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Predictive value of C-reactive protein, D-dimer, Hemoglobin and Lactate dehydrogenase levels in diagnosing COVID-19 patients
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused enormous issues worldwide and is the most infectious pandemic. This study included 50 subjects (evenly distributed between sexes) and their range of ages starting from 2 to 67 years. According to the study's result, the ages and genders of subjects include susceptibility to COVID-19. Males were found to be more infected than females, and the ages of 36 to 67 were more common than other age ranges. Also, BMI calculations revealed that male patients with COVID-19 have the highest percentage of obesity. The clinical parameter results have been found serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) as an essential indicator that changes significantly in infection with COVID‐19 and inflammation. The concentration of CRP is higher for positive COVID‐19 patients (male and female) with mild symptoms of COVID-19 than for harmful COVID‐19 infection, and CRP levels were higher in male than female patients. The results of D-dimer levels determined a non-significant difference in D-dimer levels in COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients than the average concentration (N: Less than 500mg/dl.). The results of hemoglobin blood levels demonstrated significant variations between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients and a decreased Hb concentration compared to average concentration (N: 11-16 g/dl.); thus a link between anemia and inflammation. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels increased in positive COVID-19 patients male were (178.79 ± 56.08) mg/dl, and positive COVID-19 patients female were (141.57 ± 46.90) mg/dl than average (N: Less than100mg/dl.), and significant variation was observed between positive and negative COVID-19 patients. Keywords: COVID-19; C‐reactive protein; hemoglobin; lactate dehydrogenase.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
European Journal Of Chemistry
Reaction pathways and transition states of the C-C and C-H bond cleavage in the aromatic pyrenemolecule - A Density Functional study
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The activation and reaction energies of the C-C and C-H bonds cleavage in pyrene molecule are calculated applying the Density Functional Theory and 6-311G Gaussian basis. Different values for the energies result for the different bonds, depending on the location of the bond and the structure of the corresponding transition states. The C-C bond cleavage reactions include H atom migration, in many cases, leading to the formation of CH2 groups and H-C≡C- acetylenic fragments. The activation energy values of the C-C reactions are greater than 190.00 kcal/mol for all bonds, those for the C-H bonds are greater than 160.00 kcal/mol. The reaction energy values for the C-C bonds range between 56.497 to 191.503 kcal/mol. As for the C-H cleavage rea

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Serum Protein, Application to Kala-azar Patients
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         Sera samples were collected from 60 children aged 4-60 months, all were clinically and serologically proven cases of visceral leishmaniasis, as well as  from 10 healthy children, all were seronegative with no history of parasitic infection who serve as a control during the study. Serum total protein and albumin were measured and compared between the control and visceral leishmaniasis patients. Serum protein profiles have been investigated using the conventional sodium dodecyl sulphate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).  Serum of control group showed the specific protein pattern with five protein bands, while serum protein profile in visceral leishmaniasis pat

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Leptin Hormone Levels In Type( II) Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
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          Type 2 diabetes Nephropathy complication is one of the most commonest metabolic disorders that becomes an advanced serum level of hormone altered. The objective is to study the effect of leptin levels in Type 2 diabetes nephropathy (D.N) complication and healthy subject.       This study was done in National Diabetes Center (NDC), AL-Mustansriya University;on a total (64) individuals whase age were ranged from(45-60) years,of which (38) patients of  type 2 diabetes nephropathy, and (26) healthy( controls). The collected data ,information concerning the individuals used in the present study were: age, sex , body mass index (BMI) and blood samples to

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation levels of CTHRC1and some cytokines in Iraqi patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Collagen triple helix repeat containing-1 (CTHRC1) is an essential marker for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), but its relationship with pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and inflammatory markers has been scantily covered in extant literature. To evaluate the level of CTHRC1 protein in the sera of 100 RA patients and 25 control and compare levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 10 (IL-10), RA disease activity (DAS28), and inflammatory factors. Higher significant serum levels of CTHRC1 (29.367 ng/ml), TNF-α (63.488 pg/ml), and IL-10 (67.1 pg/ml) were found in patient sera as compared to that in control sera (CTHRC1 = 15.732 ng/ml, TNF-α = 33.788 pg/ml, and IL-10 = 25.122 pg/ml). There was no significant correlation be

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation levels of CTHRC1and some cytokines in Iraqi patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Collagen triple helix repeat containing-1 (CTHRC1) is an essential marker for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), but its relationship with pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and inflammatory markers has been scantily covered in extant literature. To evaluate the level of CTHRC1 protein in the sera of 100 RA patients and 25 control and compare levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 10 (IL-10), RA disease activity (DAS28), and inflammatory factors. Higher significant serum levels of CTHRC1 (29.367 ng/ml), TNF-α (63.488 pg/ml), and IL-10 (67.1 pg/ml) were found in patient sera as compared to that in control sera (CTHRC1 = 15.732 ng/ml, TNF-α = 33.788 pg/ml, and IL-10 = 25.122 pg/ml). There was no significant correlati

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Dynamic Role of PD-1, Vitamin D, RANKL, and Sclerostin in Iraqi Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune disease, with a wide range of clinical symptoms. Some studies have indicated the association between RANKL, Sclerostin, PD-1, and vitamin D concentrations and the pathogenesis of SLE. The current study aimed to evaluate the role of RANKL, Sclerostin, PD-1 and vitamin D in the pathogenesis of SLE. The study included 180 females diagnosed SLE patients and healthy control (60 females as early diagnosed patients without treatment, 60 females as patients under treatment with (prednisolone, and hydroxychloroquine), and 60 females healthy as a control group, with ages ranging from 20 to 45 years. The serum concentration levels of RANKL, Sclerostin, PD-1 and vitamin D were assessed by E

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine on Hearing Status of Young Ages (Medical College Students as a Sample)
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Many studies dealt with the consequences of  SARS CoV-2  (which cause COVID-19 infection) on the nervous system especially sensory nerves where the virus causes loss of taste and smell as it’s known, and may affect auditory nerves and be the expected cause of some hearing problems. A case-control analytic study was performed on a connivance sample of society of university students from a medical faculty. Each participant filled out a questionnaire contains demographic data and general, auditory and respiratory health condition, in addition to vaccination status. In the other side, the audio- examinations were performed on the study sample including Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and tympanometry. Two statistical methods; chi-square and t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Levels of Trace and Essential Elements in Sera of Chronic Renal FAilure Patients Before and After Dialysis
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        This study included a group of (15) chronic renal failure patients (CRF), an addition group of (15) healthy individual  was concluded in this study for control. Trace and essential elements ( Zn, Cu , Ca , K , Na) were measured by atomic absorption and flam analyzer in sera of CRF patients pre and post dialysis and control groups. The results showed a significant ( p < 0.05) increase in Zn and k+ concentration in sera of CRF patients pre and post dialysis compared to the control group. While there is a significant decrease for copper concentration in sera of CRF patients pre and post dialysis compared to the control group.       There was no significant alte

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical Sciences
Procalcitonin levels and other biochemical parameters in patients with or without diabetic foot complications
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Engineering And Technological Science (jaets)
Deep Learning and Its Role in Diagnosing Heart Diseases Based on Electrocardiography (ECG)
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Diagnosing heart disease has become a very important topic for researchers specializing in artificial intelligence, because intelligence is involved in most diseases, especially after the Corona pandemic, which forced the world to turn to intelligence. Therefore, the basic idea in this research was to shed light on the diagnosis of heart diseases by relying on deep learning of a pre-trained model (Efficient b3) under the premise of using the electrical signals of the electrocardiogram and resample the signal in order to introduce it to the neural network with only trimming processing operations because it is an electrical signal whose parameters cannot be changed. The data set (China Physiological Signal Challenge -cspsc2018) was ad

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