Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is widely used in many complex applications. Artificial neural network is a statistical intelligent technique resembling the characteristic of the human neural network. The prediction of time series from the important topics in statistical sciences to assist administrations in the planning and make the accurate decisions, so the aim of this study is to analysis the monthly hypertension in Kalar for the period (January 2011- June 2018) by applying an autoregressive –integrated- moving average model and artificial neural networks and choose the best and most efficient model for patients with hypertension in Kalar through the comparison between neural networks and Box- Je
... Show MoreCurrently and under the COVID-19 which is considered as a kind of disaster or even any other natural or manmade disasters, this study was confirmed to be important especially when the society is proceeding to recover and reduce the risks of as possible as injuries. These disasters are leading somehow to paralyze the activities of society as what happened in the period of COVID-19, therefore, more efforts were to be focused for the management of disasters in different ways to reduce their risks such as working from distance or planning solutions digitally and send them to the source of control and hence how most countries overcame this stage of disaster (COVID-19) and collapse. Artificial intelligence should be used when there is no practica
... Show MoreAccording to the importance of the conveyor systems in various industrial and service lines, it is very desirable to make these systems as efficient as possible in their work. In this paper, the speed of a conveyor belt (which is in our study a part of an integrated training robotic system) is controlled using one of the artificial intelligence methods, which is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A visions sensor will be responsible for gathering information about the status of the conveyor belt and parts over it, where, according to this information, an intelligent decision about the belt speed will be taken by the ANN controller. ANN will control the alteration in speed in a way that gives the optimized energy efficiency through
... Show MoreThe object of the presented study was to monitor the changes that had happened in the main features (water, vegetation, and soil) of Al-Hammar Marsh region. To fulfill this goal, different satellite images had been used in different times, MSS 1973, TM 1990, ETM+ 2000, 2002, and MODIS 2009, 2010. A new technique of the unsupervised classification called (Color Extracting Technique) was used to classify the satellite images. MATLAP programming used the technique and separated Al-Hammar Marsh from other water features (rivers, irrigated lands, etc.) when calculated the changes in the water content of the study region. ArcGIS 9.3 (arcMAP, arcToolbox) were used to achieve this work and calculate area of each class.
I n this paper ,we 'viii consider the density questions associC;lted with the single hidden layer feed forward model. We proved that a FFNN with one hidden layer can uniformly approximate any continuous function in C(k)(where k is a compact set in R11 ) to any required accuracy.
However, if the set of basis function is dense then the ANN's can has al most one hidden layer. But if the set of basis function non-dense, then we need more hidden layers. Also, we have shown that there exist localized functions and that there is no t
... Show MoreComputer systems and networks are being used in almost every aspect of our daily life; as a result the security threats to computers and networks have also increased significantly. Traditionally, password-based user authentication is widely used to authenticate legitimate user in the current system0T but0T this method has many loop holes such as password sharing, shoulder surfing, brute force attack, dictionary attack, guessing, phishing and many more. The aim of this paper is to enhance the password authentication method by presenting a keystroke dynamics with back propagation neural network as a transparent layer of user authentication. Keystroke Dynamics is one of the famous and inexpensive behavioral biometric technologies, which identi
... Show MoreAd-Hoc Networks are a generation of networks that are truly wireless, and can be easily constructed without any operator. There are protocols for management of these networks, in which the effectiveness and the important elements in these networks are the Quality of Service (QoS). In this work the evaluation of QoS performance of MANETs is done by comparing the results of using AODV, DSR, OLSR and TORA routing protocols using the Op-Net Modeler, then conduct an extensive set of performance experiments for these protocols with a wide variety of settings. The results show that the best protocol depends on QoS using two types of applications (+ve and –ve QoS in the FIS evaluation). QoS of the protocol varies from one prot
... Show MoreThe Matching and Mosaic of the satellite imagery play an essential role in many remote sensing and image processing projects. These techniques must be required in a particular step in the project, such as remotely change detection applications and the study of large regions of interest. The matching and mosaic methods depend on many image parameters such as pixel values in the two or more images, projection system associated with the header files, and spatial resolutions, where many of these methods construct the matching and mosaic manually. In this research, georeference techniques were used to overcome the image matching task in semi automotive method. The decision about the quality of the technique can be considered i
... Show MoreThe paper proposes a methodology for predicting packet flow at the data plane in smart SDN based on the intelligent controller of spike neural networks(SNN). This methodology is applied to predict the subsequent step of the packet flow, consequently reducing the overcrowding that might happen. The centralized controller acts as a reactive controller for managing the clustering head process in the Software Defined Network data layer in the proposed model. The simulation results show the capability of Spike Neural Network controller in SDN control layer to improve the (QoS) in the whole network in terms of minimizing the packet loss ratio and increased the buffer utilization ratio.