The society’s view of women and throughout the ages the look of the weak who seeks protection, as we find the man, since ancient times, who
The historical documentation of the architectural archeology has a fundamental and great importance in evaluating the architectural product that has suffered from neglect
ان حماية البيئة وتخفيض التكاليف من األهداف التي تسعى الوحدات االقتصادية الى تحقيقها لكي تتماشى مع التوجه العالمي لحماية الموارد الطبيعية وإنتاج منتجات صديقة للبيئة وفي الوقت نفسه التخلص من االلتزامات التي تتحملها الوحدات االقتصادية من تكاليف بيئية وغر امات مما يؤدي الى ارتفاع كلف االنتاج ، يهدف البحث الى دراسة المرتكزات المعرفية الستراتيجية اإلنتاج األنظف وتحديد التكاليف التي يمكن تخفيضها خالل مراحل اا
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This study aims to identify the most important legislatures and legal frameworks pertaining to advertisement for children. It focuses on the western approach, which is characterized by the variety of its perspectives in presenting issues and in identifying problems. However, if studies show that there is a certain awareness about the advertisement impact on children, it is obvious that most of legislatures reject the laws restricting the broadcast advertising spots intended for children under 12 years of age, with the exception of the Swedish and the Canadian province of Quebec experiences, which opted for total ban on advertising spots broadcast messages targeting children. |
The significance of this research lies in revealing the actual role of the range of
the effect of women's participation in family life. Both the historic and the
conclusive curriculum were used. The researcher was able to achieve several
results; one of the important of them is the existence of the obstacles that working
women face in life, though they do not stop the woman and her work.
The Moslem women between west and Islam ,This study deals with Muslim women
from the west Pont of view in the oriental studies or the western media and how it was
exposed to ill-treatment or evil-eyed by the west due to misunderstanding or it was done on
purpose that they didn’t comprehend how the women deals with Islam ,so this western view
assured that Islam had disparaged the women's position and hindered her freedom, aiming at
stabbing Islam and dislocate the Islamic tissue which is formed from man and women.
This study has established with evidences the distance of this western view from reality
Islam in fact raised and lifted women's position while the western women was living on
the margin of life, robbed
The Shari'a of Islam is the end of the laws revealed by God, including the goodness of the servants in the pension and the restored. They are supported by the enemies of Islam, especially in these days when the Islamic Ummah is subjected to a fierce campaign by its enemy to repel it from its religion through what they claim from the rights of women, including the right to equality with men.
Islam came to announce to all mankind that women are part of life in society without which they can not imagine life for them. Islam did not leave women under the absolute authority of men, but raised their status and worked to liberate them, and these rights are divorced from her husband, does she have the right
عاش البيروني في القرن الرابع الهجري الذي كان يمثل مثاراً للصراعات السياسية والفكرية، ومن خلال هذه الأوضاع المتأزمة برز البيروني كعلم من اعلام هذا القرن، ومن أبرز مفكري الحضارة العربية الاسلامية فنجده كتب في الرياضيات
Indexing manuscripts is one of the important technical operations carried out by the indexer because of the descriptive or bibliographic data it provides.
The intellectual and revolutionary movements that have emerged since the beginning of the second half of the first century of the Islamic era did not appear suddenly, but must have preceded by a social consciousness, multi-forms, in the forefront of class awareness and religious awareness, and awareness was more painful, Of the society of the Arabian Peninsula - before Islam - feel it and suffer from it, a sense of injustice and tyranny, oppression and humiliation, and the destruction of dignity as well as poverty and hunger, and the injustice of tribal laws, and tyranny of each other and the tyranny of their heads on the tribes members and families belonging to this tribe or hill
Indexing manuscripts is one of the important technical operations carried out by the indexer because of the descriptive or bibliographic data it provides