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Smart grid in the context of industry 4.0: an overview of communications technologies and challenges
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The recent advances in technology, the increased dependence on electrical energy and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) were all factors in the increased need for smart, efficient and reliable energy systems. This introduced the concept of the Smart Grid (SG). A SG is a potential replacement for older power grids, capable of adapting and distributing energy based on demand. SG systems are complex. They combine various components and have high requirements for real time reliable operation. This paper attempts to provide an overview of SG systems, by outlining SG architecture and various components. It also introduces communication technologies, integration and network management tools that are involved in SG systems. In addition, the paper highlights challenges and issues that need to be addressed for a successful implementation of SG. Finally, we provide suggestions for future <br /> research directions.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
An open cloud-based platform for the creation and delivery of smart applications and services
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Abstract<p>With the increasing integration of computers and smartphones into our daily lives, in addition to the numerous benefits it offers over traditional paper-based methods of conducting affairs, it has become necessary to incorporate one of the most essential facilities into this integration; namely: colleges. The traditional approach for conducting affairs in colleges is mostly paper-based, which only increases time and workload and is relatively decentralized. This project provides educational and management services for the university environment, targeting the staff, the student body, and the lecturers, on two of the most used platforms: smartphones and reliable web applications by clo</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Investigation to the Abrasive Wear in Pipes Used for Oil Industry
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The work reported in this study focusing on the abrasive wear behavior for three types of pipes used in oil industries (Carbone steel, Alloy steel and Stainless steel) using a wear apparatus for dry and wet tests, manufactured according to ASTM G65. Silica sand with
hardness (1000-1100) HV was used as abrasive material. The abrasive wear of these pipes has been measured experimentally by measuring the wear rate for each case under different sliding speeds, applied loads, and sand conditions (dry or wet). All tests have been conducted using sand of particle size (200-425) µm, ambient temperature of 34.5 °C and humidity 22% (Lab conditions).
The results show that the material loss due to abrasive wear increased monotonically with

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Overview of How the Petrophysical Properties of Rock Influenced After Being Exposed to Cryogenic Fluid
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Exposure to cryogenic liquids can significantly impact the petrophysical properties of rock, affecting its density, porosity, permeability, and elastic properties. These effects can have important implications for various applications, including oil and gas production and carbon sequestration. Cryogenic liquid fracturing is a promising alternative to traditional hydraulic fracturing for exploiting unconventional oil and gas resources and geothermal energy. This technology offers several advantages over traditional hydraulic fracturing, including reduced water consumption, reduced formation damage, and a reduced risk of flow-back fluid contamination. In this study, an updated review of recent studies demonstrates how the

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 06 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dynamics And Control
Biomechanics, actuation, and multi-level control strategies of power-augmentation lower extremity exoskeletons: an overview
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Nanotechnology-Based Topical Drug Delivery Systems for Management of Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis: An overview
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Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis (SD) are common skin disorders affecting the scalp and extending to other body sites in the case of SD. They are associated with pruritus and scaling, causing an esthetical disturbance in the population affected.   Treatment of such conditions involves using a variety of drugs for long terms, thus optimizing drug formulation is essential to improve therapeutic efficacy and patient compliance. Conventional topical formulations like shampoos and creams have been widely used but their use is associated with disadvantages. To overcome such effects, novel topical nanotechnology-based formulations are currently under investigation. In the following article, we highlight recently published formulatio

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Sports Establishment in The Insurance Industry: An Applied Research at The Insurance Sector
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Sports risk has become a threat to the sports sector in general and the impact on an efficient player and the old stadiums in particular. So have such a thing fertile ground of global insurance companies to exploit it optimally exploited through the development and marketing of insurance lids for the provision of protection for athletes of different risks they may face, which contributed to the growth and development of the performance of these companies and helped in the emergence of sports insurance specialist firms. And through the insurance process in the field of sports and where the insurance is a type of social solidarity. The main problem is this spirit manifested search in question is whether to embrace sports institutions sport

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 25 2023
Journal Name
Plos One
Organizational and behavioral attributes’ roles in adopting cloud services: An empirical study in the healthcare industry
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The need for cloud services has been raised globally to provide a platform for healthcare providers to efficiently manage their citizens’ health records and thus provide treatment remotely. In Iraq, the healthcare records of public hospitals are increasing progressively with poor digital management. While recent works indicate cloud computing as a platform for all sectors globally, a lack of empirical evidence demands a comprehensive investigation to identify the significant factors that influence the utilization of cloud health computing. Here we provide a cost-effective, modular, and computationally efficient model of utilizing cloud computing based on the organization theory and the theory of reasoned action perspectives. A tot

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling The Power Grid Network Of Iraq
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Recently, the theory of Complex Networks gives a modern insight into a variety of applications in our life. Complex Networks are used to form complex phenomena into graph-based models that include nodes and edges connecting them. This representation can be analyzed by using network metrics such as node degree, clustering coefficient, path length, closeness, betweenness, density, and diameter, to mention a few. The topology of the complex interconnections of power grids is considered one of the challenges that can be faced in terms of understanding and analyzing them. Therefore, some countries use Complex Networks concepts to model their power grid networks. In this work, the Iraqi Power Grid network (IPG) has been modeled, visua

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
Belief and practice in the teaching of pronunciation in the Iraqi EFL context
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IH Abdul-Abbas, QJ Rashid, M RasimYounus, PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 2021 - Cited by 9

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Digital technologies in the means of communication
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Modern digital technologies have affected the means of communication in terms of structure, function and methods of dealing with them, and the communication process has changed, becoming bilateral, reciprocal and interactive, after it was one-way and limited in circulation and the roles changed, so the receiver became the sender and reversed is correct, and the culture of the active user and the participant spread, and the communication process became continuous.
The international information network has provided new electronic channels in the media and communication that are not known and opened a new era for these means, which led to a trend towards digital media in an unprecedented way.
The new communication platforms are the re

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