emotional blackmailers by Forward and Frazier (1997), Searles’ speech acts (1979), Grice’s maxims (1975), Brown and Levinson’s politeness (1987), Culpeper’s impoliteness (1996), and Simpson’s stylistic le
... Show MoreConflict is a common but complicated phenomenon. It has been extensively researched in many domains, including philosophy, sociology, psychology, and linguistics. Using the Critical Discourse Approach, this study examines the issue of self-society conflict in The Handmaid’s Tale. The significance of this work lies in the identification and explanation of the discursive strategies that force the ideological polarization of the positively portrayed self versus the negatively portrayed other. The purpose of this study is to answer two questions: what are the discursive strategies used in The Handmaid’s Tale to create a positive or negative representation, and how are these strategies implemented? Five extracts from The Handmaid’s
... Show MoreHuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection is ubiquitous and successfully reactivated in patients with immune dysfunction as in patient with multiple myeloma (MM), causing a wide range of life-threatening diseases. Early detection of HCMV and significant advances in MM management has amended patient outcomes and prolonged survival rates.
The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency of active HCMV in MM patients.
This is a case–control study involved 50 MM patients attending Hematology Center, Bag
Gaucher disease (GD), which is due to a deficiency in the lysosomal enzyme β-glucocerebrosidase, is a rare genetic disorder. It is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations and severity of symptoms, making it difficult to manage. A cross-sectional hospital-based genetic study was undertaken with 32 pediatric patients. We recruited 21 males and 11 females diagnosed with GD, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.91:1. The mean age of the study population was 8.79 ± 4.37 years with an age range from 8 months to 17 years. We included patients on clinical evaluation from 2011 to 2019. An enzyme assay test was used to measure β-glucosidase enzyme activity in leukocytes and the GBA gene s