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التطرف و الإرهاب الإلكتروني- و موقف القانون الدولي منهما
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شكلت التطورات التكنولوجية في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الناجمة عن العولمة معلم رئيسي في تحولات التنظيمات الإرهابية، وإنتاج انماط جديدة من الإرهابيين والمتطرفين القادرين على التفاعل مع الثورة المعلوماتية والاتصالية. ان معظم الجرائم الإرهابية الإلكترونية مرتبطة بالإنترنت وهو المسرح المفضل للمتطرفين فالأول يقتل والثاني يسوغ ويحرض ويجند، والذي جعل الإنترنت وسيلة فعالة كونها سهلة الاستخدام وسريعة الوصول إلى الجمهور ورخيصة الثمن وساحة حرة بلا رقيب على ما يكتب ويشاهد. وعلى الرغم من أن الإرهاب الإلكتروني يعد واحداً من التهديدات الكبيرة لأمن المجتمع الدولي إلا ان التشريعات القانونية الدولية لمواجهته تعتمد على الإطار القانوني لمواجهة الإرهاب والجرائم التكنولوجية عموماً. ولا يوجد موقف دولي واضح ولا ضوابط او سوابق قانونية يمكن الاستناد إليها، أو حتى أتفاقية دولية واضحة شاملة حول الأمن الإلكتروني لتجريم المتطرفين والإرهابيين مستخدمي وسائل التواصل الأجتماعي .

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
المركز القانوني لكفيل الكفيل (المصدق) في القانون العراقي: دراسة مقارنة
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Ensure authority, contract whereby a person ensure that the implementation of the commitment to the creditor undertakes to fulfill this obligation if he does not do the original debtor and the guarantor of the debt, which he took to ensure his commitment.z

Valmsedk, the second is the guarantor of the debt after the sponsor, the subject of his commitment

Do not focus on ensuring the religion of the debtor, but the focus is on ensuring the commitment of the sponsor.

It is here to be a creditor of three people responsible for one religion they are all of the debtor - the sponsor - authority

This research deals with the legal status of certified by definition Palmsedk statement and conditions that should be co

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Competent Administrative Authority In the Management of the General Facility of Oil and gas in the Iraqi Legislation
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In this research, we will deal with the administrative body concerned with the management, exploitation and regulation of oil activity and oil operations, which the Iraqi legislation in force dealt with in terms of composition and tasks. And the Ministry of Natural Resources and public companies specialized in oil affairs, and both facilities operate independently without unified cooperation or guidance between them, with the union of the subject of activity, which is the oil and gas wealth owned by the entire Iraqi people. Where it was noted that there are two authorities that use the method of centralization and decentralization in the management of oil operations, and it was also noted that there is a mismatch between the legislation

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Gift in the English Law/ An Analytical Comparative Study with the Iraqi Civil Law
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The Gift is considered as a legal voluntary non-contractual transaction or disposition to transfer the granted property from the donor to donee  gratuitously or without consideration. It is also worth-bearing in mind that the want of the requirement of consideration is the reason that the gift is not classified within the scope of the contract. And it is normally classified into two types: The inter vivos gift  and gift causa mortis. It should also be noted that the donatio (or gift) inter vivos is applied to both the personal property or chattels and real property equally. As opposed to the gift causa mortis, which is applied to the personal property or chattels rather than the real property. Whereas both the Iraqi Civil Law N

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Municipality of Baghdad’s communication means and methods during imposing the law operations
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This study aims at  identifying  how Baghdad Municipality employs public relations in law enforcement operations and the role played by the Municipality in communication and communicating with the public, raising their awareness and educating them to not  abuse public property.  As for the research tools, the researcher used the questionnaire as a data  collection tool in addition to an analytical description of the means and methods of communication for public relations on  Baghdad Municipality Facebook page.

The research comes out with a set of result; the most important of which are:
The means through which citizens learned about the existence of campaigns to impose the law an eliminate violati

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 09 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
شرط المنع من التصرف في القانون المدني العراقي: دراسة مقارنة
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الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على محمد سيد المرسلين وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين.

أما بعد

      فلم يعد حق الملكية في العهد الحالي كما كان العهد عليه في العهود السابقة حقاً مطلقاً، بل أصبح حقا مقيداً بقيود متعددة تزداد يوما بعد يوم، وما شرط المنع التصرف الا صورة من هذه القيود.

      وهذا البحث هو محاولة متواضعة لدراسة هذا الشرط في القانون المدني العراقي عقارنا بالقان

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Government Hospitals lease contract for the private sector In Iraqi law
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The contract for iease public hospitals to the private sector is one of the administrative contracts in which all the elements of the administrative contract are available. It is signed by the administration represented by the Minister of Health. It is presented to a public hospital which is one of the public facilities that provide medical services. The Ministry of Health may also apply to the Leased Hospital. It may also amend the contract in accordance with the public interest, in addition to the possibility of dissolving the contract without recourse to the courts in case the tenant violates the terms of the contract, The State resorted to it in the event that it is unable to provide medical services within the required range, as it

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal Protection for the Scientific Certificates in the UAE Law : A Comparative Analytical Study
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At present, a scientific certificate has great importance as an indicator of the level of the educational qualification of a person, and a criterion on the basis of which job appointments are made. The title is granted by the scientific certificate. The status of the scientific certificate has had a dual effect. On the one hand, it encouraged persons to pursue educational attainment in order to obtain the highest scientific degrees and the associated moral and material advantages, and on the other hand. It prompted some to seek scientific degrees by any means or method and at any price in order to benefit from these advantages. This situation led to the emergence of unlicensed and fake universities that do not have a real presence on rea

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Recruitment of Persons in Terrorist Organizations, his Techniques, his Methods - UAE Law as a Model
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This study aims to investigate the nature of the recruitment of people into terrorist organizations that have spread in international societies, this phenomenon that did not arise out of a vacuum, but rather that it has its causes and its intellectual, psychological, political, and social motives, as well as economic and educational motives. These reasons may be intertwined with each other, so today we are facing an important and dangerous issue launched by terrorist organizations, by recruiting certain people, who are carefully selected and according to specific specifications, taking advantage of their social and family problems, the class differences they suffer from in their societies, and their desire for revenge, for their feelings

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Commitment to what is Necessary As an Idea to Embody the Element of Morality in Law
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Some actions do not come from the law, but rather from the moral will of a person, and these actions are necessary for people to do because a person is a moral being whose existence is determined by his relationship with values. And, since ethics is one of the normative sciences that link the end to the means, that is, of a person study is not limited to what is an object, or a current situation, but it should be. Therefore, task of a person is to set conditions that must be met in human will and actions in order to become the subject of legal and ethical rulings. This is because there is a close relationship between law and morality, and despite the absence of a legal rule that obliges individuals to do actions, such as extending a hand

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Measurement of Academic Stress Level in E-Learning Environment among Postgraduate Students at the College of Education, King Khalid University during Covid-19 Pandemic
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The study aims to measure the level of academic stress in the e-learning environment in three areas, students and their dealing with classmates, dealing with the professor and technical skills, and the nature and content of the curriculum among graduate students in the College of Education at King Khalid University during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive in nature (survey, comparative). The sample consisted of (512) male and female graduate students in the master's and doctoral programs. The Academic Stress Scale in the E-learning Environment designed by Amer (2021) was used. The results indicated a high level of academic stress among graduate students in the e-learning environment. The study also found that there were stati

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