تحيا الأمم بتراثها فهو الأساس الذي تنطلق منهُ، وما من أمة إلاّ ولها تراث، وهو سر حياتها وديمومتها ، فالأمة العربية الأسلامية لها تراث تليد التي تشرفت بحمل أقدس رسالة سماوية وأكملها لأمم الأرض، فكانت نبراساً أهتدت به البشرية حتى انتشلتها من واقعها المريض إلى أرغد عيش وأقوم خلق وأنبل نفس .
The shortcomings of the Muslim regime were however, became more obvious in later periods. Under the first Abbasids, the Muslims bourgeoisies were still a new class, rising in the social hierarchy of the caliph empire. It became even powerful class and a factor to reckon with
تناول البحث اثر النساء في البيت العباسي وتأثيرهن الثقافي والعلمي في التراث البغدادي ، وانعكاسه على الواقع الاجتماعي الذي يعد بحد ذاته مظهر من مظاهر الانسجام والتلاحم بين الماضي والحاضر إذ تركن أثرا بارزا في الحضارة والعلم وأسهمن بصورة مباشره او غير مباشره في دعم وتطور الحضارة العربية الإسلامية .
The research deals with the Presidents of the Christians who called themselves (Ghaltka) in the book titled (orient chirsy patriarchs) that talked about their scientific practical biography adding to) that their completeness on the position of Ghaltka with its decrees and caliphs who were contemporaries to them ,as well as their places, deaths, cemeteries and their accomplishments In accordance with the powers granted to them and also it mentions the situation of The Abbasid caliphate with them and with the sons of their sect .
The process of doing many kinds of industries , crafts , professions around Islamic Arabian State , they enable us to say that Arab Muslims over their homelands had been occupied various types of crafts and manufacturing before emergence Islam . Moreover Islam encouraged to work within manufacture field . And These matters were clarified through verses of the Holy Qur’an and honored prophetic guidance ( Sunna ) . Whereas Arab Muslims applied principle “ Free of Business “ . They admitted to different social groups such as pact – fellows people to profession or craft which they desire to work . We have to not forget that Arab Muslims had broken all restraints and shackles which had restricted the worker bef
... Show MorePhoto citation request in examples Of ascetic poetry in the first Abbasid era
Is astronomy in the Abbasid era one of the sciences that Muslims developed at that time? The restriction of students at the hands of a large number of students, which increased the development and increase the value of monitoring mechanisms and their outstanding efforts in support and development of the Arab civilization of Islam
The Abbasid state inherited many enemies because of the Islamic conquests in the Umayyad era and its geographical extension, which included a number of seas, so it had to direct its energy to preserve the achievements achieved by its predecessors from the Muslims. One of the sea princes who had a role in protecting the coasts of the Abbasid state, especially in the Levant and Egypt.
The implementation of the educational system is in itself an application of the provisions of Islamic law and the basis upon which the social system rests
لم يكن من السهولة على الباحث في مجال التربية والتعليم تحديد مراحل التعليم في العصر العباسي الأخير او وضع فواصل محددة بين تلك المراحل المختلفة من ذلك العصر، لان التعليم آنذاك كان يتميز بالمرونة التي تتيح للتعليم الحرية المطلقة في اختيار نوع الدراسة والمادة الدراسية التي يريد دراستها.
فكانت المساجد والكتاتيب والمجالس العامة والخاصة هي المؤسسات العلمية الاولى للتعليم عند المسلمين في عهد ال
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