إن قراءة شبه متأنية لبعض مواقف الاِمام السجاد( عليه السلام ) من الظالمين وأعوانهم ، وكذلك مواقفه من بعض الحركات الشيعية التي تفجّرت في زمانه ، وكيف انتقل من مرحلة التقية المؤلمة إلى مرحلة المواجهة الساخنة ، لا سيّما بعد أن استنفذ دوره التبليغي الصامت ، وارتأى أنّه لابدّ أن ينتقل من المرحلة السلبية السرية الصامتة إلى مرحلة اعلان المعارضة ، خاصة وإنّه أدرك أن خصومه عن دوره في تأليب الاُمّة ضدهم وتحشيد غضبها وإثارة سخطها.
اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه
لم تعد التربية في الوقت الحاضر اعتباطا وتخبطا ، أنها علم وفن ، نظر وعمل ، اجتهاد وتطبيق ، اختصاص وابتكار والمربي ، أبا ، إما أو معلما أو زعيما أو مصلحا اجتماعيا ، أصبح بحاجة ماسة للاطلاع على التربية وفكرها التربوي والتعمق في أساليبها ووسائلها ( عاقل ، 1978 ،ص 3 ) .
إن بناء المجتمع أو التربية ،لايمكن إن يكون لهوا ولعبا ، والحق إن بن
... Show Moreمستقبل الايديولوجيا واليوتوبيا في الفكر السياسي الغربي الحديث
Taliban has returned to the forefront since regaining control of Afghanistan in mid-August 2021, prompting the international community and researchers to speculate whether it has adopted a different political vision and ideology from its previous rule (1996-2001). The previous rule presented a distorted version of governance that lacked clear political and ideological foundations, characterized by impulsive and chaotic decisions, and the absence of a comprehensive theoretical and intellectual framework for governance.
Once again, Taliban returned to power on August 15, 2021, and took control of the country. This raised many questions about Taliban's return, the extent of its flexibility and adaptability that allowed the movement t
... Show Moreاشكالية خطاب الحداثة في الفكر السياسي الاسلامي المعاصر
There are many opinions about modern political thoughts for future , trying to draw a map of strong powers in the world and one of these thoughts is the conflict with civilizations. Both of these phenomena search for future and western civilization. It is important to mention that Islamic civilization has special place and clear effect through its conditions.
مدة تولي رئاسة السلطة في الفكر السياسي الاسلامي المعاصر
Class consciousness represents its highest stage in the contemporary Marxist thought of Rosa Luxemburg and Antonio Gramsci, not just a reflection of reality, but rather a dialectical form through the reflection of consciousness on reality and its reproduction. The superiority over the infrastructure (historical materialism) promised the revolutionary class consciousness to be achieved spontaneously, and the seeds of a breakthrough are mass strikes, denying the role of the party to organize this awareness, limiting its role to the interconnection between classes, emphasizing the role of socialist democracy as a conscious vanguard for organizing spontaneity, struggle, and developing awareness during the revolutionary process and the leader
... Show MoreThis study devoted to the emergence of the Arab-Islamic architectural thought and its development. Introduced through a lengthy introduction to the reality of architecture in the Arab world, showed the control methods and concepts of Western architecture in architectural education and in practice.
The people of the house (peace be upon them) had several owners who adopted their correct approach and broadcast the Prophet's narrations and narrated it. They were one of the most important media tools in the era that helped spread the thoughts of the people of the house and spread them among the people. Al-Hasan (peace be upon him) and Sunati to mention in this research, we will discuss his life, his love for the people of the house (peace be upon them) and the most important talk that he narrated about the people of the house (peace be upon them(.
Imam Sajjad was interested for the development of individual realization faith when individual being an important element among the component of society He asserted the development of the spirit of tolerance and the removal of intolerance and fulfillment of the promise Also,