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Predictive value of C-reactive protein, D-dimer, Hemoglobin and Lactate dehydrogenase levels in diagnosing COVID-19 patients

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused enormous issues worldwide and is the most infectious pandemic. This study included 50 subjects (evenly distributed between sexes) and their range of ages starting from 2 to 67 years. According to the study's result, the ages and genders of subjects include susceptibility to COVID-19. Males were found to be more infected than females, and the ages of 36 to 67 were more common than other age ranges. Also, BMI calculations revealed that male patients with COVID-19 have the highest percentage of obesity. The clinical parameter results have been found serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) as an essential indicator that changes significantly in infection with COVID‐19 and inflammation. The concentration of CRP is higher for positive COVID‐19 patients (male and female) with mild symptoms of COVID-19 than for harmful COVID‐19 infection, and CRP levels were higher in male than female patients. The results of D-dimer levels determined a non-significant difference in D-dimer levels in COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients than the average concentration (N: Less than 500mg/dl.). The results of hemoglobin blood levels demonstrated significant variations between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients and a decreased Hb concentration compared to average concentration (N: 11-16 g/dl.); thus a link between anemia and inflammation. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels increased in positive COVID-19 patients male were (178.79 ± 56.08) mg/dl, and positive COVID-19 patients female were (141.57 ± 46.90) mg/dl than average (N: Less than100mg/dl.), and significant variation was observed between positive and negative COVID-19 patients. Keywords: COVID-19; C‐reactive protein; hemoglobin; lactate dehydrogenase.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 25 2020
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Tuberculosis versus COVID-19 Mortality: A New Evidence

BACKGROUND: Coronavirus current pandemic (COVID-19) is the striking subject worldwide hitting countries in an unexplained non-universal pattern. Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine was an adopted recent justification depending on its non-specific immune activation properties. Still the problem of post-vaccine short duration of protection needs to be solved. The same protective mechanism was identified in active or latent tuberculosis (TB). For each single patient of active TB, there are about nine cases of asymptomatic latent TB apparently normal individuals living within the community without restrictions carrying benefits of immune activation and involved in re-infection cycles in an excellent example of repeated immunity tr

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
COVID-19 Diagnosis System using SimpNet Deep Model

After the outbreak of COVID-19, immediately it converted from epidemic to pandemic. Radiologic images of CT and X-ray have been widely used to detect COVID-19 disease through observing infrahilar opacity in the lungs. Deep learning has gained popularity in diagnosing many health diseases including COVID-19 and its rapid spreading necessitates the adoption of deep learning in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this study, a deep learning model, based on some principles has been proposed for automatic detection of COVID-19 from X-ray images. The SimpNet architecture has been adopted in our study and trained with X-ray images. The model was evaluated on both binary (COVID-19 and No-findings) classification and multi-class (COVID-19, No-findings

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 19 2023
Journal Name
Academia Open
Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Students' Psychological Health

Academia Open Vol 8 No 2 (2023): December DOI: 10.21070/acopen.8.2023.8087 . Article type: (Medicine)Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Students' Psychological Health Maryam Hameed Alwan,, (1) Department of Oral Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Baghdad University, Iraq, Iraq (1) Corresponding author Abstract This study investigates the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental students at Baghdad University College of Dentistry. Conducted between December 2021 and January 2022, this cross-sectional survey aligns with ethical guidelines and the Helsinki Declaration. The study utilized Cochran's equation to determine a sample size of at least 400, ensuring a 95% confidence level with a 5% margin of e

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 02 2022
Journal Name
Basic And Clinical Andrology
Effects of Covid-19 vaccination on different semen parameters
Abstract<sec> <title>Background

The possible effects of COVID-19 vaccines on reproductive health and male fertility in particular have been discussed intensely by the scientific community and the public since their introduction during the pandemic. On news outlets and social media platforms, many claims have been raised regarding the deleterious effects of COVID-19 vaccines on sperm quality without scientific evidence. In response to this emerging conflict, we designed this study to evaluate and assess the effect of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on male fertility represented by the semen analysis parameters.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical & Health Sciences
Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor as Predictive Marker of Osteoporosis in T2DM Patients

Background: Diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis are two common medical disorders that are becoming more common as the population ages. T2DM patients have a higher fracture hazard, having a high BMD, which is primarily due to the raise hazard of falling. Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is one of the hematopoietic growth factor family, and It plays an important function in fracture repair by attracting stem cells to the fracture site and influencing the production of hard calluses by promoting osteoclast genesis.Aims of study: The purpose of this research was to assess the blood level of macrophage colony-stimulating factor in Iraqi osteoporotic patients with and without type 2 diabetes. in addition, that M-CSF may be a predictiv

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Time series analysis of the number of covid-19 deaths in Iraq

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
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Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Participatory Budgeting in Improving Performance in light of Covid 19

The current research aims to analyze the role of participatory budgeting in improving performance, especially during crises such as the Covid-19 crisis. The research used the descriptive analytical method to reach the results by distributing 100 questionnaires to a number of employees in Iraqi joint stock companies and at multiple administrative levels. The research came to several important conclusions, the most important of which is that the bottom-up approach to budgeting produces more achievable budgets than the top-down approach, which is imposed on the company by senior management with much less employee participation. Additionally, there is a better information flow from the lower levels of the organization to the upper management

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Pharmacoeconomics Study for Anticoagulants used for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city –Iraq(Conference Paper )#


Background: The novel coronavirus 2 (SARS?CoV?2) pandemic is a pulmonary disease, which leads to cardiac, hematologic, and renal complications. Anticoagulants are used for COVID-19 infected patients because the infection increases the risk of thrombosis. The world health organization (WHO), recommend prophylaxis dose of anticoagulants: (Enoxaparin or unfractionated Heparin for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. This has created an urgent need to identify effective medications for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The value of COVID-19 treatments is affected by cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) to inform relative value and how to best maximize social welfare through eviden

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn: 1683 - 3597 , E-issn : 2521 - 3512)
A Pharmacoeconomics Study for Anticoagulants used for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city –Iraq(Conference Paper )#

Abstract Background: The novel coronavirus 2 (SARS?CoV?2) pandemic is a pulmonary disease, which leads to cardiac, hematologic, and renal complications. Anticoagulants are used for COVID-19 infected patients because the infection increases the risk of thrombosis. The world health organization (WHO), recommend prophylaxis dose of anticoagulants: (Enoxaparin or unfractionated Heparin for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. This has created an urgent need to identify effective medications for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The value of COVID-19 treatments is affected by cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) to inform relative value and how to best maximize social welfare through evidence-based pricing decisions. O

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
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The Impact of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE-2) on Bone Remodeling Marker Osteoprotegerin (OPG) in Post-COVID-19 Iraqi Patients

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