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غسل الحيض من خلال كتاب شرح ابن كمال باشا على أول الهداية ( دراسة وتحقيق )
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This study deals with the field of acieving the manuscripts of Islamic sciences by the great Imam ibn Kamal Pasha, but the mentioned book requires a great effort to explain what it contains of sciences, and to appear what it has contained

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
إستخدامات المرأة العراقیة للقنوات الفضائیة دراسة میدانیة
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This study aims to know how much and how long the Iraqi women's
watch space channels and expose to them and if these channels mee their
need to get knowledge information an entertainment . the role played by
these channels to provide Iraqi women with news about their community to
meet their needs and motives. this study also aims to know much the Iraqi
women expose to these channels and to know the favorable type of the
channels for them and the causes of that and know favorable programs and
why. also it aims to know the types of the if these channels deal with the Iraqi
women's problems and if the women get any advantage either behavior
knowledge for the watching these channels .

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية جامعة بغداد
Secret baptisms among Christian denominations, descriptive study
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Christian rites and rituals to be performed, not abandon them, and they see it as a sacred duty in Christ's (as) followers, including: (secret baptisms among Christian denominations, descriptive study) baptisms in the Christian Mystery of God of the mysteries of the Church, every Christian must be baptized always resented It was alaimanh, the Guide mentioned in the Bible by Jesus to his disciples ((just go make disciples of all Nations and immersed them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I advised you, and here I am with you all days to the end of the age))( And be baptized in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit, and that's what makes this practice through th

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
The Secret of Marriage in Christianity A Descriptive Study
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Marriage is a holly secret in Christian religion .So it id natural that its ceremonies acquired religious form .In general the marriage is contracted by minister of religion in presence of the two parties or by a proxy or presence of parents if it is necessary . And to make the condition of publicity for the marriage ,its procedures must be made before witnesses .Also the minister of religionhave to confirm the agreement of the two parties before beginning the procedures.The marriage ceremonies are made.These procedures are religious traditions that includes praying and make blessings and putting the rings in fingers by thepriest . The marriage is a holly secret performed by the crown pray according to the church religious traditions

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Culture and Western Hegemony: Postcolonial Theoretical Study
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Postcolonial theory deals with the effects of colonization on the colonized societies and their cultures. It examines the complex relationship between the colonized and the colonizer, and it represents the textual reactions that deal directly with such an issue. It is also a literary critique to texts that carry racist or colonial implications. The emergence of postcolonial theory as an aspect of literary criticism represents a shift in the focus of studies regarding the relation between the western and non-western worlds.

In contemporary theoretical discourse, Edward Said has been among the more influential postcolonial critics to draw attention to the centrality of imperialism in Western culture. Said’s work has provided a th

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Middle East and Contemporary Geostrategic Shifts: A Geopolitical Study
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This research focuses on the contemporary geostrategic transformations that afflicted the countries of the Middle East, with a focus on the countries of the Arab East, after the collapse of the system of international relations, and the emergence of the unipolar system led by the United States of America. After the events of September 11 and the events that followed, especially the occupation of Iraq in 2003, the study area witnessed a group of geopolitical variables and the emergence of dangerous phenomena that threatened the state structure in the countries of the Middle East; the most notably are the phenomenon of terrorism, cross-border armed groups, sectarian polarization, the phenomenon of migration and the internal and the externa

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A trade union movement in Britain
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Labor movement is considered important in Britain because it is an international phenomenon of the feudal system and one of the flowerings of the era of the capitalist machine. At the beginning of the 18th century, the world witnessed a change and progress in many aspects of the industrial fields such as the different means of production .this era is called the industrial revolution which especially appeared in Britain and extended to other areas of the world .it leads to many changes in Europe and participated in different economic, political and cultural and social fields. and it has a very important role in progress and development but its disadvantage is that it is exploited by the capitalists to achieve their special rights .in othe

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
المنظمات الدولية دراسة في منهجها وطبيعة فهمها
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المنظمات الدولية دراسة في منهجها وطبيعة فهمها

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Verses of Monks in the Holy Quran Study and Analysis
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Tafsir, ‘interpretation’ is one of the most important sciences the Muslims need. Because Allah, Almighty, revealed the Qur’an to be a way of life for the Muslims in which the healing of what is in the chest, including their goodness and their peasant. Allah says:
“O people, an admonition has indeed come to you from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts; and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.”
In order to achieve the goal for which God revealed the Quran must be understood and managed verses:” This is a Book that We have revealed to you abounding in good, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those who have understanding may be mindful.”
The Prophet (PBUH) and his companions understood t

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Rental in fees faik hassan
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The super good artist, and its leading role experience detailed instrumental in the birth of the modern Iraqi drawing because of the represented technical personal super good in leading production Iraqi drawing since the early forties. If taken Excellence professional to experience the artist compared to the experiences of other pioneers and strengthened, the stylistic diversity through metaphors Different presented by the super good so that covered the period from romantic to Impressionism through schools drawing expressionism and cubism space, and therefore the heritage and the richness of diversity stylistic high to experience the good represents documentation required by contemporary Iraqi formation history, so the researcher found t

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
فلسفة دراسة أدارة الموارد البشرية بمنظور استراتيجي*
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with intellectual and philosophical in modern administrative thought. The focus of the target on the identification of the strategic concept of human resource management practices in business organizations. It studied the scientific concept, in terms of how it has been the shift from  personnel management, and to human resources management, and then to HR management strategy. The research has included extensive serious discussions about the nature of the changes, and how to determine the nature and content of the strategic perspective of human resources management in the changing and volatile world of business. It was also the explanation and clarification theoretical philosophies that came in various previous studies, and i

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