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Neuromemrisitive Architecture of HTM with On-Device Learning and Neurogenesis
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Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) is a biomimetic sequence memory algorithm that holds promise for invariant representations of spatial and spatio-temporal inputs. This article presents a comprehensive neuromemristive crossbar architecture for the spatial pooler (SP) and the sparse distributed representation classifier, which are fundamental to the algorithm. There are several unique features in the proposed architecture that tightly link with the HTM algorithm. A memristor that is suitable for emulating the HTM synapses is identified and a new Z-window function is proposed. The architecture exploits the concept of synthetic synapses to enable potential synapses in the HTM. The crossbar for the SP avoids dark spots caused by unutilized crossbar regions and supports rapid on-chip training within two clock cycles. This research also leverages plasticity mechanisms such as neurogenesis and homeostatic intrinsic plasticity to strengthen the robustness and performance of the SP. The proposed design is benchmarked for image recognition tasks using Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) and Yale faces datasets, and is evaluated using different metrics including entropy, sparseness, and noise robustness. Detailed power analysis at different stages of the SP operations is performed to demonstrate the suitability for mobile platforms.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Clinical Dentistry
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Background and objectives: This study aimed at testing the effect of plastic sleeve or barrier, used to cover the guide of the light cure unit to prevent cross-infection, on the shear bond strength and site of bond failure of stainless steel and ceramic orthodontic brackets. Materials and methods: Forty orthodontic brackets; twenty stainless steel and twenty ceramic brackets bonded to forty extracted human maxillary first premolars using light cure adhesive cured with and without the use of a protective plastic barrier on the guide. Comparing the effect of this barrier on the shear bond strength and adhesive remnant index was performed using an independent t-test and Chi-square test. Results: The protective barrier had decreased the shear b

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Different Reinforcements on the Damping Properties of the Polymer Matrix Composite
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In this research, damping properties for composite materials were evaluated using logarithmic decrement method to study the effect of reinforcements on the damping ratio of the epoxy matrix. Three stages of composites were prepared in this research. The first stage included preparing binary blends of epoxy (EP) and different weight percentages of polysulfide rubber (PSR) (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%). It was found that the weight percentage 5% of polysulfide was the best percentage, which gives the best mechanical properties for the blend matrix. The advantage of this blend matrix is that; it mediates between the brittle properties of epoxy and the flexible properties of a blend matrix with the highest percentage of PSR. The second stage

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of risk selection policy for life insurance on the prodectivity of iraqi insurance company
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The life insurance companies need a sound system to use it in selecting Insurable risks so they can avoid or reduce possible losses that may be insured to a minimum levels , But the application within IRAQI INSURANCE  COMPANY reflects that it still depends on a traditional ways in the procedures used to select that risks .

                 This  research represents an attempt to put acceptable suggestions about developing a system for selecting insurable risks which used now by iraqi insurance company by recognizing the risks of life insurance , determining kinds of risks which can difined as normal and upnormal risks , rectification of the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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The corrosion behavior of carbon steel at different Temperatures and in water containing different sodium chloride
concentrations under 3 bar pressure has been investigated using weight loss method . The carbon steel specimens were
immersed in water containing (100,400,700,1000PPM) of NaCl solution and under temperature was increased from
(90-120ºC) under pressures of 3 bar. The results of this investigation indicated that corrosion rate increased with NaCl
concentrations and Temperature.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact of using Double Layers Perforated Liners on the Acoustic Treatments of the Combustor Systems
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The response of the combustor’s liner to the air-flow that passes through it is the key reason for the combustion chambers noise, hence the instabilities of those chambers that decreases the mechanical efficiency of such sections, by increased its mechanical vibrations, which increases the failure rate created during originating of the cracks spreading by the shakes producing by the series of high-level frequencies. Accordingly, any work debating the impact of the context of liners in the combustion chamber can provide grasping for the combustion noise generated by the undesirable vibrations, and benefits the industrial firms to design an ideal production procedure which increases the lifespan of the combustor. The goal of this work is

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Sn Addition on Phase Transformation Behavior of Equiatomic Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy
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Sn effect on the phase transformation behavior, microstructure, and micro hardness of equiatomic Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was studied. NiTi and NiTiSn alloys were produced using vacuum induction melting process with alloys composition (50% at. Ni, 50% at.Ti) and (Ni 48% at., Ti 50% at., Sn 2% at.). The characteristics of both alloys were investigated by utilizing Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X- ray Diffraction Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope, optical microscope and vicker's micro hardness test. The results showed that adding Sn element leads to decrease the phase transformation temperatures evidently. Both alloy samples contain NiTi matrix phase and Ti2Ni secondary phase, but the Ti2Ni phase content dec

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Influence of Nanoparticles Additive to Diesel Fuel on the Emission Characteristics
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The present experimental work is conducted to examine the influence of adding Alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticles and Titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticles each alone to diesel fuel on the characteristic of the emissions. The size of both Alumina and Titanium oxide nanoparticles which have been added to diesel fuel to obtain nano-fuel is about 20 nm and 25 nm respectively. Three doses of (Al2O3) and (TiO2) were prepared (25, 50, and 100) ppm. The nanoparticles mixed with gas oil fuel by mechanical homogenous (manual electrical mixer) and ultrasonic processor. The study reveals that the adding of Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and Titanium oxide (TiO2) to g

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Phases of Urban Development Impact on the Assessment of Thermal Comfort: A Comparative Environmental Study
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Millions of pilgrims and visitors from numerous parts of the world flock to Karbala (one of the most prominent ideological and religious places in central Iraq) each year to visit the holy shrines in Karbala due to their sanctity. Many improvements have been made to the Two Holy Shrines (THS), the Shrines of Imam Husayn and Imam Abbas, and the area between them (ATHS), due to the high temperatures in this region and to improve pedestrian thermal comfort. Studies on improving outdoor thermal comfort in Karbala are scarce. Hence, this research aims to look into historical and current architectural changes and how they affect thermal comfort. On the hottest summer day, the ENVI-met software program was used to simulate the building des

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effects of Sleeve Gastrectomy as a Bariatric Surgery on Weight of Dietary Induced Obese Rats.
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Background: Obesity is becoming the healthcare epidemic world wide.Obesity is associated with reduced life expectancy, increased morbidity and mortality, and greater healthcare costs.Bariatric surgery is the only effective treatment for morbid obesity and is gaining increasing popularity. There has been a steady rise in the numbers and types of bariatric operations done worldwide in recent years butnon of prove to be ideal .Animal studies and use of animal models are significant element in the evolution of medical knowledge and the use of animals as a model for bariatric surgery is of importance to study the mechanisms of these operationsa and also help to develop new technique in management of obesity.Objectives:Study of effects of slee

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Influences of the Twisted Strips Insertion on the Performance of Flat Plate Water Solar Collector
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    In order to enhance the efficiency of flat plate solar water collectors without changing in its original shape and with low additional cost, twisted strips are inserted inside its riser pipes. Three flat plate collectors are used for test. Family of twisted strips are inserted inside each collector risers with different twisted ratios (TR=3,4,5). The collectors are connected in parallel mode (Z-Configuration) and are exposed to the same conditions (solar radiation and ambient temperature) .The experimental results show that, the highest heat transfer rate occurs at twisted ratio (3) .Consequently, for the same twisted ratio the daily efficiencies for the solar collector at d

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