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Photometric Viewpoint to the Structure of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3351 with griz-Filters

The term ‘photometry’ refers to the accurate determination of the apparent brightness of an astronomical object. Until roughly 1980, nearly all astronomical photometry was done by means of analog measurements of photographic plates, or by analog or digital (photon-counting) techniques with photomultipliers. These photometers produced brightness readings which were typically displayed on dials, plotted on strip charts or printed on strips of paper, and it was often quite practical to analyse these raw data with pencil, paper and a slide rule or table of logarithms. However, during the late 1970s electronic area detectors for astronomy became more advanced: first, for a brief period, television-type cameras were employed, but these were soon supplanted by CHARGECOUPLED DEVICES (CCDs), which remain overwhelmingly the detector of choice to the present day(Murdin 2001). The spiral galaxy NGC 3351 is chosen to study its photometric properties by using surface photometric techniques with griz-filters which is the main goal of this study. Observations are obtained from the seventh Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release (DR7)(Abazajian et al., 2009). All the images are corrected for bias and flat field by SDSS pipeline. We have analyzed the overall structure of the galaxy (a bulge, a disk, a bar), together with isophotal contour maps, luminosity profiles and performed a bulge/disk decomposition of the galaxy images, although we have estimated the disk position angle, ellipticity and inclination of the galaxy, it is favorable for investigating the brightness and color distributions over the disk of the galaxy. It is clear that the galaxy has a bright ring dominates the appearance of the circumnuclear, and a faint disk does not take on a spiral form , and from the position angle, ellipticity and B4 profiles of galaxy isophotes the values of the P.A. and ellipticity are fluctuated because of the bar and ring. The luminosity profile shows that the outer disk of this galaxy is of type II Freeman. Finally, the color indices of the NGC 3351 galaxy are characteristic of a normal spiral galaxy with some irregularity.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reducing the Mutual Coupling of Cylindrical Circular Microstrip Antennas (CCMAs) Array Using EBG Structure

A theoretical study to design a conformal microstrip antennas was introduced in this work. Conformal microstrip antennas define antennas which can be conformed to a certain shape or to any curved surface. It is used in high-speed trains, aircraft, defense and navigation systems, landing gear and various communications systems, as well as in body wearable. Conformal antennas have some advantages such as a wider-angle coverage compared to flat antennas and low radar cross-sectional (RCS) and they are suitable for using in Radome. The main disadvantage of these antennas is the narrow bandwidth. The FDTD method is extremely useful in simulating complicated structures because it allows for direct integration of Maxwell's equations depending o

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nuclear structure study of some tin isotopes using the self-consistent mean field method

Hartree-Fock calculations for even-even Tin isotopes using
Skyrme density dependent effective nucleon-nucleon interaction are
discussed systematically. Skyrme interaction and the general formula
for the mean energy of a spherical nucleus are described. The charge
and matter densities with their corresponding rms radii and the
nuclear skin for Sn isotopes are studied and compared with the
experimental data. The potential energy curves obtained with
inclusion of the pairing force between the like nucleons in Hartree-
Fock-Bogoliubov approach are also discussed.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Aquifer Properties Between Al-Khassa Dam and Kirkuk Structure - NE Iraq

This paper aims to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer between Al-khassa dam and Kirkuk structure, Kirkuk/ NE Iraq. Pumping tests applied for selected wells in the area to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer, special distribution of the water table and groundwater movement direction of the groundwater, the hydraulic properties results of five single pumping test in the study area showed that the transmissivity (T) is ranged between (2.01 to 7. 5 m2/day ), storage coefficient (Sc) ranged (6.4 * 10-3 to 7.3 * 10-2) and the hydraulic conductivity (K) is ranged between (0.025 to 0.35 m/day) that calculated by Winlog software, groundwater discharge of the area is equal to

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biodiversity and Structure of Rotifera Communities in the Great Garraf Drain Channel, Southern Iraq

     Three sites, selected on the Great Garraf Drain Channel (GGDC) demonstrated the first ever study dealing with rotifers biodiversity features from August 2019 till July 2020. Seventy-two taxonomic units were identified. The high densities of rotifera ranged from 733.32 - 32300 Ind./m3. Brachionus urceolaris, Keratella quadrata (long spin), Keratella quadrata (short spin) and Syncheta obloga were the most common relative abundance recorded in the index. In contrast the results of the constant index showed that there were nine constant taxonomic units. The species richness index was recorded from 1.489- 6.900. Jaccard presence similarity index revealed a strong link between stations 2

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation of Pose to Pose Moving of the Mobile Robot with Specified GPS Points

The applications of mobile robots in rescue scenarios, surviving to search, and exploration for outdoor navigation have received increasing attention due to their promising prospects. In this paper, a simulation of a differential wheeled mobile robot was presented, implementing a Global Positioning System (GPS) data points to specified starting points, final destination, and total error.

In this work, a simple kinematic controller for polar coordinate trajectory tracking is developed. The tracking between two points, pose to pose, was specified by using the GPS data points. After that, the geodesy (GEO) formulation was used to convert the geodesy coordinate to Euclidean or polar coordinate. The Haversine equation

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The contents of the publications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona) for the United Nations Development Program in Iraq to prevent infection with the Covid 19 virus

The study deals with an analysis of the contents of the publications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona), which was established by the United Nations Development Program in Iraq in the face of the Covid 19 virus.The research problem raises a main question:What are the implications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona) of the United Nations Development Program (Iraq office) in addressing the Covid-19 virus in Iraq?From this main question, several sub-questions emerged, which were answered by this study in its chapters and investigations, including regarding the contents of advertisements, photos and videos for the publications of the (Together to Defeat Corona) campaign for the United Nations Iraq Office on their Facebook pageA

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gross and Histological Structure of the Caudal Fin of Adult Mosquitofish , Gambusia Affinis , (Baird & Girard)

The  present  study  showed  that  the  caudal  fin  of  adult mosquitofish  (Gambusia  affinis)  is  homocercal  and  rounded . It  consists  of  22-24 fin rays (Lepidotrichia) . Each fin ray  consists  of  many  segments . Some of these rays are short and  unbranched  whereas  others long and branched dichotomously. Pigment cells are shown to be dispersed on the fin and they are condensened at the edges of the fin rays and at the regions of their dichotomy .        Histologically the transverse section of the fin is surrounded by a fin membrane (composed of epidermis and dermis)

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study on The Effects of Boron on The Structure of Chloroplasts of Cauliflower , By Using Light Scattering Technique

         Effects of Boron on the structure of chloroplasts membrane isolated from cauliflower are investigated , using light scattering technique. Results obtained in this study suggest that Boron in the concentration range (0.1-5 µm) can fluidize the lipids of the chloroplast membrane due to different extent. Mechanisms by which Boron can change the lipid fluidity is discussed. Furthermore, an experimental evidence is presented to show that2µM Boron can mediate conformational changes in the membrane –bound proteins of the cauliflower’s chloroplast.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Speech Structure in Nahj Al-Balaghah

The research is a contemporary stylistic study of the text that expresses the psychological
meanings in Nahj Al-Balaghah.
The research is divided to three chapters.
The first chapter : characteristics of psychological text.
It is about the power to influence the addressee ,that is to say ,the text influence power
connects with vulnerability and emotions inside the addressee spirit and his response to
violent effects shaking his feelings and that is represented in outbreaking of words vitality and
homogeneously. The Imam's wrath , grief , love to rightness , hatred of falsehood and
deviation from Islam arouses the words and emotions through :
1. Reduction in words and expansion in meaning by means of inspiration

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Lie Structure in Semiprime Inverse Semirings

In this paper we introduce the definition of  Lie ideal on inverse semiring and we generalize some results of Herstein about Lie structure of an associative rings to inverse semirings.

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