تقدم هذه الدراسة وصفا للطريقة المستخدمة في تحضير الكربون المنشط (AC)من بقايا الشاي. تم دراسة الخواص الفيزيائية والكيميائية وكفاءة الامتزاز للكربون المنشط المحضر. تم إنتاج الكربون المنشط (AC) على مرحلتين: الاولى التنشيط باستخدام حامض الفوسفوريك (H3PO4) والثانية الكربنة عند درجة حرارة 450 درجة مئوية. استخدم الكربون المنشط لغرض امتصاص العقار الدوائي السيبروفلوكساسين(CIP) . تمت دراسة عدة عوامل تشغيلية بدرجة حرارة الغرفة لمعرفة تأثيرها على كفاءة الامتزاز. تشمل هذه العوامل التركيز الأولي لـ CIP الممتز، ومستوى الرقم الهيدروجيني، وزمن الامتزاز، وكمية المادة المازة. تم اختبار خصائص الكربون المنشط باستخدام التحليل الطيفي للأشعة تحت الحمراء (FTIR)، والمجهر الماسح الإلكتروني (SEM)، وحيود الأشعة السينية (XRD)، وحساب المساحة السطحية والحجم المسامي بطريقة (BET). تمت دراسة نمط الامتزاز وتبين بان نموذج Langmuir هو الموديل المناسب لعملية امتزاز CIP على الكربون المنشط بالشاي .(TAC)يتمتع الكربون المنشط المنتج بالقدرة على امتصاص السيبروفلوكساسين، بقدرة امتصاص قصوى تبلغ 256.41 ملغم/غرام. تمت دراسة حركية الامتزاز وتبين انه يمكن تمثيلها بتفاعل من الدرجة الثانية.
The reason for applying the project is for the development of some physiological variables and skill performance using a device for the first time applied in Iraq to a sample of badminton players, and this device has a patent on 7/2/2019. An experimental method is used for a sample of (12) players from (Al-Orthodoxy club). The experimental group is applied the proposal technique, while, the control group is instructed by the coach.The results of the research attribute to the role of the proposal exercises of fit light technology, thus, this technology has increased the attention and focusing of the sample and some physiological variables and smash shot skill. It has been concluded that the exercises using fit light technology is helped to i
... Show MoreIn this study, pebble bed as an absorber and storage material was placed in a south facing, flat plate air-type solar collector at fixed tilt angle of (45°). The effect of this material and differ- ent parameters on collector efficiency has been investigated experimentally and
theoretically. Two operation modes were employed to study the performance of the solar air heater. An inte- grated mode of continuous operation of the system during the period of (11:00 am – 3:00 pm) and non-integrated mode in which the system stored the solar energy through the day then used the stored energy during the period of (3:00 pm – 8:00 pm). The results of parametric study in case of continuous operating showed that the maximum average temperatur
Convergence prop erties of Jackson polynomials have been considered by Zugmund
[1,ch.X] in (1959) and J.Szbados [2], (p =ï‚¥) while in (1983) V.A.Popov and J.Szabados [3]
(1 ï‚£p ï‚£ ï‚¥) have proved a direct inequality for Jackson polynomials in L
p-sp ace of 2ï°-periodic bounded Riemann integrable functions (f R) in terms of some modulus of
continuity .
In 1991 S.K.Jassim proved direct and inverse inequality for Jackson polynomials in
locally global norms (L
ï¤,p) of 2ï°-p eriodic bounded measurable functions (f Lï‚¥) in terms of
suitable Peetre K-functional [4].
Now the aim of our paper is to proved direct and inverse inequalities for Jackson
The research seeks to examine the ability of fifth preparatory students in solving a mathematical problem in relation to system thinking. To this end, the researcher chose (140) fifth preparatory students from four-different secondary schools in Kirkuk city for the academic year (2016-2017). Two tests were adopted to collect study data: a test of (5) items about skills in solving math problem designed by (Al-raihan, 2006); and a test of system thinking skills designed by the researcher himself consisted of (14) items. It was divided into four skills (analyzing the main system to subsystems, eliminating all inner gaps of system, identifying the inner connection of system, and reorganizing the system). The findings indicated a good ability
... Show MoreThe image of television dominates the cognitive and artistic motivations. It is the formulation of ideas and visions along with its documentary ability. It is the main element in television work as it is a story that is narrated in pictures. Therefore, attention to image building is a major point of gravity in the work structure as a whole. On the image is the element carrying all aesthetic and expressive values of news and information directly to the hints that work to stimulate and stir the imagination of the recipient to evoke mental images added to the visual images to deepen the meanings.
All visual arts carry elements and components that follow in a particular pattern to give special meanings and specific connotations. However,
Background: Saliva plays an important role in oral health. Several salivary proteins are involved in the antimicrobial defence mechanism and are able to eliminate or inhibit bacterial growth in the oral cavity. Secretory IgA (SIgA) is one of the principal antibodies present in saliva, could help oral immunity by preventing microbial adherence, neutralizing enzymes and toxins. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between salivary Streptococcus Mutans (SM) count and S IgA in stimulated whole saliva in children with primary dentition compared to those with permanent teeth in relation to some oral hygiene parameters. Material and methods: Stimulated whole saliva was collected from 50 children (25 with primary dentation and
... Show MoreIn general, the importance of cluster analysis is that one can evaluate elements by clustering multiple homogeneous data; the main objective of this analysis is to collect the elements of a single, homogeneous group into different divisions, depending on many variables. This method of analysis is used to reduce data, generate hypotheses and test them, as well as predict and match models. The research aims to evaluate the fuzzy cluster analysis, which is a special case of cluster analysis, as well as to compare the two methods—classical and fuzzy cluster analysis. The research topic has been allocated to the government and private hospitals. The sampling for this research was comprised of 288 patients being treated in 10 hospitals. As t
... Show MoreThis paper is concerned with pre-test single and double stage shrunken estimators for the mean (?) of normal distribution when a prior estimate (?0) of the actule value (?) is available, using specifying shrinkage weight factors ?(?) as well as pre-test region (R). Expressions for the Bias [B(?)], mean squared error [MSE(?)], Efficiency [EFF(?)] and Expected sample size [E(n/?)] of proposed estimators are derived. Numerical results and conclusions are drawn about selection different constants included in these expressions. Comparisons between suggested estimators, with respect to classical estimators in the sense of Bias and Relative Efficiency, are given. Furthermore, comparisons with the earlier existing works are drawn.
The fingerprinting DNA method which depends on the unique pattern in this study was employed to detect the hydatid cyst of Echinococcus granulosus and to determine the genetic variation among their strains in different intermediate hosts (cows and sheep). The unique pattern represents the number of amplified bands and their molecular weights with specialized sequences to one sample which different from the other samples. Five hydatitd cysts samples from cows and sheep were collected, genetic analysis for isolated DNA was done using PCR technique and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA reaction(RAPD) depending on (4) random primers, and the results showed:
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