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غسل الحيض من خلال كتاب شرح ابن كمال باشا على أول الهداية ( دراسة وتحقيق )

This study deals with the field of acieving the manuscripts of Islamic sciences by the great Imam ibn Kamal Pasha, but the mentioned book requires a great effort to explain what it contains of sciences, and to appear what it has contained

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study of the marketing supply chain of the fuel oil productUsing transport models

The marketing logistic chain, as an integrated system aimed to balance the achievement of its main opposite objectives which represented in the access to the best service presented to the customer with lowest possible logistic costs especially the transportation costs, where encourages the researcher to choose the second objective as a field of this study in order to reduce the transportation costs in the final link of marketing logistic chain which related to delivering of fuel oil to the customer that falls within organizational responsibilities of the company under consideration (Oil Marketing Company) and also known in a brief name by (SOMO) through two methods, the first is by functioning quantative techniques by using trans

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
آیات النصح والإرشاد في الأخلاق في سورة البقرة ( دراسة وتحلیل )

This Research on (Ayat of Advice and Guidance of Morals
Included in Sorat Al-Baqara) is a study for the virtual of Ayat
dealing with advice and guidance.
The importance of this research title comes from the study of
the Holy Quran from one side and the importance of advice and
guidance from the other side, besides, we are truly in need for
such study in our life.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المصاحبة اللفظية بين الصفة والموصوف في خطب الرسول(  ) دراسة دلالية

There are words that are described in certain words that are not described in other words, so the relationship between two words that accompany a habit is strengthened, which leads to the emergence of a conjunction or an idiomatic expression. It did not exist before their association together,

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Aggregate accounting information and its impact on management decision-making ( Case Study )

The main aim of this paper is to explain the effect of the aggregation accounting information on the financial, investment, and operational, managerial decision-making and the evaluation of the financial statements after aggregate. The problem of this study is represented in administrative decision-making that takes place under differentiated accounting systems operating within a governmental economic unit that seeks at the same time to achieve a unified vision and goals for the organization. This study was conducted at the College of Administration and Economics /University of Baghdad, and it represents a sample from a community of governmental economic units that apply differentiated accounting systems. The study method is repr

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Similar judgments in the sacred heavenly books (Quran and the Bible): An analytical study

The research tagged with (similar rulings in the holy heavenly books - the Holy Qur’an and the Bible) highlights that there are a number of rulings in the heavenly books that are similar to each other in terms of content, meaning and significance and did not change from one prophet to another because they relate to the basic interests on which social relations are built. Documenting ties, preserving rights, preventing abuse, etc. These are among the divine purposes in clarifying rulings in order to reach their goals and achieve their goals. Therefore, by combining these rulings, many problems and incidents that are the subject of disagreement and doubt between the two religions can be achieved and addressed. Those who want reform, righ

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information Technology
Google Scholar and The scientific originality of the professor

The aim of the research is try to answer the questions about the importance of the participation of scientists in the scientific researcher Google Scholar for the professor and the university, and the extent of participation of Iraqi universities, and the rank of the University of Qadisiyah, and the number of participants and teachers of this engine, The research came out with several conclusions, the most important of which is that (21%) of university professors are involved in the google engine and most of the participants did not carry their full research through the site

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Arts, Literature, Humanities And Social Sciences
الاقناع البصري لتصميم الصفحة الرئيسة في المواقع الإخبارية (دراسة تحليلية)

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية

  Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

Key words: psychological factor,lisps,children,vocal study .

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Terrorism and Internal Displacement in Iraq: A Field Study in Baghdad

    Terrorism is a serious problem for many societies today. This research aims to identify the impact of terrorism and displacement crisis on human security, which was a shock to the Iraqi society in terms of its impact on the psychological, social and economic conditions of the individual, family, and society. The variety of methods of carrying out the terrorist operations that resulted from the phenomenon of human displacement witnessed by Iraq since the middle of 2014. This phenomenon has its demographic, political and social dimensions.

    In order to achieve the goal of this study and the importance of the subject, the social survey method was used by selecting a sample of 200 IDPs in a compou

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Arabic language and tongue violence in Arab satellite channels

This study aimed at identifying the effect of violence on speech disorders concerning Arab Broadcasting . Language is a pot of thought and a mirror of human civilization and communication tool, but the Arabic language is suffering a lot of extraneous terms them, particularly through the media. This study attempts to answer the following question: Is the phenomenon of linguistic duality in the Media reflected negatively on the rules of the classical language? The study deals with the explanation and interpretation of the phenomenon that has become slang exist in our Media More. And the study suggests re- consideration of the value in the Media ,hence the problem will be resolved.   

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