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القيم العلمية المصاحبة لطلبة قسم الكيمياء ف للعلوم الصرفة – ابن الهيثم
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السمخص يهجف البحث الحالي التعخف الى: -1 اعجاد مدتهى مقياس لمقيم العمسية . -2 ما العلاقة بين القييم العمسيية لبمبية قديم الايسيياك ييي لميية التخليية لمعميه الريخية/ ابين الهيي م جامعية – بغجاد. لتحقيق أهجاف البحث استخج الباحث السشهج الهصييي بدي م ملاتستيط لع يعية أهيجاف الج ا رسية لقيا الباحيث ب شياك مقيياس القييم العمسيية ايه مين 40 ( يقيخب بسقيياس لي ي ا خا الخساسيي الاييقد الاييق بذيجبد محايجد لا الايقد لا الايق بذجب (. ل أليت العيشة من 200 ( بالم لبالبة من بمبة قديم الايسيياك ييي لميية التخليية لمعميه الريخية/ ابين الهيي م السخحمية ال ا خبعية الج ا رسية الريباحية. ل يم التحقيق مين الخريات – – الدياو همتخ ة ليتدلاا مين الريجي اللياهخ لال شياتي لال بياا بعخ قية الا دياي اليجا ميد لأسيتخج الباحيث الهسياتا الاحرياتية ا: يية: الا تبيار التياتي لعيشية لاحيجبد الا تبيار التياتي لعيشتيين مديتقمتيند مخلي ليأ د معاما ار باط بيخسه د معادلة اليا لخل نباخ (. ل هصا الباحث الى الشتاتج الا ية: - -1 ك خب مسارسة بمبة قدم الايسياك يي لمية التخلية لمعمه الرخية/ ابن الهي م لمقيم العمسية السهسة. -2 اميتلاط بمبية قديم الايسيياك ييي لميية التخليية لمعميه الريخية/ ابين الهيي م لمقييم العمسيية السهسية السخ بعية بسهضهع البحث. -3 لجهد علاقة ار بابية لبخدوة قه ة بين القيم العمسية لبمبة قدم الايسياك. ل م التعخي يي هحا البحث الى أهسيية القييم العمسيية لمالهيا مين دلر ل ييخ ليعيام ييي شسيية هيح القييم السهسة لجى بمبة قدم الايسياك يي لمية التخلية لمعميه الريخية ابين الهيي م / جامعية بغيجاد ل عيخي الباحيث – الى بعض القيم العمسية السشاسبة لهحا البحيث م يا حيم الاسيتعلاعد لالتياييخ العمسييد ل قيجيخ عميم الايسيياك لالعمساكد لالتيأني ييي اصيجار الح يمد لأ لا يياا العميمد لالامانية العمسيية( لهيح ييم عمسيية مهسية قيه ل قيييم حياب العالم لالستعمم لالاندا يي حيا ط اليهمية لالعسميةد ل ذ ا لط أدلار مهسة ليعالط يي مديخ ط العمسية.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of Material Technical Engineering Department Performance by Staff Member and student in Technical College -Baghdad
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The research intent evaluates the performance of material technical department / Technical College -Baghdad.

The study depend on the descriptive analytical approach to determine and treating the variables to get data and information that related to study, the researchers depended on questionnaire designed for this purpose and contains eight main dimensions that’s are scientific reference , academy course, staff member , administrative system, physical facilities , student ,scientific research, graduate service , in addition each dimension  involved (5) items contacted with mean dimensions, which translate aspects of  performance evaluation, the questionnaire applied on two samples staff member

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Administrative control procedures and their relation to evaluating the job performance: in the companies department
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The study sought to highlight the importance of applying the administrative control procedures which play an important role in assessing the performance of the employees of the tax administration and specifically the companies department by setting the standards and objectives of the department on the basis of which in the implementation of its work and identify deviations and errors and find appropriate solutions and evaluate the results according to appropriate solutions, The study of the problem of research, namely the extent to which the tax administration applied to the administrative control procedures in view of its importance in evaluating the performance of its employees and the extent of their application to the legislations an

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Project Management Maturity Model to Evaluate Construction Sector -Organizations. Case Study at the Department of buildings - Karkh first
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The education sector suffers from many problems, including the scarcity of schools that can absorb the increasing number of students in light of the increasing population growth rate, as some regions suffer from a lack of opening of new schools or the expansion of existing schools to increase their capacity so that attention is required. The research sought to identify the level of maturity of project management at the research site (Building Department in Al-Karkh I/ Ministry of Education) Being responsible for educational projects and their implementation and to know that, the ten areas of the knowledge guide to project management PMBOK have been adopted according to the PM3 model (one of the models of maturity

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The awareness degree of teacher students in Arabic language department and their supervisors at Al-aqsa University for their future role in knowledge age
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The study aimed to identify the awareness degree of teacher students in the department of Arabic language and their supervisors at Al-aqsa University for their future roles in the age of knowledge. To achieve this objective, descriptive- analytical approach was used. The instruments of this study were two questionnaires: first one consist of (20) item for teacher students, and the second consist of (27) item for educational supervisors which covered three roles: professional, technological, and humanitarian. The sample was (120) student selected randomly, and (39) supervisors of Arabic language. The result revealed that the mean of degree awareness of teacher students and their supervisors of future role are (3.857), (3.472) respectively

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Strategies of brain-based learning theory and its impact on the achievement of students of the Department of Art Education in Teaching Methods
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The aim of the current research is to reveal the effect of using brain-based learning theory strategies on the achievement of Art Education students in the subject of Teaching Methods. The experimental design with two equal experimental and control groups was used. The experimental design with two independent and equal groups was used, and the total of the research sample was (60) male and female students, (30) male and female students represented the experimental group, and (30) male and female students represented the control group. The researcher prepared the research tool represented by the cognitive achievement test consisting of (20) questions, and it was characterized by honesty and reliability, and the experiment lasted (6) weeks

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Simulation To Differentiate Between Some Modern Methods To the Model GM(1,1) To Find Missing Values And Estimate Parameters With A Practical Application
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       The grey system model GM(1,1) is the model of the prediction of the time series and the basis of the grey theory. This research presents the methods for estimating parameters of the grey model GM(1,1) is the accumulative method (ACC), the exponential method (EXP), modified exponential method (Mod EXP) and the Particle Swarm Optimization method (PSO). These methods were compared based on the Mean square error (MSE) and the Mean Absolute percentage error (MAPE) as a basis comparator and the simulation method was adopted for the best of the four methods, The best method was obtained and then applied to real data. This data represents the consumption rate of two types of oils a he

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Immunohistochemistry on cell blocks a method for pre-operative diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma by FNAC
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Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the commonest thyroid cancer. Cases in category-
5a of Bethesda system (suspicious for papillary carcinoma) are treated by surgical lobectomy followed
by total thyroidectomy if histopathology confirms papillary carcinoma. In order to reduce surgical
procedures to one this was conducted.
Objectives: evaluation of role of immunohistochemistry in pre-operative diagnosis of papillary thyroid
carcinoma on cell blocks.
Materials and Method: Cell blocks were taken from cases labelled category-5a for histopathology and
immunohistochemistry using three markers (CK-19, Thyro-peroxidase, and BRAFv600E mutation).
Results: were highly sensitive, and specific. The use of more tha

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar (God be pleased on him ): The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar (God be pleased on him )
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This study turns about The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in
The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar
(God be pleased on him )The military field is very wide in all intellectual and
practically effects at The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Taleb(peace is on him ). Its
considered the first seed for islam ,therefore,there are a lot from military
situtions which proved his practical experience in these affairs , and away
from the details of war and practical battles lets search the sample and the
academic study for fair military thinking (justice) in The Compact of Caliph Ali
to Malek Al Ashtar when he became the ruler of egypt.
The military fair thinking determines fr

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Publication Date
Wed May 05 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج ابن واصل في تناول الغزو المغولي من خلال كتابه (مفرج الكروب في اخبار بني ايوب)
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The research revolves around the methodology of the historian Ibn Wasil
(d.697 AH) in dealing with the Mongolian invasion through his book
“Mafrej al-Karroub fi Akhbar Bani Ayyub

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of managing employees' performance in building intellectual capital Analytical study of the views of a sample of heads of scientific departments At the University of Kirkuk
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The research aims to identify the impact of managing performance's employees in building intellectual capital, Because employing the practice of managing the performance of employees may acquire familiar skills to improve their performance and reflect on the construction of intellectual capital in the surveyed area, Especially that the independent dimension represented by the management of the performance of employees is one of the important topics that has received attention in the world of management in general and human resource management in particular.  While the adopted dimension was represented by Intellectual capital in the important practice of human resource management in the increasing of  their knowledge, to

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