Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt
Genus Salix is among family Salicaceae, distributing in the northern hemisphere. It is represented in Egypt by two species (Salix mucronata and Salix tetrasperma). The classification of Salix at the generic and infra-generic levels is still outstanding. We have agreed to list the Egyptian species of this genus. We collected them during field trips to most Egyptian habitats; fresh and herbarium specimens were subjected to taxonomic revision based on morphological characters; scanning electron microscope (SEM) for pollen grains; isozyme analysis using esterase and peroxidase enzymes and genetic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). We recorded that both sexes of S.
The whole world and the Arab world, especially an important part of this international system, is undergoing a radical transformation at all levels. This mosaic of political, economic, social and military relations and alliances, whether based on the special interests of the major Powers or on the basis of mutual interests, The major transformations to social, economic, political and military conflict and these transformations still bear more surprises, at all levels, nothing remains constant, all changed, relations changed and alliances changed and loyalties fell and the principles of the M changed and the spectacular imperial economies collapsed and the will of the masses was no longer fixed.
Objectives: To assess nurses' attitude toward end of life phase. To find out relationships between nurses attitude and socio demographic data (age, gender, level of education, years of experience).
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design is carried out to assess the attitude on nurses concerning patient at the end of life phase at critical care units, from the period of (1nd November 2021) to (1th February 2022). A probability sample random sampling technique used. Then, the number of participants in Baquba Teaching Hospital and general al khalis hospital were determined by using rando
... Show MoreAnhdralazuri of Yazour a village Ramle Palestine, from a religious family of Abu Mohammed Yazouri arrived in Egypt in the year (439 AH / 1036 AD), and was aimed from behind, returned him to his previous position to assume spend Ramle, Fasttaa a senior statesmen to provide Abu Muhammad Yazouri L. Caliph assuming start, Vtm him so, raising its standing and became MetwallyDiwan or caliph, in the year (441 AH / 1049 AD) was assigned the Chief Justice did not stop at that, but the era of his post of the ministry a year (442 AH / 1051 AD), having proven merit in every Matulah, The minister Yazouri of the powerful minister aspiring and employers pens won several titles did not collect it for one by the judiciary, advocacy and ministry granted C
... Show MoreThese Chapters are concerning a lot of information about Islamic conquest of Egypt . The important chapters are the following :- Chapter 111 :- Concerning the first encounter of Amru with the Romans at the city of Heliopolis . Chapter 112:- How all the Jews assembled in the city of manuf owing to their fear of the Muslim . the Jews left the gates of Misr open and fled to Alexandria .
This study is about the basic designs of Baghdad university from its beginning until 2018 . it takes care of Baghdad university projects as it was separated building until to built more ones collected under one organization ,the project of Baghdad university started from 1959 and considered as rare one that designed as modern according to world measurements
الحمدُ للهِ رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على نبيه الأمين محمد r وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين ، وأصحابه الغر الميامين:
تعد الصورة السمعية مفهوما بيانيا نجده في البلاغة العربية واضحاً مؤثرا، مؤديا دورا جوهريا في إيصال الفكرة التي يروم الأديب إيصالها إلى المتلقي ولا تبدو السمعية واضحة إلاّ إذا نظر إليها في حالة أدبيه تهز كيان الشاعر  
... Show MoreIn 1908 , the American poet Ezra Pound (1885-1972) , the central figure in the modern movement who was the driving force behind several movements , notably Imagism and Vorticism , met the Irish poet W. B. Yeats in London . Pound was employed as his secretary and the two soon became close friends . He found Yeats a realist, symbolist and a metaphysical poet with an uncanny power over words and regarded him the greatest living poet .The poetical style and the occult beliefs of the Irish poet drew the attention of the American Imagist .During the war, Pound and Yeats lived together at Stone Cottage in Sussex studying Japanese literature .Speaking of Yeats , T. S. Eliot described him as "one of those few whose history is the history of their
... Show MoreAL- Shaam Bathrooms in the later Abbasyat Ages
حظيت التربية والتعليم برعاية كبيرة في المجتمع العربي الاسلامي عامة والعصر الراشدي بشكل خاص ونزلت الايات القرأنية الكريمة التي تناولت مفردات العلم والتعليم ومنها قوله تعالى : " وانزل الله عليك الكتاب والحكمة وعلمك ما لم تكن