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Modification, Characterization of Tea Residue-derived Activated Carbon, and Ciprofloxacin Adsorption

تقدم هذه الدراسة وصفا للطريقة المستخدمة في تحضير الكربون المنشط  (AC)من بقايا الشاي. تم دراسة الخواص الفيزيائية والكيميائية وكفاءة الامتزاز للكربون المنشط المحضر. تم إنتاج الكربون المنشط (AC) على مرحلتين: الاولى التنشيط باستخدام حامض الفوسفوريك (H3PO4) والثانية الكربنة عند درجة حرارة 450 درجة مئوية. استخدم الكربون المنشط لغرض امتصاص العقار الدوائي السيبروفلوكساسين(CIP) . تمت  دراسة عدة عوامل تشغيلية  بدرجة حرارة الغرفة لمعرفة تأثيرها على كفاءة الامتزاز. تشمل هذه العوامل التركيز الأولي لـ CIP الممتز، ومستوى الرقم الهيدروجيني، وزمن الامتزاز، وكمية المادة المازة. تم اختبار خصائص الكربون المنشط باستخدام التحليل الطيفي للأشعة تحت الحمراء (FTIR)، والمجهر الماسح الإلكتروني (SEM)، وحيود الأشعة السينية (XRD)، وحساب المساحة السطحية والحجم المسامي بطريقة  (BET). تمت دراسة نمط الامتزاز وتبين بان نموذج Langmuir هو الموديل المناسب لعملية امتزاز CIP  على الكربون المنشط بالشاي  .(TAC)يتمتع الكربون المنشط المنتج بالقدرة على امتصاص السيبروفلوكساسين، بقدرة امتصاص قصوى تبلغ 256.41 ملغم/غرام. تمت دراسة حركية الامتزاز وتبين انه يمكن تمثيلها  بتفاعل من  الدرجة الثانية.

Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shortcomings mentioned by the Torah about the prophet Lot in the prophecies and the respond of Quran

Praise be to Allah , and peace and blessings of God sent mercy to the worlds Muhammad
Amin and his family and his friends and followers to the Day of Judgement .
Savants Jews worked to distort the Torah calamity on the Prophet Moses ( peace be upon
him ) to achieve their goals and objectives , which are decorating sin to their followers , and
spreading corruption on earth, through the charge prophets Bmvassad , morality, as the
example and the example that emulate the human in the book of the Lord of the worlds and
their Prophet Lot, described the weak, and cheese, and lack of modesty, and disobedience ,
drinking alcohol , and his failure to raise his two daughters , Jews are corrupt in the ground .
Koran , which

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of an Oral Health Education (OHE) program by teachers and mothers on adolescents' oral health

Background: Adolescence is one of the most dynamic stages of human development. However, Oral health is an integral part of public health, significantly impacts on the quality of life. OHE program is an important issue that should be given to them. The aim of this study was to evaluate oral health outcomes on adolescents' oral health by teachers and mothers Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in seven schools of Diyala - Baquba city. This 14-weeks duration study assessed the effectiveness of school OHE program on oral hygiene status, gingival health, and halitosis assessment of 80, 12 year-old, both genders of school adolescents. From the selected schools, one group was supervised by the teachers and the other was supervised

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Antibacterial and cytotoxic effect of a novel biological Nano-silver fluoride synthesized from moringa oleifera leaf extract

Background: A great dental and biomedical interest had been paid to silver nanoparticles because of their antimicrobial activity. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of a newly developed Nano-silver fluoride that was synthesized from moringa oleifera leaf extract against S. mutants.  Material and method: The green synthesis method was used to prepare Nano-silver fluoride from moringa oleifera leaf extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration and the minimum bactericidal concentration were evaluated using brain heart infusion plates, while the cytotoxicity was evaluated by the hemolytic activity. Results: Nano-silver fluoride had a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect (MIC was 60 ppm and MBC was 120 pp

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Genetic Polymorphisms at TNF-Alpha Receptors Associated some Autoimmune Diseases and Response of Anti-TNF Biologics: Review

Some genetic factors are not only involved in some autoimmune diseases but also interfere with their treatment, Such as Crohn's disease (CD), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and psoriasis (PS). Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) is a most important pro-inflammatory cytokine, which has been recognized as a main factor that participates in the pathogenesis and development of autoimmune disorders. Therefore, TNF could be a prospective target for treating these disorders, and many anti-TNF were developed to treat these disorders. Although the high efficacy of many anti-TNF biologic medications, the Patients' clinical responses to the autoimmune treatment showed significant heterogeneity. Two types of TNF receptor (TNFR); 1 an

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Preparation and application of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane incorporating NaX zeolite for lead ions removal from aqueous solutions

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Radiological Impact Assessment of Farm Soils and Ofada rice (Oryza sativa japonica) from Three Areas in Nigeria

Oryza sativa japonica (ofada rice) is largely grown in Aramoko, Abakaliki and Ofada are communities and consumed by both the poor and rich in Nigeria. A total of twenty ofada rice farmlands were identified in each study area and rice samples were randomly collected, thoroughly mixed to make a representative sample from each farmland. Soil samples were collected in each farm to a depth of 5-15cm from at least eight different points and thoroughly mixed together to form a representative sample. The samples were thereafter taken to the laboratory for preparation and spectroscopic analysis. A well-calibrated NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector was used in spectrometric analysis of the samples and descriptive statistics was used to analyze th

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of Non-Thermal Plasma (DBD) On Infertility Male Semen with Low Sperm Motility and Dna Damage

Non-thermal plasma(Dielectric barrier discharge) has many uses including living tissue sterilization, inactivation of the bacteria, excimer formation, angiogenesis, and surface treatment. This research aim is to use cold plasma as a tool to search the effect of the dielectric barrier discharge system at room temperature on human sperm motility and DNA integrity. This work was performed on 60 human semen samples suffering from low motility; each sample was prepared by centrifugation method, then each semen sample was divided into two sections, the first section is before significant exposure to the plasma system (DBD) and the second section is after treatment with the DBD system at ambient temperature. Before and after exposure to non-the

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Behavior of Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders Subject to Partially Strand Damage and Strengthened by NSM-CFRP Composites

Studies on the flexural behavior of post-tensioned beams subjected to strand damage and strengthened with near-surface mounted (NSM) technique using carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) are limited and fail to examine the effect of CFRP laminates on strand strain and strengthening efficiency systematically. Furthermore, a design approach for UPC structures in existing design guidelines for FRP strengthening techniques is lacking. Hence, the behavior of post-tensioned beams strengthened with NSM-CFRP laminates after partial strand damage is investigated in this study. The testing program consists of seven post-tensioned beams strengthened by NSM-CFRP laminates with three partial strand damage ratios (14.3% symmetrical damage, 14.3%

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 23 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Design and Performance Analysis of Spiral Solar Water Heater Using Iron Plate/Sand Absorber for Domestic Use

The sun which is all energy sources, in today's society, hot water is used for various purposes starting from household to power production. People are adopting various ways to accomplish these goals, such as firewood heat and electrical power, so solar energy is an alternative to the dwindling resources of fossil fuels. Conversion of solar radiation into heat is one of the simplest and most direct applications of this energy, it can be used to heat water systems. A widely used flat-plate solar collector. In this study we have come to heat water using solar energy. This research presents the design and experimental analysis for using Spiral Flow Solar Water Heater (SFSWH) to enhance the thermal efficiency of a flat plate solar collector.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 08 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Microbiology, Biotechnology And Food Sciences

Exploring the antibacterial potential of neem oil (Azadirachta indica) in combination with gentamicin (GEN) against pathogenic molds, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa, has drawn concern due to the quest for natural treatment options against incurable diseases. Prospective research directions include looking for natural cures for many of the currently incurable diseases available now. microbial identification system, were used to identify the isolates. The research utilized a range of methods, such as the diffusion agar well (AWD) assays, TEM (transmission electron microscopy) analysis, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays, and real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) to analyze bacterial expression and the antibacterial action of neem oil (Azadira

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